Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 522 Break Zhuo County in two hours.

Chapter 522 Break Zhuo County in two hours.

The combat effectiveness of the Qin army was really too strong. In less than two hours, they had already captured Zhuojun, a strong city that Cao Wei had managed for a long time.

You know, the neighboring lands of Qin and Wei are Zhuojun and Xiaopei.Cao Wei worked hard to manage Zhuojun, while Qin Jun worked hard to manage Xiaopei.

Where the two countries are adjacent, this must be a strong city. What's more, the one who guards Zhuo County is Cao Jun's number one general who is good at defending.

The reason why Cao Cao dared to detain the Daqin miners was that the Qin army would not be able to defeat Zhuojun. Once a war started, it would be a protracted war.

However, to everyone's surprise, in just one or two hours, the Qin army defeated Zhuojun.

Of course, in fact, it is difficult to reproduce the victory of Zhuojun. On the surface, it is the Qin army that defeated Zhuojun with a blitzkrieg.

However, in fact, the Qin army had been preparing for this war for a long time.

First of all, it took a long time just to transport all the artillery, shells, etc. to the city of Zhuo County.

As the saying goes, the sound of the cannon is worth tens of thousands of taels of gold. The military expenditure spent on cannonballs today alone is a huge number.

After the Qin army captured Zhuo County, they did not rush to attack the next city. Instead, they began to forcibly relocate the people of Zhuo County to the territory of Daqin.

Zhuoxian County is the seat of Zhuojun County, so there are quite a lot of people here, and there are quite a lot of silver and grain in the government.

Zhuo County.

government office.

"Marshal, why are we attacking the next city? If I want to see Cheng, it's better to fight all the way through, and it counts as a ball!" Cheng Yaojin bluffed carelessly.

"Old Cheng, you're taking too long a step, you're going to tear the egg! Be careful, I'll tear out the egg yolk!" Yu Wencheng said angrily.


"Chengdu boy, what are you talking about, believe it or not, I beat you?" Cheng Yaojin said angrily.

"Hit me?"

"Have you ever hit me?" Yu Wencheng said angrily.

"Don't worry, one is that the artillery shells in the army are insufficient now, and the other is that the artillery moves slowly, and it is quite difficult to transport."

"If there is no advantage of artillery, our soldiers will have to use their flesh and blood to attack the city. It is not worthwhile to exchange lives with Cao Wei's soldiers!"

"Let's wait in Zhuo County for a few days now and see how Cao Cao will deal with us marrying Zhuo County!" Chen Qingzhi said to the generals.

Don't look at the fact that the Qin army seems to be fighting very easily now, in fact it is quite difficult for the Qin army to start this war.

Qin land has just experienced war, and it has not been stable for a few years.Under such circumstances, if we forcibly use human lives to attack the city, the source of troops will not be able to sustain it.

If artillery fire is used to bombard, the expensive cost of artillery shells cannot sustain economically.

The purpose of the war is to make Daqin more prosperous and stronger, not just for a momentary pleasure.Because, taking Zhuo County showed his fist, it would be best if he could force Cao Cao to return the Daqin miners.

Weidi, Xudu.

It was just dawn.


"Emergency military report, emergency military report."

A fast horse galloped into Xudu, and the whip in the soldier's hand slammed on his ass, galloping all the way, and he didn't even have time to avoid the pedestrians on the road.

The fast horse galloped all the way to the Wei Palace, holding the gold medal and galloping all the way into the Wei Palace, and directly met Wei Wang Cao Cao.

Holding a gold medal and rushing across the road without even having time to report, it can be seen how urgent this is.


"King Wei, at ten o'clock in the evening yesterday, Zhuo County was lost!"

"The Qin army captured Zhuo County in less than two hours!" The messenger reported the situation of Zhuo County to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was shocked when he heard that Zhuo County had been lost, and then he heard that the Qin army took down Zhuo County in less than two hours, which made Cao Cao even more headache.

"Send the order, send the order quickly."

"Order the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs to come quickly to see the king to discuss countermeasures!" Cao Cao ordered, holding back his headache.

As soon as Cao Cao gave an order, attendants rushed to the mansions of various ministers, ordering them to meet at the Wei Palace.

As soon as Xun Yu heard that Zhuo County had been lost, and that the Qin army had only spent less than two hours, he couldn't help shouting: "What a disaster, what a disaster!"

Xun Yu summoned his housekeeper and told him, "Go quickly to Feng Xiao's mansion and tell Feng Xiao about this matter. Now, only Feng Xiao can persuade the King of Wei!"

Xun Yu knew Cao Cao too well. Cao Cao was an extremely stubborn person, and it was difficult for him to realize his mistakes.

At the beginning, when Cao Cao fled, after killing Lu Boshe's family by mistake, he would rather be ruthless in killing Lu Boshe than admit his mistake.

From this, it is enough to see the nature of this person.

Xun Yu knew that what happened now, Cao Cao knew that he had said something before detaining the Daqin miners, so he would not admit his mistake, but would stubbornly send troops to fight the Qin army.

However, the Qin army was able to take down Zhuojun in just two hours, which is enough to see the gap between the combat effectiveness of the two sides.

If you lose, since you have already lost, you should stand at attention and be beaten now, and just let him go honestly.

If the fight continues, it will only make Cao Wei lose even worse and suffer even heavier losses.

Xun Yu understood this truth, but he also knew that he would not be able to persuade Cao Cao.

If Cao Cao could listen to his persuasion so easily, the fiasco of Zhuojun would not have happened.

Inviting Guo Jia to act, in this situation, we can only invite Guo Jia to act.Among the entire Cao Wei camp, only Guo Jia could persuade the stubborn Cao Cao.

Xun Yu ordered the housekeeper to go to Guo Jia's mansion to find Guo Jia who was recuperating, while he himself rushed to Wei Palace to find out the situation first.

Xudu, Wei Palace.

"Trash, trash!"

"Yu Jin, this trash, took two hours. In less than two hours, he lost my king's Zhuo County. What did he eat?"

"A total of 5 people. Zhuo County has 5 people stationed there. Even [-] pigs can guard for two hours, right?"

Xun Yu stepped into Wei Palace after besieging the city, and he had already heard Cao Cao's incompetence and fury.

Under the main hall, all civil servants and military generals lowered their heads and said nothing, and no one dared to touch Cao Cao's brow at this time.

Not long after, all the main ministers of Cao Cao arrived.

Cao Cao glanced at the main hall, and said with a gloomy expression: "This king wants to send 30 troops to recover Zhuojun and take Xiaopei directly."

"I don't know who is willing to lead troops into battle?"

At this time, Cao Cao didn't realize his mistake at all, nor did he realize the gap in combat effectiveness between the two sides.

Since Cao Cao destroyed Yuan Shao and unified the north, it can be said that he has become more self-willed and inflated.

However, after Cao Cao finished asking, no general came forward to ask for a fight.

Everyone knows Yu Jin's ability, he has real ability, and he is the number one guard in Cao Ying.The Zhuo County he guarded was breached in less than two hours, so whoever goes to fight the Qin army is useless!

(End of this chapter)

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