Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 482 Hurry up, go overnight!

Chapter 482 Hurry up, go overnight!

"Father, what's the matter with you?" Ma Tie couldn't help asking his father, seeing his father sweating profusely.

"Something happened!"

"Something has happened!" Ma Teng said, handing the letter to his two sons.

Ma Teng is a shrewd person. He has already figured out what happened. There is something wrong with Jiang Yiqu, and they have fallen for Yuan Shao's tricks.

After Ma Tie and Matthew Brothers read the letter in turn, they also looked at each other in blank dismay.At this point, the two already knew the seriousness of the matter.

"Father, Brother Jiang, is there a problem?" Ma Tie asked his father Ma Teng.

"Brother Jiang, he is Yuan Shao's spy, he has been tricked, we have been tricked." Ma Teng murmured.

"Father, speaking of it this way, the troops sent by the King of Wei tonight may be in danger!" Matthew said from the side.

"Five thousand tigers and leopards, these five thousand tigers and leopards have been ridden."

"Come on, let's leave Cao Ying quickly." Ma Teng said to his two sons.

What is Cao Cao's temperament? Cao Cao would rather let the world down, than let the world down my temper.

The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is Cao Cao's trump card troop. Once the five thousand Tiger and Leopard Cavalry are gone, there is no doubt that Cao Cao will be held accountable to the end.

Who is responsible for this matter? Jiang Yiqu was persuaded by Ma Teng to surrender, and Ma Teng must be held accountable in the end.

Ma Teng knew in his heart that once news came back that Cao Hong and the others had been tricked, the lives of their father and son would be in danger.

"Hey, I regret that I shouldn't get involved!" Ma Teng said with a sigh.

"Father, I'm going to prepare the army right now, let's go now!" After Matthew finished speaking, he made a gesture to go out.

At this time, Ma Tie was standing there in a daze, his heart was full of self-blame, and this incident was entirely caused by him.If he had not been captured, such a thing would not have happened.


"What more soldiers and horses are needed? If we mobilize soldiers and horses now, we will definitely alarm Cao Cao, and we won't be able to leave by then."

"Let's just go three times, let's go get the horse, let's go now." Ma Teng said to his two sons.

Ma Teng was also decisive. It was the easiest way to escape without mobilizing a single soldier at this time.Otherwise, if his soldiers and horses move, they will definitely not be able to leave.

Moreover, his [-] soldiers and horses are all poor soldiers, and it is impossible to beat Cao Cao, and it will be a drag if he takes them away.

Matthew and Ma Tie are young, they have no idea at this time, since their father Ma Teng said to leave, they have to leave naturally.

Mr. Ma Teng came to the stable, led the horse and left overnight, not even a single soldier with him.

at the same time.

Calabash valley mouth.

"Cao Hong, you can't get away, get off your horse and accept the surrender!" Ju Yi led Wuyang Wuyang's Yuan Jun soldiers to surround Cao Hong and the remaining tiger and leopard cavalry.

At this time, nearly half of Cao Hong's Tiger and Leopard Cavalry had been killed or injured.Moreover, at this time the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry had already fallen into the siege of Yuan Jun.Losing the ability to maneuver, it can be said that the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry has lost most of its combat power.

Moreover, from the beginning of the siege of Gao Lan.The tiger and leopard cavalry have been fighting continuously for more than an hour, and now it can be said that they are exhausted.

Although the heavy armored cavalry is powerful, its lack of stamina is also a fatal flaw of him.A heavy armored cavalry, with vest and man armor, plus people and weapons on its back, this horse has to charge hundreds of catties.

This kind of high-intensity charged charge, even the best war horse, could not last for a long time. At this time, Cao Hong's tiger and leopard cavalry had almost lost their combat effectiveness.

Cao Hong wiped the blood from his face, laughed loudly and said, "My Cao family only has generals who died in battle, not cowards who surrendered!"

"Cao Hong's life is here, if you have the ability, Ju Yi will come and take it."

"Sworn to death!"

"Sworn to death!"

"Swear to the death!" The soldiers of the tiger and leopard cavalry roared one by one.

The generals of the tiger and leopard cavalry have always been generals with the surname Cao, or with the surname Xiahou.This is because the Cao and Xiahou surnames are brothers of the same clan of Cao Cao, and the generals with the Cao and Xiahou surnames can guarantee sufficient loyalty.

In addition to the fact that this army is led by generals surnamed Cao and Xiahou, the soldiers of these tiger and leopard cavalry are also carefully selected. These are extremely elite veterans who are extremely loyal to Cao Cao.

Even if the battle went to this kind of Chengdu, not a single tiger and leopard cavalry surrendered. All the tiger and leopard cavalry soldiers who died on the battlefield were all facing the enemy.No one died with his back to the enemy.

"Ju Yi, don't waste your words in vain, let's see the real chapter under your hands!"

Surrender was impossible, so Cao Hong almost didn't hesitate to kill Ju Yi with a spear in his hand.


The spear in Cao Hong's hand collided with Ju Yi's knife, sparks flew everywhere.After a while, the mounts under the crotch of the two retreated a few steps almost at the same time.

In fact, Ju Yi is not famous for his martial arts. He does not have the martial arts of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. Ju Yi's strength lies in his training and commanding troops.

In fact, although Ju Yi is the number one general under Yuan Shao's command, his martial arts skills are just as good as Cao Hong's.

"Ha ha!"

"What is Yuan Jun's number one general? In my opinion, it's nothing more than that. With your martial arts skills, there are probably no less than ten people in my Cao camp who can beat you." After one move, Cao Hong laughed loudly.


"For a general, being brave and ruthless is nothing but a small way, but strategizing and winning thousands of miles is the real skill." Ju Yi said with a cold snort.

"That little thief of yours is so deep."

"Let me ask you, you are good at martial arts, and your tiger and leopard cavalry is so good, isn't it still besieged by my general today?" Zhang Yun said from the side.

As soon as Zhang He said this, Cao Hong was powerless to refute.That's right, personal bravery is great, and it can kill ten or hundreds of people.But if you really want to become the enemy of ten thousand people, you need to know the art of war and the battle formation.

Cao Hong thought to himself, this Ju Yi was able to beat Gongsun Zan at Jieqiao, and he has always been a veritable general.No, I, Cao Hong, will die if I die today. If I can change my life with this Ju Yi before I die.To get rid of a serious trouble for the king of Wei is a worthy death.

"Ju Yi, take your life for me!"

Thinking of this, Cao Hong shouted loudly, and charged towards Ju Yi with a spear in his hand and the sound of a strong wind.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

As the saying goes, if one person fights for his life, ten people will be hard to beat.Today, Cao Hong knew that he had no chance of surviving. He just wanted to exchange lives with Ju Yi before he died.

Ju Yi and Cao Hong's martial arts were originally between brothers, so Cao Hong risked his life, exchanging injuries for injuries, and exchanging lives for lives, which immediately caught Ju Yi by surprise.

Under Cao Hong's fierce attack, Ju Yi's body had already started to suffer injuries.Of course, Cao Hong was injured more seriously.However, Cao Hong didn't care about the injuries on his body at all, he just focused on killing Ju Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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