Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 509 Burn Wuchao first, and then seize Guandu.

Chapter 509 Burn Wuchao first, and then seize Guandu.

Suddenly, Chunyu Qiong thought, even if I go back, it will be a dead word.Because of his negligence, the Wuchao granary was destroyed.

I'm afraid that Yuan Shao will have to take his life.Since going back would be death, then simply don't go back.

Chunyu Qiong thought to himself, since Xu You was able to take refuge in Cao Cao, why couldn't I, Chunyu Qiong.

You know, when Emperor Ling was driving him as the Eighth Captain of Xiyuan.Cao Cao is the captain of the Dianjun, and Chunyu Qiong is the captain of the right.The two can be considered old acquaintances, and they have some friendship.

Thinking of this, Chunyu Qiong said to the soldiers under his command: "Brothers, now that the Wuchao granary has been burned by Cao Jun, I am afraid that this battle will definitely be defeated."

"Wei King Cao Mengdeben and I were both the Eighth Colonel of the West Garden under the command of Emperor Ling. We are best friends. I intend to take you to seek refuge with the King of Wei and seek a future. I don't know what everyone thinks."

"If you are willing to come with me, I will take you to find a way out. If you are not willing, I, Chunyu Qiong, will not force it. Let's get together and break up."

In fact, although Chun Yuqiong and Cao Cao were the eighth school lieutenant of Xiyuan under the command of Emperor Ling, the two actually had no friendship.The reason why Chun Yuqiong said that he and Cao Cao were good friends was to trick these soldiers into voting for Cao Cao with him.

After all, the effect of this person voting for Cao and taking soldiers to vote for Cao is bound to be different.

After Chunyuqiong finished speaking, the eyes of the soldiers present could not help but light up.

Although the Wuchao granary was burned, Chunyuqiong had to take the blame.However, these people may not be implicated.

If they go back to Yuanying, Chunyu Qiong must die, and they must be punished as well.Moreover, looking at the current battle situation, Yuan Shao must have won or lost.

Without Wuchao's food, the hundreds of thousands of troops would starve to death even if Cao Jun didn't attack.The current situation is like this, why go back to Yuanying.

From this point of view, following Chunyu Qiong to seek refuge with Wei Wang Cao Cao is really a way out.

"We are willing to follow the general."

"We all listen to the general."

The soldiers under Chunyuqiong were not fools either, after hearing what Chunyuqiong said, they immediately shouted loudly.


"The general will take you to seek refuge with the King of Wei, and take you on a broad road!" Chunyu Qiong said confidently immediately.

at the same time.

The two brothers Xiahouyuan and Xiahoudun have successfully completed the task after burning down the Wuchao granary.

At this time, the two brothers decided together and immediately decided to change into Yuan Jun's clothes, pretend to be a broken soldier from Wuchao who came to ask for help, and opened the gate of Guandu by fraud, and came to cooperate with Cao Ren outside.

The Xiahou brothers still had more than 3000 soldiers and horses in their hands at this time. Although many Yuan Jun's routs were captured, Yuan Jun's routs were useless for such things as defrauding the city.

The two Xiahou brothers ordered all the generals of the Cao family under their command, and then called a partial general in the Yuan army.This is Xu You's nephew, he can be regarded as a trustworthy person.

Three thousand soldiers rushed to Guandu in a hurry. Although these three thousand Cao troops were not many, if they could really cheat to open the gate of Guandu and enter Guandu city to stir up trouble, it would play a very important role.

At this time, Ju Yizheng was fighting Cao Ren on the Guandu city wall.Each of the two sides has a hundred thousand troops in their hands, but after this day and night of fierce fighting, both sides have lost [-]% of their losses.

At this time, Cao Ren led his army to attack the south gate of Guandu City, while the brothers Xiahou came to the north gate.

Now, Cao Jun is in the north, and there is no fighting at the south gate of Guandu, so naturally there are not many defenders.

At this time, Brother Xiahou appeared at the north gate of Guandu with three thousand generals from the Cao family.

"Who are you?" On the city wall, the city gate guard asked downwards.

"Old Zhang is me, Xu Cong, Wuchao is lost, quickly take me to see General Ju Yi!" Xu Cong shouted from the bottom of the city.

Xu Cong's official position in the army is not big or small, but it is a coincidence that he happened to know the gate guard of the north gate, and the two had gambled money together.

Seeing that the people below knew each other, and also heard that Wuchao was lost, the city gate guard in the north city did not have much doubts, and immediately ordered people to open the city gate, and then led these people to the south city to find Ju Yi .

At this time, Ju Yi was commanding soldiers and horses to fight against Cao Ren on the wall of the southern city.

"General Ju Yi, [-] defeated troops have retreated from Wuchao. According to them, Wuchao's guard, Chun Yuqiong, was greedy for good wine and missed a big deal. The small army that Cao Jun sneaked into took the opportunity to set Wuchao's granary on fire. "A lieutenant reported to Ju Yi.

After hearing this, Ju Yi had an expression on his face as expected.Ju Yi had already thought of this possibility in his heart when he saw the flames in Wuchao's direction.

"Order someone who knows the details to come up, and I want to ask about the details." Ju Yi told the lieutenant general.

After receiving Ju Yi's order, the lieutenant stepped down the city wall, came to the front of the three thousand soldiers and horses, and asked, "You guys know the details, come up with me, General Ju Yi wants to ask questions."

Hearing this, Xia Houyuan winked at his elder brother Xiahou Dun.The two brothers have a deep understanding, and they can understand each other's thoughts with just a glance.

What Xia Houyuan meant was that I went up to the city wall to find an opportunity to kill Ju Yi, and if I did something here, you immediately took the opportunity to snatch the city gate.

Xiahou Dun nodded slightly towards Xiahouyuan, meaning ojbk.

At this time, the three thousand soldiers of the Xiahou brothers were at the gate of the city, whether they could kill Ju Yi or rob the gate, they could all play a decisive role in the battle situation.

"I know, I am the guard in front of General Chunyu Qiong, and I know everything about it." Xia Houyuan stood up and said to this person.

"Okay, then you come with me!" Pian Jiang said.

During the time he spoke, Xia Houyuan followed this person to the city wall.

After seeing the people coming, Ju Yi asked: "Tell me how Cao Jun plundered the Wuchao and how he burned the granary."

"Returning to General Juyi, the thing is like this. At the beginning, Cao Jun disguised himself as a laborer and sneaked into the city. You also know the fault of General Chunyuqiong. He is greedy for drinking, and there is wine among the laborers. There is meat. In such a war, it is wrong to let laborers enter the city. However, General Chunyuqiong insisted on doing so, and those of us who are subordinates dare not say anything." It's all true.

"This Chunyu Qiong really deserves to die." Hearing this, Ju Yi was furious.

During the war, he didn't follow the military rules so much, in Ju Yi's opinion, even Chunyu Qiong was not qualified to be a centurion for him.

"In the middle of the night." Xia Houyuan's voice became smaller and smaller.

(End of this chapter)

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