Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 512 The Xiliang coalition forces are about to disband.

Chapter 512 The Xiliang coalition forces are about to disband.


Xiliang coalition army camp.

Chinese army tent.

The news that Yuan Shao was defeated and fled back to Yecheng had already spread, and at this time the Xiliang coalition forces also began to panic.

In their hearts, they couldn't help but secretly scolded Yuan Shao for being incompetent, that the hundreds of thousands of troops were easily defeated by Cao Cao.

Looking at it now, Yuan Shao's demise is only a matter of time.Ma Chao doesn't care about Yuan Shao's life or death. The most important thing is that once Cao Cao destroys Yuan Shao, Ma Chao from Xiliang will be next.

You know, Cao Cao and Ma Chao are revenge for killing their father, and in the battle of Tongguan, Ma Chao cut off Cao Cao's beard and discarded his robe, which can be said to have made Cao Cao lose face.

The contradiction between Ma Chao and Cao Cao is irreconcilable.Therefore, once Cao Cao destroyed Yuan Shao and annexed Yuan Shao's forces, Ma Chao must be next.

As for relying on the Xiliang Allied Forces in his hands to contend against Cao Jun.For Ma Chao, this is basically impossible.

The Xiliang Allied Forces are a mob, and they gathered together for the sake of profit. If it's a smooth battle, it's okay to take advantage of a few votes, but when it comes to a tough battle, it's unreliable.

A few days ago, when Ma Chao was beating Cao Cao to cut off his beard and discard his robe, Ma Chao planned to lead the army to take advantage of the situation and go to Yanjin.

However, the coalition forces in Xiliang are scattered, and everyone thinks that they should rest for a while before reorganizing Cao Jun's defeated troops and dispatching troops.

Not to mention the various ministries of the grassland, even Han Sui and Beigong Boyu did not agree to continue sending troops.

They are all foxes in the mountains, what about Liaozhai?Can Ma Chao not know what these people think?

They clearly wanted to divide up the benefits they had obtained first, and then marched forward.

You know, Cao Cao was originally prepared for a protracted battle with Ma Chao in Tongguan.Therefore, a large amount of grain, grass, ordnance, etc. have been collected in Tongguan.In addition, this battle defeated Cao Cao's tens of thousands of troops.

The ministries of the prairie took a fancy to the materials in Tongguan, while Beigong Boyu and Han Sui took a fancy to Cao Jun's defeat.These Cao Jun's defeated troops are a good source of troops.

Although Ma Chao was the nominal leader of the Xiliang Allied Forces, he was only a nominal commander.

As the saying goes, sharing adversity is easy, sharing wealth is difficult.How many alliances like brothers have gone through adversity together, but turned their faces when enjoying wealth and honor.Not to mention, Ma Chao's Xiliang coalition is just a combination of interests.

Since it is a combination of interests, the purpose of everyone getting together is for the benefit, for the benefit.Now that there are benefits, if Ma Chao doesn't make a distinction, I'm afraid the Xiliang army will start fighting among themselves.

You want food, I want soldiers.

You need time to transport supplies, and I also need time to organize my troops.These three delays and two no delays, now Yuan Shao's army has been defeated, and Ma Chao has not left Tongguan yet.

When the news of Yuan Shao's defeat came, the Xiliang coalition forces were immediately dumbfounded.This is really the end of the calf, and offended Cao Cao to death.As a result, Yuan Shao is now defeated.

"It's broken, it's broken!"

"How should this be done?"

"Yuan Shao couldn't help but fight too. In just a short time, hundreds of thousands of troops were defeated."

"This Yuan Shao, the mud can't support the wall."

In the big tent of the Chinese army, the leaders of the Xiliang coalition army complained in their hearts one by one.

At this time, it is obvious that this joint attack on Cao Cao will end here, without Yuan Shao fighting Cao Cao hard.The Xiliang Allied Forces are not worthy of being Cao Cao's opponent at all.

However, the problem now is that even if they withdraw, Cao Cao will have to deal with them sooner or later. ,

Cheng Gongying took a look at the crowd and said solemnly: "We all have a share in defeating Cao Cao today. Since Cao Cao has gained power, he will definitely not let us go."

"Although there is no hope of defeating Cao Cao, our alliance cannot be disbanded. Only the coalition can have a chance of survival. Once the coalition disbands, Cao Cao will probably defeat them one by one."

What Cheng Gongying said was not bad. It is impossible for them to unite and be Cao Cao's opponent, let alone disperse.

"The military adviser is right. Even if we retreat to Xiliang, we must unite. If one side is in trouble, all sides will support. No matter who Cao Cao fights, we have to rescue." Han Sui echoed from the side.

"Yes, we are qualified to negotiate with Cao Cao only when we unite. There are many people and strength, so Cao Cao dare not underestimate us!" Beigong Boyu said the same.

Huddling together for warmth has been human nature since ancient times, especially at this time, when Cheng Gongying proposed to continue the alliance, everyone immediately echoed it.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, after further discussion, they decided on a plan to withdraw from Tongguan and return to Xiliang within seven days.

At this time, Yuan Shao was already in a doomed situation. People like Han Sui and Beigong Boyu who had no integrity at all, naturally wouldn't be entangled with Yuan Shao at this time.

Even though Ma Chao was somewhat unwilling to withdraw his troops, there was indeed nothing he could do.

Although Cao Cao was not killed, but in the battle of Tongguan, killing Cao Cao by cutting off his beard and abandoning his robe was considered a breath of anger.

However, after thinking about it these days, Ma Chao also knows Cheng Gongying very well.Today, from Cheng Gongying's face, Ma Chao felt that Cheng Gongying seemed to be hesitant to speak today.

That night.

Ma Chao came to Cheng Gongying's camp and asked Cheng Gongying, "Military Master, what's the inconvenience today?"

Cheng Gongying really didn't say anything during the day, because, in front of such a mob, some things are really hard to say.

Originally, Cheng Gongying also planned to look for Ma Chao at night, but unexpectedly, Ma Chao came here first.

"My lord, I really have nothing to say."

"There is no danger for us to defend Xiliang. Even if we are united, this Xiliang will definitely not be able to defend. You are different from others. If Cao Jun takes Xiliang, everyone may live, but you must die? "Cheng Gongying said solemnly.

If Cao Cao takes down Xiliang, according to Han Sui, someone like Beigong Boyu will definitely surrender immediately.However, only Ma Chao could not.

Not to mention, Ma Chao's proud character does not allow him to surrender. Even if Ma Chao wanted to surrender, how could Cao Cao tolerate Ma Chao?

Ma Chao thought about what Cheng Gongying said, and knew that what Cheng Gongying said was reasonable.In any case, it is impossible for Ma Chao to give up seeking revenge on Cao Cao.In this case, between Cao Cao and Ma Chao, one must die.

"Military division, what strategy do you have?" Ma Chao asked Cheng Gongying for advice.

Cheng Gongying stroked the goat's beard and said: "I have three top and middle strategies, and sticking to Xiliang is the best strategy, and I haven't said the best and middle strategies."

(End of this chapter)

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