Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 467 Cao Yuan Confrontation.

Chapter 467 Cao Yuan Confrontation.

After about a month or so, Li Chen's army has taken down more than a dozen cities near Shouchun, and now the whole of Huainan is in Li Chen's pocket.

As the governor of Huainan, Jia Xu is in charge of all matters in Huainan.Judging from the current situation, Jia Xu is doing very well in Huainan.Not only taught the Huainan family how to be obedient, but also enriched Daqin's treasury with a windfall.

Li Chen got Sun Ce and Yuan Shu's hole cards, and already has the capital to swallow the world.The most important thing is that Li Chen's territory has become one piece.Moreover, there are the Yangtze River, Huaihe River, and Yellow River in the retreat. These three major rivers serve as natural barriers, and Xuzhou serves as a springboard for entering.

Now, the situation of the big man in the world has been determined.Li Chen is the most powerful, occupying the entire southern land, with Xuzhou as a springboard.Liu Bei's power is the least, and he can only live in Bashu.

In the next battle between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, whoever can win will win the last seat in the world.

Li Chen's side has already calmed down the fighting and started to manage people's livelihood.After several years of wars and chaos, the people urgently need to live a stable life.

Li Chen's side stopped fighting, but Cao Cao and Yuan Shao's side was at the height of the battle.

Cao Ah's army crossed the Yanjin Ferry and began to march towards Yuan Shao's hinterland.As for Yuan Shao, he did not show any weakness, and went all out to fight a decisive battle with Cao Cao.

Although Yuan Shao had put on the appearance of wanting to fight Cao Cao to the death, in fact Yuan Shao was very uncertain in his heart.

Yuan Shao and Cao Cao can be said to be both young and longing for enemies.Over the years, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao have fought quite a lot.But after so many battles, Yuan Shao can be said to have never defeated Cao Cao.

That's right, it was a total defeat, and there was no victory in a game.It can be said that Cao Cao is Tian Ke Yuan Shao.

This is also the reason why Cao Cao was willing to give the half-beaten Yuan Shu to Li Chen.First, it was because he had to face Li Chen when he took down Huainan, and Cao Cao had no navy, so he could only be beaten and could not fight back when facing Li Chen.

Another reason is that Cao Cao has no confidence in beating others, but Cao Cao thinks he will win when beating Yuan Shao.

It seems that the purpose of Cao Ah's existence is to beat Yuan Benchu ​​up.


Jin Wangfu.

Conference hall.

"Hey, Cao's army is coming fiercely. It may not be easy to defeat Cao." Yuan Shao said with a sigh.

"Prince Jin, I have a plan." At this time, Tian Feng stood up and said.

The current Yuan Shao is also different from the Yuan Shao in the previous life. The current Yuan Shao has reused the upright Tian Feng and Ju Yi who can really fight.

This can be regarded as adding a little suspense to the battle between Cao and Yuan.If Yuan Shao still reuses a group of incompetent ministers who can do nothing but quarrel with No. 1, then there will be no suspense in this battle.

"Yuan Hao, what's your plan?" Yuan Shao asked with a bright eye.

Tian Feng stood up and said to Yuan Shao: "King Jin, we can recruit Ma Teng as foreign aid. Now Cao Cao has transferred back Cao Ren who was guarding against Ma Teng. Now Cao Cao's rear is empty, we can talk to Ma Teng again. Let's attack Cao Cao together."

"Ma Teng has Ma Chao under his command, Yan Xing has two generals, and there are [-] Xiliang iron cavalry. Once we can persuade Ma Teng to send troops, we will definitely be able to make Cao Cao unable to take care of both ends."

"Yuan Hao, Ma Teng has surrendered Cao Ah Man, can he be so capricious?" Yuan Shao said to Tian Feng.

Yuan Shao and Ma Teng were old acquaintances, they were ministers of the same court, and they fought against the Yellow Turban Army together when Emperor Ling was at the time.

Yuan Shao knew Ma Teng well. Ma Teng was a descendant of Ma Yuan, General Fubo of the Han Dynasty. He was very upright.If you want Ma Teng to repeat, I'm afraid it's not that easy.

Since they joined forces to destroy Cao and failed to achieve any results, Ma Teng defeated Cao Cao.Moreover, Cao Cao was also very generous to Ma Teng. Instead of caring about the previous grievances, he still let Ma Teng manage Xiliang.

It was precisely because Cao Cao treated Ma Teng well that Yuan Shao knew in his heart that it would not be so easy for Ma Teng to rebel against Cao again based on Ma Teng's temperament.

Hearing Yuan Shao's words, Tian Feng smiled slightly, and said to Yuan Shao: "King Jin, I don't know if you have heard a saying. It is called, one monk carries water to eat, two monks carry water to eat, and three monks have no water to eat. "

"Now there is not only Ma Teng in Xiliang, but also Han Sui and Beigong Boyu. Are these three monks?"

"The king of Jin only needs to send an envoy to attack Cao together with Ma Teng. At that time, Han Sui and Beigong Boyu will be invited as lobbyists."

"At that time, we may give Youzhou to Ma Teng. Even if Ma Teng is not tempted, will Han Sui and Beigong Boyu not be tempted? I predict that this plan will work."

When Yuan Shao heard Tian Feng's words, he immediately felt that it was reliable.Everyone has their own ideas. Even if Ma Teng has a good character and is unwilling to rebel against Cao again, then he can stop Han Sui and Beigong Boyu's ideas.

As for the land of Youzhou, this is nothing more than a big cake.After the true alliance wiped out Cao Cao, Yuan Shao had to swallow Xiliang backhandedly, how could he give Ma Teng the newly acquired Youzhou.

"it is good!"

"Just follow Mr. Yuan Hao's words." Yuan Shao made a final decision.

Yuan Shao thought to himself at this time, there is such a great talent as Tian Feng in front of me, and I regret that I should only reuse him now.

Tian Feng has always been a minister by Yuan Shao's side, but Tian Feng is not very good at talking and would offend people from time to time, so Yuan Shao didn't like him in the past.

As for now, with Cao Cao's army under pressure, Yuan Shao didn't care whether Tian Feng would flatter him or not. Anyway, he had the ability, so he had to use him more.

Now, Yuan Shao can still weigh and understand what is a major event and what is a trivial matter.

Yuan Shao, Cao Cao is now in a confrontation stage. Taking advantage of this time, Yuan Shao quietly sent an envoy to join Ma Teng to attack Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was really defenseless against Ma Teng.Why do you say that, Ma Teng and Cao Cao also fought the Yellow Turban Army together.Cao Cao felt that Ma Teng's character was quite strong.And he treats Ma Teng well, so it stands to reason that Ma Teng can't turn against him.

Yanjin Ferry.

Cao's army camp.

Now Yuan Shao's troops are insufficient. If he wants to join Ma Teng, Cao Cao's troops are the same, and he is also stretched.

Cao Cao stared at the map for a long time, and sent an order: "Quickly order Ma Teng to lead [-] cavalry to support."

Since Ma Teng took refuge in Cao Cao, he naturally had to contribute to Cao Cao. Now that Cao Cao wanted cavalry, Ma Teng had to lead an army to support him.

Now, Ma Teng has become a very important person, whether it is Cao Cao or Yuan Shao, at this time, Ma Teng is needed to help.

Let's put it this way, now Yuan Shao and Cao Cao are like two ends of a balance, and the balance is not tilted obviously.Where Ma Teng stands, the balance will tilt.

(End of this chapter)

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