Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 5 True and False Guan Yu

Chapter 5 True and False Guan Yu
Three days later, on the way to Xuzhou City.

Looking from a distance, the sky is full of dust, and among the countless red flags, there is a flag with the word "Guan" hanging at the front.

I saw more than a hundred cavalry at the forefront, followed by about five hundred heavy armored infantry.

Under Guan Zi's banner, I saw a general with a face like a jujube, a long beard, and a Qinglong Yanyue knife in his hand, sitting steadily on a Huangbiao horse.

Looking from a distance, one could see the frightening aura of this person. Looking at this appearance, one didn't need to think too much, this was naturally the world-shaking Guan Yu Guan Yunchang.

Of course, this Guan Yu is naturally not the real Guan Yu.Instead of Guan Sheng pretending to be Guan Yu, Li Chen accepted the veterinarian's advice.Let Guan Sheng pretend to be Guan Yu, and then cheat Xuzhou City into his own hands.

Judging by the looks of Guan Sheng and Guan Yu, it is almost [-]% sure to act like this.It's not that they haven't seen Guan Yu in Xuzhou City, but there is absolutely no one who can tell the difference between Guan Yu and Guan Sheng in a hurry.

Xuzhou City, Tao Qian's residence.

On the bed in the bedroom lay a thin old man who seemed to be dying at any moment.This person is Xuzhou Mu Taoqian.

Tao Qian was a civil servant. Although he managed Xuzhou in an orderly manner, he was incompetent in military affairs and had a cowardly personality.

Last year, when Cao Cao came to attack, he said that if Tao Qian did not surrender, he would kill Tao Qian's family when the city was broken.Fortunately, Lu Bu, a second-five boy, attacked Puyang, so Cao Cao retreated.

Since Cao Cao withdrew from the army, Tao Qian has been seriously ill. Let alone presiding over Xuzhou's government affairs now, it is hard to say how long he will live.

It stands to reason that at this time, the son should inherit his father's business.However, Tao Qian's two sons, the eldest son Tao Shang and the second son Tao Ying, are both businessmen and have no plans to become officials.

In other words, it is not a good choice to inherit Xuzhou now.Whether it is Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, or even Sun Ce of Soochow, they are all staring at this piece of fat.However, Xuzhou city is short of major generals, and the three melons and dates in the city are not enough for others to fight.

Tao Qian has a total of three and one, anyway, we can't keep this Xuzhou, so let's just stop taking it.With the money made in Xuzhou for so many years, he will be a proper rich man when he returns to his hometown Danyang.

Decided to leave, but after all, I have to find a next home for Xuzhou.In the previous life, the pregnant girl knew how to find a pan-skiller, but Tao Qian ran away to find a pan-skiller for Xuzhou.

At this time, Xu Zhou, Tao Qian's subordinate, stopped talking to Mi Zhu: "That Liu Bei is not bad, he is an honest man."

Tao Qian was right when he thought about it. Liu Bei, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, seemed to be a good candidate to take over, so he got in touch with Liu Bei and decided to give Xuzhou to him.

"Father, I heard that Uncle Liu Huang has sent Guan Yu as the vanguard and led five hundred elite soldiers to take over Xuzhou." The thin pottery merchant said to his father on the bed.

Upon hearing this, Tao Qian got up from the bed and said to his son, "Go and pack the gold and silver, and let's go today?"

"Father, are we leaving in such a hurry? Don't you want to meet Uncle Liu Huang?" The pottery merchant asked a little puzzled.

"Son, this man has ulterior motives. If we leave now, we can take away all the gold and silver in the city. If we wait for Liu Bei to come, it may not be so." Tao Qian said to his son earnestly.

"Father, I'll go now, let's leave in the afternoon." The pottery merchant replied.

Although Tao Qian gave up Xuzhou to Liu Bei, what was left to Liu Bei was a mess.Tao Qian packed up all the gold and silver treasures in the warehouse in the city. Even the grain in this warehouse was sold by Tao Qian to the aristocratic family in the city at a very low price.

