Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 485 The witty Xiahouen.

Chapter 485 The witty Xiahouen.

The hatred of killing one's father, what kind of hatred is this.At this time, the two brothers Ma Xiu and Ma Tie were filled with hatred in their hearts.

Although the two knew that they were not Xu Chu's opponents, they rushed forward without hesitation. It can be said that Ma Xiu and Ma Tie are now determined to die.

Ma Xiu and Ma Tie's martial arts are not as good as their father Ma Teng's, and they are also young, and their strength is even worse.

"Two little buds, don't worry, your tiger-crazy grandpa will send you to see your father. Your father hasn't gone far, so you can be reunited soon." Xu Chu grinned ferociously, with a gold-backed door knife in his hand Cut towards the two of them.

The three of them fought together, but under the huge gap in strength, the two brothers Ma Xiu and Ma Tie couldn't be Xu Chu's opponents.

In less than a dozen moves, Ma Xiu, who was weak in force, was cut in half by Xu Chu, and the blood all over his body spattered Ma Tie's face.

"Second brother!" Ma Tie shouted, blood and tears flowed from his eyes.

Ma Tie felt very guilty at this time, if he hadn't believed in Jiang Yiqu's nonsense, he wouldn't have hurt his brother and second brother.

"Father, Second Brother!"

"I'm here to accompany you!" Ma Tie shouted, killing Xu Chu without hesitation.

Ma Tie knew that he was not Xu Chu's opponent, so his behavior undoubtedly committed suicide.

Xu Chu raised his knife and stepped forward, intending to kill Ma Tie with one blow.At this time, someone shouted after hearing only: "General Xu Chu, the King of Wei has an order to keep people under the knife, and keep people under the knife."

At this time, Xia Houen arrived, but unfortunately, he came a bit late, and Ma Teng and Matthew had already died in the hands of Xu Chu.

As soon as Xu Chu heard King Wei's order to keep his men, the knife that was cutting at Ma Tie turned around. It was originally cutting at Ma Tie with the blade, but now it was slashing at Ma Tie with the back of the knife.



Xu Chu slashed under Ma Tie's spear, and Ma Tie flew out and fell to the ground.

At this time, Xia Houen also galloped to Xu Chu's side.Before Xiahouen could speak, Xu Chu first asked, "Xiahouen, why did King Wei let me keep someone under his knife?"

"General Xu, not long after you left, the military adviser rushed over. The military adviser said that this was a plan. Yuan Benchu ​​wanted to provoke the king of Wei to kill the king of Liang. In this way, Ma Chao in Xiliang will definitely turn against us. We are facing the enemy!" Xiahoun explained.

"By the way, where's Ma Teng?" Xia Houen asked Xu Chu.

As soon as Xia Houen said this, he smelled blood and asked, he looked at Xu Chu's saddle bridge, and the head hanging on it, wasn't it Ma Teng?

"Xu Chu, you've caused a catastrophe!" Xia Houen said, pointing to Xu Chu's head on the saddle bridge.

Xu Chu's head is also "buzzing" this time, although it is said that Cao Cao ordered him to chase and kill him.But Cao Cao is not allowed to be killed now, but he, Xu Chu, is quick and has already been killed by Ma Teng.

Could it be that Xu Chu could still blame Cao Cao for his failure when he returned to his life.

You say Xu Chu is stupid, he is also quite clever.He looked at Ma Teng's head hanging on the saddle bridge, and then at Ma Xiu, who had been cut in half.

Xu Chu scratched his head and said, "Xia Houen, did you come here for a stroll? Let me tell you, I, Xu Chu, cannot be blamed for this matter. As long as you come quickly, I, Xu Chu, will not be able to kill the father and son. "

"I'll go back later, if King Wei gets angry, you have to take care of it for me."

Hearing this, Xia Houen almost fainted from anger.Good guy, I am really sitting at home, and the pot comes from the sky.

After Xia Houen received Cao Cao's order, he didn't dare to rest for a moment, so he chased after Xu Chu.

Xia Houen knew that Xu Chu was a reckless man, so he was afraid that he would be killed by Ma Teng and his son before Xu Chu could catch up.Now it seems that it really is the case.

"Ha ha!"

"Xu Chu, Cao Cao, just wait, my elder brother will avenge us."

"I'm sorry, I didn't listen to my elder brother's words!" At this time, the horse iron that fell from the horse had already got up, and drew out the sword from his waist and hung it across his neck.

"Quick, stop him!" Seeing that Ma Tie was about to commit suicide, Xia Houen hurriedly shouted.

However, the sword was already hanging around his neck at this time, how could it be stopped.I saw Ma Tie slammed fiercely, and the sword immediately opened the main artery, and blood gushed out like a spring.


"Xia Houen, don't mention the first two, but this can't be my responsibility alone?" Xu Chu asked with a straight face.

Xu Chu knew Cao Cao's temperament too well, and knew that he would be punished if he went back, so he wanted to drag Xia Houen with him wholeheartedly.

"Hey!" Xia Houen waved his sleeves and sighed, too lazy to talk to Xu Chu.

I'm really afraid of what will happen. Once Ma Teng and his son die, Ma Chao will really become a big trouble.

At that time, Ma Chao will inevitably join forces with Han Sui, and Beigong Boyu will attack Cao Cao, which may change the whole situation of the battle.

Yanjin Ferry.

Cao's army camp.

Cao Cao was pacing back and forth in the large tent of the Chinese army. After being pointed out by Guo Jia, Cao Cao also understood that Ma Teng could not be killed no matter what.

At this time, he and Yuan Shao are five-fifths, and even Cao Cao is very confident that he can beat Yuan Shao.However, if Ma Teng was killed and Ma Chao reversed, the five-five technique would become the thirty-seven technique.

Even, if Ma Chao turned his back, Cao Cao might lose even [-]% chance of winning.

"Xu Chu, you must take a step back this time!" Cao Cao muttered in his heart.

At this time, someone outside the camp reported: "General Xu Chu and General Xiahouen are back."

After a while, Xu Chu and Xia Houen opened the door and came in.Cao Cao hurriedly asked the two, "What's the matter?"


"Plop!" Xu Chu and Xiahouen fell to their knees on the ground with a puff, and Xiahouen retreated half a body from the position where Xiahouen knelt down.

"Slow, take a step slower."

"Kill them all!" Xu Chu said coyly.

"What, kill them all!"

"What should I do, what should I do!" Cao Cao paced back and forth like ants on a hot pot.

"Boom!" Cao Cao kicked Xu Chu's body and shouted, "Whoever told you to kill, who told you to kill."

After kicking Xu Chu, Cao Cao wanted to kick Xia Houen again. After stretching his legs and making gestures, he retracted his legs again.

Cao Cao kicked Xu Chu, but Xu Chu did not dare to hide.Xu Chu thought to himself, you didn't ask me to kill this, did you?I'm just a little too fast.Having said that, if Xia Houen was faster, wouldn't it be the case?
Xu Chu felt so wronged, but Xu Chu didn't say anything.

Seeing Xu Chu get kicked, Xia Houen couldn't help but feel lucky, he was really smart, and when he fell to his knees, he moved half of his body.King Wei is not tall, so his legs are naturally not long.He stood in that position and kicked behind Xu Chu, so he couldn't kick himself.

It's impossible for such a majestic King Wei to take a few steps forward just to kick himself!
(End of this chapter)

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