Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 439 The situation in the world is determined.

Chapter 439 The situation in the world is determined.

Shanyin Pass!
Once Zhuge Liang's eight formations were broken, nearly 30 troops of the Qin army rushed forward, while the Wu army in Shanyin Pass only had more than [-] people.

Not to mention the huge disparity in military strength, the combat effectiveness of the Wu army cannot be compared with that of the Qin army. The fall of Shanyin Pass is only a matter of time.

In the battle of Fankou, the navy of Soochow was wiped out.In the battle of Chanling, Soochow's army was also wiped out.Today's Soochow, how can it compete against the strong Qin.

Zhuge Liang stood on Shanyin Pass, confused and helpless, a deep sense of powerlessness surged in his heart.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and a good cook can't cook good dishes without ingredients.Today's Soochow has no soldiers, no generals, and Zhuge Liang has nothing to do.

The Eight Formation Diagram in front of Shanyin Pass is Zhuge Liang's last resort, but a wise man is bound to make a mistake, and by the time Zhuge Liang thinks of Huang Chengyan, it is too late.

Zhuge Liang lived in Soochow as a guest. Speaking of which, he was not a minister of Soochow, and he did not receive Soochow's salary. To be able to do this for Soochow, Zhuge Liang had already done his best.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The drums of the Qin army sounded, and the entire Shanyin Pass was densely packed with soldiers of the Qin army.As the saying goes, once there are more than ten thousand people, there is no limit.There are a total of 30 black armored soldiers of the Qin army, and it looks like a black sea.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Under Shanyin Pass, drums sounded, and the Qin army was forming a formation. It seemed that they were preparing to attack the city overnight.

"Mr. Zhuge, something is wrong, something is wrong."

"Deserts, our soldiers have escaped." A general of the Wu army reported.

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang's expression became even more ugly. For them, this battle was originally a hell-level difficulty, and now it is even more difficult.

Zhuge Liang came to the case, wrote a letter with a "shua shua", and ordered people to send the letter to Moling, the capital of Wu, and hand the letter to Sun Ce, king of Wu.

"Do your best and obey the destiny. I, Zhuge Liang, will live up to Soochow." Zhuge Liang sighed secretly in his heart.

As the saying goes, husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and when disaster strikes, they fly separately.Even if this is the case for couples who share the same bed, let alone mention the affairs of this country.

At this time, many generals and soldiers of Soochow fled, and Zhuge Liang stayed behind to lead the troops to fight against the enemy.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After the three-way drum sounded, the soldiers of the Qin Army rushed up overwhelmingly.Rows of ladders were built on the city wall, and soldiers of the Qin Army climbed up from the ladders.

"Defend, defend quickly!"

On the city wall, some remaining generals of the Wu army are still holding on to the city wall, but obviously their persistence is like a mantis holding a cart for the 30 soldiers of the Qin army below the city.

The gap in strength between Soochow and Qin was too great. Once the eight formations were broken, it was already doomed that Shanyin Pass would not be able to hold.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Amidst the earth-shattering shouts of killing bells, the soldiers of the Qin Army climbed up the city wall.Once the Qin army climbed the city wall, it was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.The soldiers of the Eastern Wu had no power to fight back at all, and countless soldiers of the Eastern Wu died under the swords of the Qin army in an instant.

The army of the Qin army was as large as 30. Originally, there were only more than [-] Wu soldiers in Shanyin Pass. Now, after deserting, the number of Wu soldiers on the city wall is now less than [-].

The 30 Qin army faced [-] Wu soldiers, which was a ten-fold difference in strength, and the combat effectiveness of the Wu soldiers was far inferior to that of the generals of the Qin army.

As a steady stream of Qin troops rushed into the city wall, the Wu soldiers on the city wall could not resist at all.At this time, the city wall was full of Wu Jun's corpses.

Shanyin Pass.

war room.

"Report, Mr. Zhuge's city is lost, you can go!" A bloody general of Wu Bing rushed in and said.

Now that the tree has fallen and the hozen is scattered, if you don't leave, you can only stay and be buried with this Chanling City.

"The world is so big, where can I, Zhuge Liang, live?" Zhuge Liang thought in his heart.

Now that Qiangqin is powerful, it is a foregone conclusion that Qiangqin will win Soochow.The Great Qin that won Soochow has become the most powerful family in the world.

The strength of the Qin army's army has long been recognized by the world.Now the Qin army's navy has defeated the Soochow navy, and the strength of this navy has become famous all over the world.

"Although Cao Cao is powerful, he is just a villain with no morals. This person is no different from Li Chen, and he is nothing to seek."

"Although Yuan Shao is the fourth generation and the third lord, he is more scheming than decisive. He is a person who has inherited the shadow of his ancestors, and it is difficult to achieve great things."

"The world is so big, who can Zhuge Liang vote against Qin?" At this time, Zhuge Liang became confused again.

"Liu Bei, to Liu Bei!"

"I have an agreement with Liu Bei. If the joint war against Qin is successful, I will leave Wu and vote for him. Although Soochow is defeated, I can vote for Liu Bei."

"Liu Bei has generals Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, and Wei Yan. Wen has Xu Shu. If I have Zhuge Liang's assistance. If I plan to plan a thousand miles of Shu and sit and watch the Central Plains War, it may not be impossible." Zhuge Liang thought in his heart. Secretly made a decision.

In fact, the princes of the world at this time.It is the best choice for Zhuge Liang to vote for Cao Cao.But Zhuge Liang still regarded himself as noble and didn't want to join Cao Cao.

Since you don't want to vote for Cao Cao, it is obviously the best choice to vote for Liu Bei at this time.

After making a decision in his heart, Zhuge Liang left the city in disguise and headed for Zhuojun.

At this time, Liu Bei probably didn't know the current situation in Soochow, and he was still in Zhuojun and Zhangliao, and they were already confronting each other.

Zhuge Liang's front foot had just hit the south gate and left Shanyin Pass, and the north gate of Shanyin Pass had been completely lost.

At this time, it is no longer as simple as the city wall being occupied by the Qin army, but even the city gate has fallen into the hands of the Qin army.

Tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Qin Army poured into Shanyin Pass like a tide.

At this time, the Soochow soldiers in Shanyin Pass had no intention of resisting.It can be said that death is death, injury is injury, surrender is surrender, and escape is escape.

The next day.

Shanyin Pass.

After a night of fighting, Shanyin Pass has completely fallen into the hands of the Qin army.On the city wall of Shanyin Pass, the black dragon flag of the Qin Army fluttered.

"King Qin, now Shanyin Pass has fallen into the hands of our army." Chen Qingzhi reported to Li Chen.

"With Shanyin Pass, the entire Soochow Wu will be free of barriers. Within three months, we will take the entire territory of Soochow Wu." Li Chen roared into the sky with arrogance.

Today, Li Chen can be said to be at the time of the spring breeze.Now, winning Soochow is a certainty.After taking down Soochow, Li Chen can retreat to defend Jiangdong, and advance to take the world. It can be said that he is already in an invincible position.

(End of this chapter)

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