Xuzhou City Tao Qian gave up, but what he gave up was an empty city.

An hour later, as soon as Tao Qian left, "Guan Yu" led the five hundred pacers to the city of Xuzhou.

On the city of Xuzhou.

Mi Zhu stood on the wall, behind him were Zang Ba, Sun Guan, and Chen Deng.

Mi Zhu and Chen Deng are civil servants, while Zang Ba and Sun Guan are military generals. These four are already the pillars of Xuzhou.

As for the rest of the officials in Xuzhou, they can only be evaluated in four words, so it doesn't matter if they don't mention it.

Mi Zhu advocated sending Xuzhou to Liu Bei, while Chen Deng believed that even if Xuzhou was sent to Liu Bei, Liu Bei would not be able to keep it.That being the case, it is better to simply surrender to Cao Cao, which will save Xuzhou from the suffering of war.

It's just that Tao Qian pays attention to reputation.In contrast, sending Xuzhou to Liu Bei is naturally much better than surrendering like Cao Cao.As for whether Liu Bei can keep it, whether Xuzhou will not be implicated by the flames of war has nothing to do with Tao Qian.

Mi Zhu looked down the city, and saw that the general was eight feet tall, with a long beard on his chin, long temples, a pair of red phoenix eyes, a complexion like jujubes, and lips like rouge.

"It's Guan Yunchang, not bad." Mi Zhu thought to himself, and walked down the city.

Walking in front of Guan Sheng, Mi Zhu cupped his hands and said, "Duke Tao has already returned to his hometown Danyang because of his serious illness. Now I will hand over the city of Xuzhou to Elder Brother Yun."

Guan Sheng stroked his long beard, and said to Mi Zhu, "It's easy to talk, easy to talk. Guan will come first, my lord will arrive early tomorrow morning, and the handover will be at that time."

"It's so good, very good." Mi Zhu said with a smile.

You know, Tao Qian was able to agree to allow Chu Xuzhou City and Liu Bei, all of which were Mi Zhu's lobbying.Waiting for Liu Bei to become the lord of Xuzhou, he, Mi Zhu, will be the minister of the dragon.

It's just that Mi Zhu didn't know that this Guan Yu was not that Guan Yu.The lord Guan Yu was talking about in front of him was not the lord he thought.

Guan Sheng opened his Danfeng eyes, and said to Mi Zhu, "Since that's the case, how about handing over this city wall to Guan first?"

"General Guan, do you believe it?" Zang Ba had just finished speaking halfway before he was pulled back by Sun Guan.

"It should, it should." Sun Guan hurriedly smoothed things over.

"Let's go back to camp."

"Give over the city wall here to General Guan." Zang Ba waved his hand and said angrily.

Seeing Guan Yu's aloof temper, Mi Zhu and the others didn't say much, they cupped their hands and said, "In that case, let's continue when Uncle Liu Huang comes here tomorrow."

After Mi Zhu and the others left, Guan Sheng leaned over and whispered in a soldier's ear. Not long after, he saw a few fast horses galloping out of the city.

Xuzhou City, thirty miles away.

"My lord, the scouts are here to report."

"General Guan Sheng has tricked Xuzhou into his hands." Zhang Dequan, the veterinarian, reported.

It was night, and the city gate of Xuzhou opened suddenly.

As soon as he entered Xuzhou, Li Chen immediately began to issue orders.

"Where is Li Siye?"

"The end is here."

"I order you to lead [-] Mo sword soldiers and [-] infantry soldiers to quickly control the Xuzhou camp."


"Where is Guan Sheng?"

"The end is here."

"Order you to lead a team of [-] people to control officials of all sizes in Xuzhou. I will see them at the State Shepherd's Mansion within an hour."


After the two were ordered to leave with their troops, it was time to change the king's banner at the top of the city.Numerous black Li character flags are fluttering in the wind, also reflecting that from now on Xuzhou city is surnamed Li.

(End of this chapter)

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