Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 432 The person who deciphered the 8 formations.

Chapter 432 The person who cracked the eight formations.


"Huang Chengyan, it's Huang Chengyan!" Suddenly, Li Chen slapped the table and said loudly.

According to the description in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Guan Gong lost not only Jingzhou, but also his head when he lost Maicheng.In the process of avenging Guan Yu, Zhang Fei was decapitated by Fan Jiang and Zhang Da for abusing soldiers and sent to Jiangdong.

For the sake of the whole Taoyuan, Liu Bei refused to listen to Zhuge Liang's dissuasion, and insisted on launching the Battle of Yiling, launching an all-out war against Jiangdong.

Because Zhuge Liang opposed the war with Soochow, Liu Bei did not use Zhuge Liang as his military adviser in this expedition.It's a pity that Liu Bei without Zhuge Liang was really no match for Lu Xun, then the governor of Soochow Wu.

Lu Xun set fire to Liu Bei's [-]-mile joint camp, and burned Liu Bei's hundreds of thousands of troops to nothing.Liu Bei had no choice but to flee with a small number of soldiers and horses.

However, this Soochow is not a kiln, so Liu Bei can come and leave whenever he wants.At this time, the national power of the Shu Kingdom had weakened from its peak to the extreme, and it was the time when the Eastern Wu cavalry attacked Shu.

Lu Xun led an army of [-] Soochow, and wanted to take the opportunity to annex Shuhan in order to be able to compete with Wei.However, Liu Bei was in trouble, how could Zhuge Liang not save him.On Lu Xun's only way, Zhuge Liang laid out the eight formations with chaotic stones.

Due to a moment of negligence, Lu Xun led an army of [-] troops into the eight formations.Lu Xun's entire army of [-] was lost in the battle and was almost wiped out.

Zhuge Liang knew that if Jiangdong's [-] troops were gone, and two of the Three Kingdoms would be left behind, the elite soldiers of the Wei State would be able to dominate the world.

It was precisely because of this thought that Zhuge Liang ordered his father-in-law Huang Yanzhang to enter the formation and guide Lu Xun in the direction, which allowed him to get out of the formation.

Although Huang Chengyan failed to become Zhuge Liang's father-in-law in this life, it was because the marriage between Huang Yueying and Zhuge Liang was messed up by Li Chen.Before that, the relationship between Huang Chengyan and Zhuge Liang was very good.

The Eight Formation Diagram is an extremely complex formation, which cannot be researched overnight.That is to say, Zhuge Liang may have researched this formation a long time ago. Based on this calculation, Huang Chengyan is probably the other person who knows this formation besides Zhuge Liang.

Li Chen suddenly called out Huang Chengyan's name, which really scared everyone.It was a surprise, but it was scary.

"Old man Huang, how could old man Huang know Zhuge Liang's formation?" Cheng Yaojin said to himself.

Cheng Yaojin used to follow Huang Yueying's orders in the shipyard, so he was naturally very familiar with Huang Yueying's father, Huang Chengyan.

"King Qin, you mean Miss Huang Yueying's father knows about this formation?" Jia Xu asked Li Chen.

Huang Yueying once had a marriage contract with Zhuge Liang, and everyone knew about it, so if Huang Chengyan knew Zhuge Liang's eight formations, it made sense.


"If anyone in the world except Zhuge Liang knows about these eight formations, then it must be Huang Chengyan." Li Chen said very firmly.

Although the history of the entire Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms has been deviated in a mess because of the butterfly flapping its wings.However, there are still some details that are on the track that should have been.

Li Chen was sure that Huang Chengyan probably knew Zhuge Liang's eight formations.If even this period of history has been shifted, then maybe the sky will not let me take Soochow.

"Since that's the case, it's not too late. I have to invite Mr. Huang to come here as soon as possible." Jia Xu stroked his goat's beard and said.

If Huang Chengyan really knew the method of deciphering Zhuge Liang's eight formations, once the Shanyin Pass was broken, Soochow would be in his pocket.

"Yaojin, you quickly lead a team of people. Travel day and night, and bring Mr. Huang here as quickly as possible." Li Chen told Cheng Yaojin.

This task must be left to Cheng Yaojin.Most of my subordinates only know Huang Yueying, not Huang Chengyan.And Cheng Yaojin has a good relationship with Huang Chengyan, why should he be asked to go.

"King Qin, don't worry, my old Cheng will definitely bring the old man Huang." Cheng Yaojin cupped his hands and said.

After Cheng Yaojin received the order, he turned around and left the tent.This matter can't be delayed. The sooner Huang Chengyan comes, the sooner he can break through this bullshit eight formation diagram.

After Cheng Yaojin left, Li Chen always felt that something was wrong, so he quickly ordered: "Zilong, you go with Yaojin. This kid is fussy, so keep an eye on him."

"No!" Zhao Yun cupped his hands and chased after Cheng Yaojin.

"Drive! Drive!"

Not long after, Cheng Yaojin and Zhao Yun left the Qin army's camp with more than a hundred soldiers.

"Zilong, tell me, the King of Qin is still worried about my old Cheng's work, and even sent you to watch over me." On the way, Cheng Yaojin said angrily.

Zhao Yun thought to himself, don't you know what it is like to do things by yourself, kid?Could it be that King Qin was worried?It's not just the king of Qin who is worried, but none of you in our big camp can rest assured.

"Bite gold, are you afraid that I will share your credit?" Zhao Yun joked.

Hearing this, Cheng Yaojin quickly denied it: "Zilong, what are you talking about, which one of our brothers will give to the other. As I said, without you, Zhao Zilong, I don't know how many times I, old Cheng, would have died."

Zhao Yun had saved Cheng Yaojin's life many times, so Cheng Yaojin was very grateful to Zhao Yun.

"They are all brothers in life and death, so why not be polite."

"Hurry up, don't miss the important event of King Qin!" Zhao Yun urged.

Zhao Yun and Cheng Yaojin didn't know that Ling Tong was right in front of them.Ling Tong set off a day or two earlier than they did, so he reckoned that he would arrive one step ahead of the two of them.

Zhao Yun and Cheng Yaojin were ordered to invite Huang Chengyan, while Ling Tong wanted to lead someone to kill Huang Chengyan.

Zhuge Liang knew that now the Huang family was determined to work for Li Chen.And now that Li Chen, the king of Qin, is in the limelight, it is impossible for the Huang family to switch to Soochow.

Zhuge Liang also knew that the only flaw in the Eight Arrays now was Huang Chengyan.Once Huang Chengyan knew that he used the eight formations to block Qin Jun, he might remember what happened back then. If this happened, he would definitely help Li Chen break the eight formations.

The Eight Formation Map is the only thing that can stop Qin Jun now, and it cannot be broken anyway.At this time, Zhuge Liang naturally wouldn't care about the old relationship.Killing Huang Chengyan, only after killing Huang Chengyan can he be done once and for all.

Zhuge Liang knew in his heart that as long as Huang Chengyan was killed, he would be the only one in the world who knew the diagram of the eight formations.In this way, Soochow can keep it.

When Ling Tong was dispatched, Zhuge Liang had already shown him how powerful it was.Ling Tong knew that he would kill Huang Chengyan at all costs, even if it cost his own life.

(End of this chapter)

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