Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 488 Crowdfunding and dispatching troops.

Chapter 488 Crowdfunding and dispatching troops.

Xiliang, Wuwei.

In Wuwei City, there are white flags and white sails everywhere, and the soldiers in the city also wear white mourning uniforms.

After all, Ma Teng was the King of Liang personally conferred by the Son of Heaven, and now that he passed away, he would naturally be buried with the honor of a prince.

Now the world is in chaos, and wars are raging everywhere.Ma Teng's funeral was not announced to the world, but was only arranged internally in Xiliang.

But even so, people are still coming and going in Wuwei City.The aristocratic families and nobles from all over Xiliang, and the tribes on the grassland who had good relations with Ma Teng also sent envoys.

Wuwei, Prince Liang's Mansion.

In front of Ma Teng's coffin, a group of Ma's males headed by Ma Chao and Ma Dai were kneeling.These Ma's men knelt down in front of Ma Teng's coffin, each with expressions of grief and indignation.

"General Han Sui is here!"

"General Beigong Boyu is here!" With a loud shout from outside the courtyard, Han Sui and Beigong Boyu came in from outside the courtyard.

"Brother Shoucheng! Brother Shoucheng, why did you give up your brother and take a step first!"

"Brother Shoucheng, my brother Shoucheng!"

Before Han Sui and Beigong Boyu could see the figure, there was the sound of crying.

Needless to say, the acting skills of Han Sui and Beigong Boyu are really not bad.Judging from the howling of the two people, it was not clear that the two of them were Ma Teng's biological brothers.

While speaking, I saw that Han Sui and Beigong Boyu had already arrived at the front of the coffin.The two wiped away their tears, with a look of grief on their faces.

Seeing Han Sui and Beigong Boyu approaching, military advisor Cheng Gongying winked at Ma Chao.

Ma Chao understood, and knelt down in front of Han Sui and Beigong Boyu with a "plop", and said in a mournful voice, "You two uncles, my father's death wish, I ask you two uncles to be the masters for me!"

"Also ask the two uncles to be the masters!"

"Let the two uncles decide!"

When Ma Chao fell to his knees, all the Ma sons behind him fell to their knees like dumplings, "Plop, plop".

This was Cheng Gongying's plan for Ma Chao. Ma Chao asked Beigong Boyu and Han Sui to avenge his father under the watchful eyes of the crowd. .

You know, are all the prominent and respectable people in Xiliang watching here today?Even many big tribes on the grassland who had good relations with Ma Teng also sent people here.

You know, this ancient man is the most loyal.In order to avenge Guan Yu, Liu Bei directly caused Zhang Fei to be killed, and he was defeated and killed in Baidi City.It can be said that it was precisely to avenge Guan Yu that Liu Bei wiped out the future of the entire Western Shu.

Although they were all worshiping brothers with their heads on the ground, the relationship between the three brothers Han Sui, Ma Teng, and Beigong Boyu was naturally not comparable to that of Beigong Boyu.

It was precisely because Cheng Gongying knew the truth of this that he taught Ma Chao to beg Han Sui and Beigong Boyu to avenge Ma Teng in full view.

Han Sui quickly helped Ma Chao up, and said solemnly, "Nephew, why is this so? How could I, Han Sui, be so loyal and disregarded?"

"Nephew, what do you want to do? Uncle will definitely help you!" Beigong Boyu also expressed his opinion at the side.

"Cao Yuan fights, Cao Ah asked my father to go to help me, and my father led an elite army of [-] to support."

"But it never occurred to me that he didn't die at the hands of Yuan Shao, but at the hands of Cao Ah Meng."

"Killed my father, but just missed Yuan Benchu's treacherous plan with a mere sentence, so I thought about it. I, Ma Chaojue, refused."

"Although I, Ma Chao, am a first-time martial artist, I also know that the revenge for killing my father has to be avenged. I want him to hide it from Cao Ah. When I get angry, my blood will splatter five steps."

"You can't hide it from him with your hands, I, Ma Chao, swear that I will not be a human being!" Ma Chao once again made an oath in front of his father's coffin.

From Ma Chao's voice, Han Sui could tell that Ma Chao hated Cao Cao to the core.Sure enough, this revenge for killing his father is irreconcilable.This father's feud must be avenged.

Han Sui couldn't help but feel a little proud. All of this was actually fueled by him secretly.Now, just waiting for Ma Chao to attack Cao Cao, he can go to Yuan Shao to ask for Youzhou.

It was Ma Chao and Cao Cao who lost both sides, but he won Youzhou, and then he took Ma's Liangzhou.At that time, his power, Han Sui, will be able to surpass Ma Teng's peak period.

It has to be said that Han Sui's little abacus made a "crackling" sound!

Now without waiting for Han Sui to stir it up, Ma Chao himself wants to send troops to fight Cao Cao, which is exactly what Han Sui meant.

"Nephew, you want to avenge your father, uncle, how can I not support you!"

"In this way, how about uncle supporting you with [-] cavalry and [-] infantry? These people are under your command!" Han Sui said, patting Ma Chao on the shoulder.

Han Suixu gave Ma Chao a total of [-] troops, which can be regarded as extravagant.Of course, Han Sui's willingness to support was not out of brotherhood, but defeating Cao Cao was also Han Sui's goal.

Hearing that Han Sui was willing to support [-] troops, Ma Chao couldn't help but feel happy. With Han Sui's [-] troops, the chance of revenge will be much greater.

"Nephew, thank you uncle!" Ma Chao saluted Han Sui.

"Nephew, your third uncle is not as wealthy as your second uncle. I will give you [-] cavalry and [-] infantry, and they will all be under your command." Beigong Boyu also expressed his opinion.

"Thank you uncle!" Ma Chao said, and gave Beigong Boyu another gift.

Among the three major warlords in Xiliang, Ma Teng is the most powerful, Han Sui is second only to Ma Teng, and Beigong Boyu is the least powerful.

Han Sui sent [-] soldiers and horses, and Beigong Boyu sent [-] soldiers and horses. The two men sent out a lot of troops.

"Major General, our tribe is also willing to send [-] troops to avenge King Liang!"

"Major General, our tribe has sent three thousand soldiers!"

"We send out eight thousand soldiers and horses!"

At this time, the envoys of the grassland tribes who came to attend the funeral also expressed their willingness to send troops to help.

The grassland tribes who can come to see Ma Teng's funeral today are naturally good friends with Ma Teng.

However, the communication between forces and forces does not talk about feelings but only about interests.What's more, now that Ma Teng is just taking tea, how can these tribes sincerely avenge Ma Teng.

The reason why these tribes shouted to send troops was not to avenge Ma Teng.Instead, they want to use an excuse to participate in the Central Plains War, once they form a coalition army and defeat Cao Cao with Yuan Shao.

Although they don't have their share of the land in the Central Plains, they can still search Cao Cao's territory fiercely.

During the Three Kingdoms period, it was rare to hear that barbarians from the grassland invaded the Central Plains. Why, this is like three kings fighting in a group, and a group of bronzes cannot get in their hands.

There are very few opportunities for the war grassland tribes in the Central Plains to intervene, so naturally it is difficult to get any benefits. This is an opportunity to intervene in the Central Plains war.

(End of this chapter)

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