Chapter 463 Yuan Shu ends.

When Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor, he had actually cut off all his escape routes, and it is impossible for any princes to accept him now.

Even, if it weren't for the intense battle in the Central Plains, I'm afraid they would have mobilized and attacked them long ago.

Cao Cao, Li Chen, Yuan Shao, who is not more powerful than Yuan Shu, but does one of these people claim to be emperor?
The little emperor is in the hands of Cao Cao. Cao Cao can completely imitate the ancient Yao and Shun, first get a month to give up, and then sit in the position by himself, but has Cao Cao done this?

Everyone understands that proclaiming himself emperor at this time is courting death, the way to die.

At the beginning, Yuan Shu was too anxious and lost his head, but now, it's too late to regret it.

At this time, Yuan Shu already knew that the world was so big that there was no room for him.No matter where he fled, there was absolutely no way out.

"I, Yuan Shu, is the emperor of the Zhong family, how can I let swords and soldiers be used on me. Come, take Bailing." Yuan Shu ordered to the loyal guards beside him.

In ancient times, ordinary people died like ordinary people, and nobles also died like nobles.In the eyes of this nobleman, being slashed to death by swordsmen is the most inferior way to die.And the best way to die is Bai Ling.

In ancient times, the defeated princes and the last emperors usually chose the three-foot white silk as the final choice of death.

Everyone knows that Yuan Shu has a deal.However, at this time, no one can stop it.No matter how bad Yuan Shu is, he is also a prince and king, and he should have the right to choose his own death method.

Not long after, an old eunuch brought a three-foot white silk to Yuan Shu in the palace of Qi.

As the saying goes, when a person is about to die, his words are also good.Yuan Shu was about to die at this time, but he could see it.

Yuan Shu waved his hand towards these guards and said: "If you are willing to surrender, you can surrender. If you don't want to surrender, take some valuables from this palace. Let's go, let's go."

Yuan Shu drove everyone out of the Qi Palace, and with a "bang", the gate of the Qi Palace was heavily shut.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Not long after, a loud laugh came from the palace of King Qi, and then there was no sound.

About half an hour later, the three of Zhao Yun finally cleared up all the resistance forces, and the Qin army advanced to the front of the main hall of King Qi Palace.

"I didn't see Yuan Shu!"

"People should be inside." Pei Yuanqing said to the two brothers.

"Yuanqing, open the door!" Zhao Yun ordered.

The pair of [-]-jin sledgehammers in Pei Yuanqing's hands can be said to be a sharp weapon for demolition.But if there is any door that cannot be opened, Pei Yuanqing will definitely be able to smash the door open with a few hammers.


"Look at me." Pei Yuanqing responded, carrying a sledgehammer to the front of the hall.

This palace door is really magnificent, this door is made of rosewood, the rivets on it, decorations and so on, are all made of pure gold.



Pei Yuanqing hammered down twice in succession, and the red sandalwood gate of the hall collapsed.After the gate collapsed, it was Yuan Shu who was hanged above the main hall.

Yuan Shu's complexion was purple, and his tongue was sticking out. He had been hanged for less than half an hour, and his body was completely cold by this time.

"Hehe, you still have some backbone!" Pei Yuanqing muttered looking at Yuan Shu's corpse.

In the chaotic times of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, if Yuan Shu could become a prince, it was enough to prove that he was not an ordinary person.

It's just that after having power, people's hearts will always change if they are dazzled by power.

After waking up, Yuan Shu naturally still has some backbone.

Zhao Yun looked at Yuan Shu's corpse, and ordered to his soldiers: "Take his corpse and go to the outer city first."

At this time, even though Zhao Yun and the others took down the inner city by surprise.However, the outer city is still very hot now.

Yuan Shu's brother, Yuan Yin, is currently leading his soldiers, desperately encircling and suppressing the rebels in the city.

At this time, street fighting was everywhere in Shouchun City.Thanks to the street fighting, the forces in Yuan Yin's hands could not be fully spread out, and the rebellious ministers in the city were able to lead their servants to resist with difficulty.

Yuan Yin was held back by the people led by Yan Xiang and Ji Ling, but he was not in a hurry to attack the inner city.Because, he also knew that Yuan Yao was defending the inner city with [-] troops.Thinking about it, it will be difficult for the Qin army to capture it for a while.

However, at this moment, Qin Jun, who had originally entered the inner city, suddenly turned around and rushed out towards the outer city.

At this time, there was still a corpse hanging on the flag of the Qin Army's Central Army, and it was Yuan Shu.

"Yuan Shu is dead, surrender without killing!"

"Yuan Shu is dead, surrender without killing!"

"Yuan Shu is dead, surrender without killing!"

Qin Jun helped Yan Xiang, and Ji Ling besieged Yuan Jun, shouting loudly.

Yuan Shu, who was wearing a dragon robe, was hung on the banner of the Chinese Army by the Qin Army, which was very conspicuous.Now that their emperor is dead, what else is there to fight.

For a while, Yuan Jun's army was distracted.

Seeing that his elder brother was dead and hung on the flag of the Chinese Army, Yuan Yin was furious.

"Big brother!"

"Thieves Qin, you and I are at odds with each other."

"Kill the thief for me!"

Yuan Yin held up the long sword in his hand, and was about to kill Qin Jun.

At this time, several lieutenants beside Yuan Yin quickly hugged their arms and legs, and stopped him firmly.

"General, the dead cannot be brought back to life. His Majesty is already dead, so don't send him to death!"

"General, the Qin army is powerful, let's withdraw first, preserve our strength, and seek revenge!"

"General, the soldiers have been routed and are powerless, save yourself first!"

These will be your words, and my words, and they all comforted each other.

At this moment, Yuan Jun was still making a fuss. Yuan Shu was dead, and the dragons had no leader. What kind of battle did they fight, and for whom did they fight.Even if the Qin army is driven away, who will be the emperor.

It was precisely because of this kind of thinking that Yuan Jun lost his morale in an instant.

"Everyone, I am devastated by the death of elder brother!

"Where can we escape?" Yuan Yin lost his attention and asked the generals.

"General, we still have soldiers and horses in our hands. At this moment, the King of Jin is fighting with the bandits Cao. It is best for you to take the soldiers and horses to vote for the King of Jin.

"The king of Jin and our majesty are brothers, and you and the general are also from the same family. Speaking of which, you are leading the army, and the king of Jin will definitely use it again." Several partial generals persuaded one after another.

The two Yuans belonged to the same family, and it was impossible for Yuan Shao to accept Yuan Shu, who had already proclaimed himself emperor, but for these generals under Yuan Shu, they really did not refuse anyone who came.

At this time, Yuan Shao was at war with Cao Cao.There is no doubt that these two people are also fighting to the death.Whoever loses will end up in the same fate as Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shu.

At this time, who thinks that he has too many soldiers, so Yuan Shao will definitely accept Yuan Shu's defeated soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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