Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 478 General Zhenbei, do you want to be one?

Chapter 478 General Zhenbei, do you want to be one?
Cao and Yuan confronted each other, and no one would take the initiative to start the war easily without the certainty of absolute victory.

This battle was undoubtedly a battle of life and death for both sides, and the loser would inevitably end up in the same fate as Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shu.

In about seven or eight days, the people Cao Cao sent to Xudu returned, and they also brought the imperial decree from Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty to confer Jiang Yiqu as the general of Zhenbei.

Canonized by the imperial decree, General Zhenbei, no matter what the two are, it is a great honor for Jiang Yiqu.

After Cao Cao got the imperial edict of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, he immediately ordered someone to send the imperial edict to Ma Teng, and asked Ma Teng to instigate Jiang Yiqu as soon as possible.

Now that Li Chen has unified the south and Liu Bei is also developing in Bashu, Cao Cao must get rid of Yuan Shao as soon as possible, and the time left for Cao Cao is running out.

Yuan Shao's camp.

"My lord, Ma Teng has another letter." Jiang Yiqu handed the letter to Yuan Shao.

It has to be said that Yuan Shao had his reasons for sending Jiang Yiqu to get close to Ma Tie.Jiang Yiqu is not so loyal and honest on the surface, on the contrary Jiang Yiqu can be said to be very smooth.

Just like the letter sent by Ma Teng, Jiang Yiqu never read it. He would read the contents of the letter after letting Yuan Shao read it first.

After Yuan Shao read the letter, he glanced at Jiang Yiqu and said, "Ma Teng asked you to meet in the woods ten miles outside the camp on the third watch. It seems that our plan has completely deceived Ma Teng, so go see him tonight. , if he has any request, you don't have to answer, just go back and think about it."

"Promise!" Jiang Yiqu bowed his hands to Yuan Shao in praise.

Late at night, at midnight.


When Ma Teng arrived at the grove, Jiang Yiqu had been waiting here for a long time.

"Nephew Jiang Yiqu, I have met Uncle Ma!" When Jiang Yiqu saw Ma Teng, he immediately dismounted and saluted.

Ma Teng looked at Jiang Yiqu and thought to himself, he really is an imposing general.

"Nephew, please hurry up. Since you are Meng Qi's brother, you are almost the same as my own son." Ma Teng said politely.

"Nephew doesn't dare." Jiang Yiqu said hastily.

"Brother Jiang, we haven't seen each other for a few days." Ma Tie said to Jiang Yiqu.

The two sides tied the horses and talked together.The conditions were simple, and although there were no food and drinks, it did not affect the two parties' narration of old feelings in the slightest.

"My nephew saved Ma Tie's life, and I haven't been able to thank him in person. Today I just asked my nephew to meet me. I hope my nephew won't be offended." Ma Teng said politely.

"Uncle, what are you talking about? My nephew doesn't dare!" Jiang Yiqu hurriedly replied.

Ma Teng expressed his gratitude, but Jiang Yiqu shied away
After the two sides exchanged greetings, Ma Teng felt that the heat was almost ready, so he took out the imperial decree from his pocket.

"Nephew, you saved my son's life, and uncle doesn't know how to thank you. Just look at this thing." Ma Teng said, and handed the imperial decree to Jiang Yiqu.

Jiang Yiqu naturally knew that this thing was an imperial decree, but Jiang Yiqu was at a loss as to what Ma Teng was doing for his imperial decree.

Jiang Yiqu opened the imperial decree and saw that his hands trembled involuntarily, and his heart beat uncontrollably.

To confer the title of General Zhenbei, and Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty personally decreed the canonization, I have to say, this is really sincere.

To tell the truth, it would be a lie if Jiang Yiqu said in his heart that he was not moved.At the moment he saw the imperial decree, Jiang Yiqu even really had the urge to surrender to Cao Cao.

However, this is only a momentary impulse.After calming down, Jiang Yiqu also knew that even after he voted for Cao Cao, he might not be able to be reused.

On Cao Cao's side, there are fierce generals like clouds and rain, and he knows exactly what Jiang Yiqu is.In Cao Ying, his ability was not ranked high, and if he surrendered to Cao Cao, he would have no ability to surrender, but he would have to be excluded under the title of General Zhenbei conferred by Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty.

It can't be said that if you do one thing wrong, your head will be gone.Jiang Yiqu still understands the truth that a person is innocent but pregnant with guilt.

After suppressing these messy thoughts in his heart, Jiang Yiqu said to Ma Teng, "Uncle, what are you doing?"

Ma Teng is also a scheming person, he did not directly mention the matter of letting Jiang Yiqu vote for Cao.Instead, he pretended to be cautious, and said to Jiang Yiqu: "I heard that my nephew was depressed in Yuan Benchu, so my uncle went to His Majesty to ask for orders for my nephew."

"Your Majesty's General Zhenbei, he, Yuan Benchu, can't possibly deny it?"

It stands to reason that this world is still the world of the Han Dynasty.The official position granted by Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, he, Yuan Shao, a prince, had to recognize it.

However, Jiang Yiqu was able to take this imperial decree foolishly and tell Yuan Shao, this is the official appointed by Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, and from now on I will be the general of Zhenbei.

If Jiang Yiqu had said this to Yuan Shao, there was no doubt that he would have to step into the big tent with his left foot the next day, and then be beheaded for public display.

Then again, General Zhenbei, whoever is on the north side, Yuan Shao is on the north side, this General Zhenbei, the one who is in the town is Yuan Shao.

Although Ma Teng didn't say a word about asking Jiang Yiqu to surrender to Cao Cao, Jiang Yiqu had to surrender to Cao Cao if he wanted the official position of General Zhenbei.

With a hesitant look on his face, Jiang Yiqu said to Ma Teng: "Uncle, my nephew has to think about it."

"Good! Good!"

"Then you go back and think about it first, and when you have a result, send someone to call me." Ma Teng readily agreed.

"Drive! Drive! Drive!"

Jiang Yiqu stuffed the imperial decree into his arms, got on his horse and left.

"Father, let him go like this?" Matthew asked his father.

Ma Teng smiled slightly and said: "Everything is too late, and you can't push too hard. Speaking of the present, didn't he take away the imperial decree?"

In Ma Teng's view, since Jiang Yiqu took the imperial decree away, it meant that he had this intention in mind.If he didn't have this intention, then he would not accept the imperial decree.

"Brother Jiang will definitely agree!" Ma Tie said innocently, clenched his fists.

Jiang Yiqu returned to the camp, beat his horse around the front of the camp several times, was very entangled, finally gritted his teeth, and walked towards Yuan Shao's tent.

At this time, Yuan Shao had already rested.Hearing that Jiang Yiqu came back from seeing Ma Teng, he hurriedly received Jiang Yiqu.

Yuan Shao held the imperial decree and looked at it for a long time, then threw the imperial decree aside.He said coldly: "This is Cao Cao's handwriting, General Zhenbei, Zhenbei!"

After saying this, Yuan Shao asked Jiang Yiqu, "Do you want to be General Zhenbei?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yiqu quickly fell to his knees and shouted: "The loyalty of the last general to King Jin can be learned from heaven and earth."

"Ha ha!"

"That's what the lonely king asked, Yiqu, don't worry too much." Yuan Shao patted Jiang Yiqu's shoulder and said.

"It seems that Ma Shoucheng and Cao Ah have really fallen for the trick. Send Yuan Hao over quickly, and we need to discuss the next step." Yuan Shao instructed his attendants.

(End of this chapter)

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