Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 506 Chunyu Qiong: Fake wine harms people.

Chapter 506 Chunyu Qiong: Fake wine harms people.

Chun Yuqiong ordered the lieutenant general to find a small courtyard for these people in the city, and told Guanshi Zhang not to run around in the city.

After all, it's war now.The defense in Wuchao City is very strict.If you run around and go somewhere you shouldn't go, then I'm afraid you will be treated as a spy.

"General, then I'll go there first, general, don't drink too much, just taste it!" Before leaving, Zhang Guanshi specifically asked Chunyuqiong.

"I know, I know!"

"I, Chunyu Qiong, can I miss a major event?" Chunyu Qiong said impatiently.

While speaking, Chun Yuqiong's deputy general had brought Guanshi Zhang and the others to the city, and began to search for an empty courtyard.

Due to the war, the people of Wuchao had moved out early and became a military city.

Therefore, in Wuchao City, there are countless vacant courtyards, not to mention hundreds of people, even more than ten thousand people can live there.

"General Li, can you find me a courtyard near the city gate. In this way, I can leave the city at dawn tomorrow."

"The city is heavily guarded. If you are far away from the city gate, you will need General Li to lead the way. It will inevitably be troublesome. Wouldn't it be possible to avoid a lot of trouble if you get close to the city gate?" Steward Zhang asked the lieutenant general.

The reason why Guanshi Zhang wanted to find a place close to the city gate was indeed for convenience. Of course, it was for the convenience of them opening the city gate together at night.

After thinking about it for a while, Lieutenant General Li felt that what Zhang Guanshi said was reasonable.Anyway, they will leave at dawn tomorrow, and it would be more convenient to arrange them at the city gate.

"There happened to be a vacant house near the city gate. I'll take you there." Lieutenant General Li said to Guanshi Zhang.

General Li led the way, and Guanshi Zhang followed behind with a group of people.Among the crowd, Xia Houyuan hid in the crowd, silently observing the surrounding environment, including the layout of Yuan Jun's sentry post and so on.

Xia Houyuan is a veteran of wars, and he has already engraved the environment in the city deeply in his mind just by reading it once.

While speaking, Lieutenant General surnamed Li brought everyone to the gate of the house.Opening the gate of the house, he said, "This is it. The house is big enough for you to rest. Don't go out at night, lest you cause misunderstandings by the patrolling soldiers!"

When Lieutenant General surnamed Li was about to leave, he did not forget to entrust him.

"Don't worry, General Li, I will never cause you any trouble." Guanshi Zhang said hastily.

Since Cao Jun launched an all-out attack, Wuchao's defense is much stricter than before.Especially after nightfall, there were two or three times more patrolling posts on the street.

That night.

child time.

According to the amount of crotons sent to the laborers, the stomachs of some weak soldiers should have started to growl at this time.

In the courtyard, several people headed by Xia Houyuan were gathered around a table in front of the table.

On the table, under the dim light, is a topographic map of Wuchao City copied by Xia Houyuan from memory.

On the topographic map, all the guard posts along the way, as well as some important locations, are marked along the way during the day.

Xia Houyuan didn't have many people in his hands, only a hundred or so, but what they were going to do tonight was very important.

It is extremely difficult to rely on more than a hundred people to win them, even after some arrangements have been made.

"Liu San, Zhao Si, the two of you sneaked into the city first, and set fire to a few houses at random in the city to attract the patrolling soldiers."

"The rest of us have to take advantage of the chaos and go straight to the city gate. As long as we open the city gate and let our soldiers hiding outside the city take advantage of the chaos to come in, this will be done." Xia Houyuan ordered.

"No!" All the soldiers responded in unison.

In the middle of the night, in the mountains and forests more than five hundred feet away from Wuchao City.At this time, Xiahou Dun was leading a group of Cao Jun soldiers, crawling and crouching among the bushes.

According to the plan, Xia Houyuan in the city is about to lead people to rob the city gate.Once the city gate is seized, they will enter the city immediately.

Xia Houyuan and the others hid very deeply, hiding among the bushes and dared not move, because in the open space outside the forest, there would be Yuan Jun's sentry looking into the forest from time to time.

At the same time, in Wuchao City, Yuan Jun's Chinese Army tent.

At this time, Chunyu Qiong was holding the wine jar, her cheeks were flushed, and she was already very drunk.

Two hours ago, Chunyu Qiong really couldn't bear the temptation of this fine wine.For a Jiu Mengzi, the temptation of this good wine is like a young man in his twenties standing in front of a half-hidden beautiful girl.

"I'll just drink one bowl, don't drink too much, I should be fine." Chunyuqiong thought so, and poured himself a bowl of wine.

"Gudu Gudu!" The bowl of wine entered Chunyu Qiong's belly in the blink of an eye.

This bowl of wine is just right if you don't drink it, this drink will completely hook the wine worms out of Chunyu Qiong's stomach.

"According to my drinking capacity, it's no problem to drink two bowls."

"Two bowls, just two bowls! Never drink the third bowl!" Chunyuqiong thought so, and then poured himself another bowl of wine.


In the blink of an eye, the bowl of wine was in again.Chunyu Qiong babbled, but couldn't taste anything.

"Hey, I drank these two bowls too quickly and didn't taste much."

"The last bowl, definitely the last bowl."

"This bowl, I'll taste it slowly!" Chunyu Qiong said calmly.

The drinking method of "gudu gudu" just now is not bad, but this fine tasting is really amazing.This is really good wine, even among the wines that Chunyu Qiong has tasted, it is also the first-class good wine.

Chunyu Qiong looked at the wine in the altar, and couldn't move his eyes at all.

"This is the rear of Wuchao. In short, Cao Jun can't fight here. I drank this wine, and I will wake up early tomorrow morning. I definitely can't miss the big deal."

Thinking of this, Chunyu Qiong didn't care so much, he didn't need to measure his drink in a bowl, he just hugged the wine jar and started to "gurgling" to drink.

You know, this wine is the 30-year-old Daughter Red.This wine was very intoxicating, not long after Chunyu Qiong hugged the wine jar and died of drunkenness.

At this moment, you are looking at Chunyu Qiong's table, his table is empty, there is not a single dish, only drinking.

Tonight, as long as there is a plate of peanuts, Chunyu Qiong will not be drunk like this.

Chunyu Qiong passed away drunk to death on one side, while on the other side, Xia Houyuan had already made arrangements and was ready to take a hundred people under him and start to act.

On the other hand, Yuan Shao has Xu You under Yuan Shao, how can he be undefeated with a "creeping dragon and phoenix" like Chun Yuqiong!
(End of this chapter)

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