Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 460 Ji Ling Dedicates the City!

Chapter 460 Ji Ling Dedicates the City!

After Yuan Xu sat down, he turned to Ji Ling and said, "Brother Ji Ling, we haven't had a drink together for a long time. It's a war now, so we can't drink too much of this wine, let's drink a few less glasses."

Yuan Xu's grandson sat down, which put Ji Ling in a dilemma.After thinking about it for a while, Ji Ling thought that it was still early, and the grandson would definitely have to go back after eating and drinking, so he simply had something to eat and drink with him, and sent him away as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Ji Ling sat down, exchanged cups with Yuan Xu, and had a few drinks.

Ji Ling and Yuan Xu are also old acquaintances, Ji Ling is a general under Yuan Shu's command, Yuan Xu is Yuan Shu's cousin, although the two don't have a deep friendship, they still know each other.

It never occurred to Ji Ling that this fucking Yuan Xu was a chatterbox, and the chat would go on and on.

Seeing that the agreed time was getting closer, Yuan Xu did not leave at all.At this moment, Ji Ling felt a little anxious.

Seeing, it will be the third watch.

Zhao Yun, Yuwen Chengdu, and Pei Yuanqing had already lurked under Shouchun City with [-] soldiers and horses.The three of them waited for the fire to be raised in the middle of the night, and the gate of the city was opened wide, and then rushed into Shouchun City in one fell swoop.

"Brother Zhao, it's three o'clock, why is there no movement at all?"

"Is something wrong?" Yu Wencheng asked Zhao Yun with a frown.

Among the three, Zhao Yun is the oldest, and Pei Yuanqing is the youngest. Therefore, the three vaguely center on Zhao Yun and call Zhao Yun their brother.

I saw the third watch, but I didn't raise the fire and open the city gate as expected.Zhao Yun was also a little anxious.No matter what happened in the city, or it was a trap from the beginning, it was not good news for them.


"While waiting for a stick of incense, if there is no news, then withdraw." Zhao Yun said to the two.

At the same time, Ji Ling on the city wall was also very anxious.Yuan Xu's grandson really doesn't drink very much, after just a few cups, he is already a little smoked.The grandson was in better spirits after drinking, and he chatted with Ji Ling endlessly.

"Need to urinate, urgency to urinate!" Ji Ling kicked General Zhang under the table, motioning him to go out with him.

Just as Ji Ling left, General Zhang said to Yuan Xu, "I'll go too, do you want General Yuan to come with you?"

"You go, go!" Yuan Xu waved his hands and said.

Yuan Xu thought to himself, if you go to a brothel, I will go with you, and if you go to pee, what will I do with you, do you smell your urine?

After General Zhang came out, he looked left and right to find Ji Ling.

"Here, here!" Ji Ling waved towards him.

"Brother, it's midnight, and time is running out!" General Zhang said to Ji Ling.

Ji Ling frowned, thinking to himself, there is only one chance, if this opportunity is missed today, I am afraid King Qin will not trust them anymore.

Thinking of this, my heart skipped a beat, and I asked General Zhang, "How many people did he bring?"

General Zhang hesitated and said, "Not many, a hundred people."

"Take people and deal with them," Ji Ling ordered.

"Kick, kick, kick."

General Zhang surnamed went down the city wall, and then he heard a noise coming from the city. Not long after, General Zhang surnamed came back covered in blood.

"Brother, all of them were hacked to death, and no one was left alive!" General Zhang reported.

"Wait here!" Ji Ling ordered, and entered the gate tower alone.

"Brother Ji Ling, why did it take so long to pee?" Yuan Xu asked.

Ji Ling smiled, and said to Yuan Xu: "Brother, brother, I went to get you a treasure!"


"What baby?" Yuan Xu asked Ji Ling.

When Ji Ling first came up, he took a knife casually. Now, this knife has become the treasure in Ji Ling's mouth.

"A few days ago, I got a precious sword, but you only know that brother, I use an axe, and this sword is just a pearl in my hands."

"Today, I borrowed flowers to present Buddha and gave this knife to you brother!" Ji Ling said, and handed over the knife in his hand.

Yuan Xu took the saber and looked at it carefully for a while, but he didn't find any preciousness of this saber, it is obviously a very common saber!
"Brother Ji Ling, I don't see how this sword can be called a precious sword?" Yuan Xu asked.

"Hey, brother, you drank too much."

"This is really a precious knife. It can be said to cut iron like mud. If you don't believe me, let's try it!" Ji Ling laughed.

"Come on, brother Ji Ling, try it!" Yuan Xu said, handing the knife to Ji Ling.

"Brother Yuan Xu, look carefully!" After saying this, Ji Ling swung his long knife abruptly and swiped it from Yuan Xu's neck.



After Yuan Xu's head fell, he rolled a few steps away on the ground, his eyes were wide open, full of disbelief.

Yuan Xu never imagined that Ji Ling, who was the elder brother and brother-brother just a second ago, would suddenly explode and chop off his head.

The reason why Ji Ling used this small plan to kill Yuan Xu was also because he was afraid of accidents.Although it is said that General Zhang, the guard of the East City Gate, obeys his orders, but the minds of these soldiers are not easy to grasp.In case Yuan Xu shouted and the soldiers turned against each other, it would be troublesome.

In this era, what soldiers do is generally coerced by the generals, and they don't have the ability to think independently.

"Hey, if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, but if there is no way to hell, you choose yourself!"

"I didn't want to kill you, but you found trouble yourself!" Ji Ling looked at Yuan Xu's head and sighed helplessly.

After killing Yuan Xu, Ji Ling quickly walked out of the city gate.At this time, General Zhang was already waiting with a group of generals.

"Quick, raise the fire!"

"Open the city gate!" Ji Ling ordered.

Outside the city, Zhao Yun and others were planning to withdraw their troops. At this time, a fire was lit on the city gate, and then the city gate was wide open.

"General Zhao, the city gate is open!" a soldier shouted.

"Quick, quick!"

"Enter the city gate!" Zhao Yun hurriedly ordered.

Zhao Yun gave an order, and Qin Jun's [-] troops rushed towards the city gate.Zhao Yun took the lead and rushed to the forefront.

At the same time, Ji Ling also led his people to meet him.

When the Qin army came to the front, Ji Ling saw three large banners erected in the middle of the army. The middle one had the word Zhao written on it, the left side had the word Pei written on it, and the right side had two big characters Yuwen written on it.

Looking at the three banners, Ji Ling thought to himself, the three generals under King Qin's command have gathered together!
Zhao Yun, Yuwen Chengdu, and Pei Yuanqing commanded soldiers and horses to enter the city one after another.Zhao Yun looked at Ji Ling, who was covered in blood, and asked, "General Ji Ling, what happened?"

"Hey, I happened to meet Yuan Xu Chaying, and I almost missed a major event!" Ji Ling sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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