Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 450 Instigated against Xu You.

Chapter 450 Instigated against Xu You.

Yuan Shao is the fourth generation and the third lord, the most prominent family in the world.He was the one who paid the most attention to rules, if Yuan Shao had not been crowned king, Xu You and Yuan Shao, who called him brothers and sisters, would still be able to accommodate him.

However, since Yuan Shao became king, he paid more attention to rules than before.Naturally, Xu You couldn't be allowed to call him brother and brother, because of this matter, Yuan Shao reprimanded Xu You a lot.

However, Xu You's wine quality is really not good. Once he drinks, Xu You doesn't care about anything or anything.

Xu You even accused Yuan Shao of being a traitor when he was drunk, and Xu You even said that you, Yuan Benchu, are not as good as Cao ah!

Xu You is fond of wine, but he is also arrogant after drinking. Yuan Shao didn't kill him because of his past friendship, so how could he reuse him.

Although Xu You is not allowed to be reused by Yuan Shao, because of his small relationship, Yuan Shao does not shy away from doing things with him.Therefore, this Xu You is a good object of instigation.

Cao Cao wiped his chin, Xu You is indeed a good target for instigating rebellion!If Xu You could be used by Cao Cao, it would be like planting a nail in Yuan Benchu's heart.

At the critical moment, just a little force can take Yuan Shao's life.

"It's really a good idea to instigate Xu Ziyuan, let me think about it, let me think about it!" Cao Cao said while thinking.

When Cao Cao was young, he still had contact with Xu You, but after this momentum, Xu You took refuge in Yuan Shao, and the two lost contact.

However, as the so-called three-year-old looks old, Cao Cao is still very clear about Xu You's temperament.

Although Xu You has some abilities, he also has a lot of problems.Good wine, lustful, greedy for money, and this person is extremely fond of being flattered by others, the more you flatter him, the happier he will be and the more willing to get close to you.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao wrote a letter to Xu You.In this letter, it can be said that it is full of praise for Xu Youzhi's talent.In the future, it will be unfair to pack Xu You's non-reuse.In the end, it was Cao Cao's words to persuade Xu You to surrender, and there was also a total promise to Xu You.

After writing the letter, he dried the ink on it. Cao Cao picked up the letter and said to Cheng Yu, "Mr. Cheng, you don't bother the two masters with one thing, so why don't you go to Yecheng for me?"

Why did Cao Cao ask Cheng Yu to go to Yecheng? Naturally, it was to persuade Xu You to surrender for his own use.This strategy was proposed by Cheng Yu. If Cheng Yu can go to Yecheng and persuade Xu You to surrender, then Cheng Yu has made all the contributions!
Cheng Yu cupped his hands towards Cao Cao and replied, "That's exactly what I meant!"

Cao Cao asked Cheng Yu to persuade Xu You to surrender, but not only with this letter.What you said is consummation, but there is no reality.

In addition to this letter, Cao Cao also prepared many gifts for Xu You.These gifts included 3000 taels of gold, one hundred altars of fine wine, and ten beauties.In addition to these three great gifts, there are also jewelry, jade, silk and satin.With money and things, the beauty pulled a dozen carts.

Cao Cao is now the king of Wei, and the territory is also large. These things are nothing to Cao Cao.

Not to mention these things, even adding ten times, Xu You can help him beat Yuan Shao, Cao Cao also thinks it is worth it.

Cheng Yu took Cao Cao's letter and these things, and led a group of soldiers pretending to be a caravan, and headed towards Yecheng.

Cao Cao's attack on Yuan Shao has already been put on the agenda.Once Yuan Shao's army was completely withdrawn from the Huainan area, they had to turn around and fight Yuan Shao.

Therefore, it is extremely urgent to buy Xu You as an internal response.Cheng Yu didn't dare to delay, and rushed to Yecheng day and night all the way.


Xu House.

In fact, Xu You's position in Yuan Shao's place is very awkward.It stands to reason that he and Yuan Shaoben are the closest, but Xu You is arrogant and should not be reused.

"Master, there is another person from outside who came to ask for an interview. He claimed to be Cheng, and he came from Xudu!" The old housekeeper said in Xu You's ear.

Xu Du came, this matter can be big or small, if it gets out, there will inevitably be suspicion.

"No, no!" Xu You waved his hand and said.

Xu You knew Yuan Shao well, and Yuan Shao was not a big-hearted person, if people knew that he had met someone from Cao Cao.I'm afraid that there must be a gap between the two of them.

"Master, this is the gift slip he handed over!" The old butler said, and handed over the gift slip.

When Xu You saw the gift list, his eyes were straightened, and his breathing couldn't help being a little short.

Cao Cao's gift was not light, and all the gifts were tailored to his liking, and the gifts were all Xu You's favorite things.

Among other things, Xu You has worked with Yuan Shao for so many years, and what Yuan Shao rewarded Xu You is nothing compared to what Cao Cao gave this time.

The more Xu You thought about it, the more aggrieved he became, the more he thought about it, the more angry he felt, and the more regretful he was. He shouldn't have coveted Yuan Shao's power to vote for Yuan Shao.I should vote for Cao, if that is the case, I will definitely be reused.

Thinking of this, Xu You gritted his teeth, and told the housekeeper, "Bring me in!"

Although Xu You's character is flawed, he is very smart.Cao Cao sent someone to see him at this time, and even gave him a gift, which was of course trying to win him over.

Xu You knew what Cao Cao meant, and he was willing to see Cheng Yu now, which showed that he already had the idea of ​​joining Cao Cao in his heart.

In fact, it's no wonder that Xu You wanted to join Cao Cao.Whenever this employee wants to change jobs, it means that the boss's money is not enough.

"Da da da!"

Not long after, Cheng Yu went outside and walked in.Cheng Yu looked at Xu You, and Xu You was also looking at Xu You.

After the two looked at each other for a while, Cheng Yu took out a letter from his cuff, handed it to Xu You and said, "Mr. Xu, this is my heart from King Wei."


"Ah, you wrote me a letter!" Xu You accepted the letter with a smile.

You said, how arrogant Xu You is.He actually called Cao Cao by his nickname, Ah Man, instead of King Wei.

Hearing Xu You call Cao Cao ah, Cheng Yu's face turned cold, and then he returned to normal.

As the saying goes, those who achieve great things do not care about small details.Now Cheng Yu's goal is to win Xu You over. As for what he calls Cao Cao, let him go for now.

After reading Cao Cao's letter, Xu You became even more dissatisfied with Yuan Shao.In Cao Cao's letter, he exaggerated Xu Youzhi's talent, and then described in detail his love back then.

Xu You looked at the letter, and thought that he and Yuan Shao were brothers and sisters, but he would still be severely reprimanded by him.This made Xu You think that Cao Cao valued friendship far more than Yuan Shao.

"I am brother and sister with Ah Ho, and I can accept what Ah Ho has said in my heart." Xu You said to Cheng Yu.

In Cao Cao's heart, besides expounding on his love back then and praising Xu You's talent, he also mentioned a serious matter, which is to let Xu You serve as an internal response.

(End of this chapter)

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