Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 453 Yuan Shao who was in a hurry to get angry.

Chapter 453 Yuan Shao who was in a hurry to get angry.

"Nonsense, now Cao's troops are in Huainan area, attacking my lord's brother Yuan Shu, how can he plan our Yecheng!"

"I see that you, the envoy of Qin, are full of nonsense, and you are not a son of man." Before Yuan Shao could speak, military advisor Guo Tu jumped out and said.

"Ha ha!"

"A few days ago, it was true that Cao Mo was attacking Huainan, but my King Qin had already taken down Jiangdong first. If Cao Mo wanted to take Shouchun, he would have to be next to my lord if he got Huainan. Cao Mo was afraid of my lord. He took the initiative to cede the Huainan area."

"Now, Cao's troops have withdrawn from Huainan and are heading straight for Yecheng, the home of the King of Jin."

"Cao Cao's Xiahou brothers brought [-] soldiers and horses and were ordered to cut off the retreat route of the King of Jin. If the King of Jin doesn't believe it, send someone back to investigate. Take a look and see if your retreat route has not been cut off, then you will know the truth." The Qin envoy said.

Hearing these words, Yuan Shao's complexion became gloomy and cold.Obviously, Yuan Shao had believed more than half of what this person said.

Just like what this person said, if you send someone to check behind you, and see that there are no soldiers and horses of Brother Xiahou behind you, then this matter will be clear.

Cao Cao's mobilization of several 10 horses was concealed from Yuan Shao for a while, but it was impossible to hide it from Yuan Shao I.Therefore, there is absolutely no need for Li Chen to send someone to deceive Yuan Shao.Since there is no need to send someone to deceive Yuan Shao, then this matter is probably true.

"Please also ask the envoy to rest in my camp first, and talk to the envoy after I find out the truth of the matter." Yuan Shao said to the visitor.

Jin Yiwei's man was not afraid, he smiled slightly, and clarified with Yuan Shao's subordinates.He knew that after Yuan Shao sent someone to investigate, he had to be invited over.

"Ju Yi, quickly send someone to investigate behind!" Yuan Shao ordered with a cold face.

"No!" Ju Yi cupped his hands to accept the order.

If the soldiers and horses of the Xiahou brothers were found in the rear, it would be a big trouble for Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao's family knew about his family affairs, and now his family was brought to conquer Gongsun Zan, and the entire territory was very empty.But if Brother Xiahou can stop them for more than a month, his hometown of Yecheng will be lost.

Ju Yi knew that this matter should not be underestimated, so he immediately dispatched his confidants, led a team of fast horses, and galloped towards the rear.

Looking at the pair of fast horses disappearing on the horizon in Beiping City, Yuan Shao felt mixed feelings in his heart.

Today, he captured Gongsun Zan's lair, and Gongsun Zan burned himself to death on Yijing Tower.If Cao Cao was allowed to steal his city of Ye, then Yuan Shao would have to end up with Gongsun Zan.

No matter what, Ye City must not be lost, and no one can lose to Cao Ah Man.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shao secretly made up his mind.

It is precisely because Yuan Shao and Cao Cao were young brothers that they used to beat widows together and peek at widows taking a bath.But the more so, the more Yuan Shao couldn't bear to lose to Cao Cao.

Tanma has already been sent out, and now it is useless to worry, and we can only wait for Tanma to report back.

It was night, and Yuan Shao's army had taken over the entire city of Beiping.

Yuan Shao was resting in the government office of Beiping Mansion, but tonight Yuan Shao was tossing and turning and having trouble falling asleep.

It was not until the third watch that Yuan Shao fell asleep in a daze.

At five o'clock, Yuan Shao had just fallen asleep not long ago.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A hasty knock on the door surprised Yuan Shao from his dream.

"Who?" Yuan Shao asked outside the door.

"Prince Jin, it's me, Ju Yi, Tanma is back." Ju Yi said softly outside the door, but his tone was a little anxious.

As soon as Yuan Shao heard that Tan Ma had come back, his sleepiness disappeared immediately, he hurriedly put on his clothes, and walked in from the bedroom.

"Da da da!"

There was a sound of footsteps, and Yuan Shao came out of the room. Yuan Shao just wanted to ask Ju Yi.Seeing Ju Yi's expression, Yuan Shao immediately cried out in his heart that something was wrong.

Yuan Shao frowned, and asked Ju Yi, "Is what Qin envoy said true?"

Ju Yi nodded towards Yuan Shao, and said with a gloomy face, "It's true, we are five hundred miles behind, on the way back, Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan's [-] soldiers and horses are ambushed near Jieqiao."

Upon hearing Jieqiao, Yuan Shao's expression turned cold.A few months ago, it was Ju Yi, his general, who wiped out Gongsun Zan's ace army, Baima Yicong, in the Battle of Jieqiao.

On that day, he defeated Gongsun Zan at Jieqiao, forcing Gongsun Zan to set himself on fire in Yijing Tower.Today, Brother Xiahou also set up an ambush at Jieqiao. Doesn't this mean that he, Yuan Shao, will also end up in the same fate as Gongsun Zan.

"Beat the drum, gather the generals!" Yuan Shao squeezed out a few words through his teeth with a gloomy face.

When the sky is about to light up.

In the meeting hall of the government office, a group of civil and military personnel under Yuan Shao gathered.

After Ju Yidang shared the news about the investigation with the horses, the generals immediately turned pale with shock.

For a moment, it was as if five hundred ducks had gathered in the meeting hall, and there were noisy sounds everywhere.

Yuan Shao wasn't startled at first, but when he heard these noisy civil and military voices, he immediately felt his head buzzing.

The civil and military forces under Yuan Shao's command are still as usual.You say something, I say something, you say you want to beat the dog, I say you want to chase the chicken.

These people were arguing red-faced, but they still haven't discussed what happened.Not to mention discussing a fact, there is not even a single person who can put forward a useful opinion.

Under Yuan Shao's command, there is still a lack of top advisers such as Zhuge Liang, Liu Bowen, Guo Jia, and Jia Xu.

The difference between this top strategist and an ordinary strategist is the ability to react on the spot and this foresight.

It is difficult for ordinary strategists to come up with useful ideas in a short period of time. They often need long-term deduction and a lot of intelligence evidence before they can make useful suggestions.

On the battlefield, why is it said that a top strategist is very important.It is precisely because, on the battlefield, it is a race against time.Only top strategists can make the most correct judgment at the most correct time.


"I asked you to come here to discuss countermeasures, not to quarrel!"

"Idea, can you come up with an idea!" Yuan Shao suddenly slapped the table and asked angrily.

When Yuan Shao got angry, these counselors stopped talking immediately, and each of them lowered their heads like ostriches.

Good idea, not really.

You know, Cao Cao's current style of play is the result of Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao's advice to him.Yuan Shao's counselors are worse than the genius Guo Fengxiao.

Coupled with the lack of information nowadays, these people are still far behind in breaking Guo Jia's plan.

Yuan Shao looked at the group of counselors under him, and suddenly felt a little angry in his heart, wishing to cut off all the No.

(End of this chapter)

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