Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 530 Cao Wei's internal conflicts.

Chapter 530 Cao Wei's internal conflicts.

When fighting against Qin, Cao Cao actually didn't have a bottom line in his heart.

After all, the fact that the Qin army captured Zhuojun in two hours is still vivid in my mind. If the Qin and Wei dynasties started a war and this scene of the year was staged at one time, then it can be expected that Cao Cao will inevitably face verbal criticism from many ministers.

The most important thing is that there are many ministers loyal to the Han Dynasty in the court, who always stand against Cao Cao. Once Cao Cao makes any mistakes, they will inevitably bring up the topic of returning power to the emperor.

Cao Cao planned to coerce the emperor to make the princes, but Li Mu used a trick to make the king mess up the world.

Since then, the emperor of Han has been in the hands of Cao Cao, and he has become a tasteless one. It can be said that it is a pity that it is tasteless to eat and discard.

If you want to say that he is useless, occasionally an imperial decree or something in the name of the emperor can still occupy the righteousness.But if you say that he is useful, the little emperor will cause chaos inside himself from time to time.

No, it is no longer possible to call him a little emperor.

When Cao Cao was the emperor, Han Emperor Liu Xie was a little emperor.It has been more than ten years since Cao Cao was the emperor, and the little emperor has grown up.

At that time, Emperor Liu Xie of the Han Dynasty was only a teenager, and he was still a half-grown child who didn't understand anything.But now Liu Xie may be in his 20s. Although he can only be at the mercy of Cao Cao, he is no longer willing to be at the mercy of Cao Cao.

In addition, when Cao Cao was cooperating with the emperor, he not only held hostage the emperor, but also held hostage a group of veterans who were loyal and loyal to the Han Dynasty.

In recent years, these ministers have contributed a lot to Cao Cao. In terms of governing the country, with the help of these veterans of the Han Dynasty, Wei Guo has prospered.

However, as the emperor got older, the thoughts that these people shouldn't have in their hearts naturally became stronger and stronger.

In the court, many people have proposed many times that Cao Cao should return the government to the emperor, with Cao Cao controlling the military power and the emperor controlling the political power.

However, now that this kind of power is in hand, the military and government have been grasping it for a long time, and Cao Cao may return his rights to the emperor.

Maybe Cao Cao was indeed a loyal minister when he was young, but power can corrupt people's hearts the most. As time goes by, Cao Cao is no longer the boy he was at the beginning.

It is precisely because of these internal hidden dangers that Cao Cao sent troops to attack Qin, but there were actually many obstacles.

Especially these ministers loyal to the Han Dynasty, they follow the idea that if they don't make mistakes, they will make meritorious deeds.He only wants stability and strongly opposes Cao Cao's attack on Qin.

Of course, for these ministers loyal to the Han Dynasty, there is a reason to oppose the defeat of Qin.

First of all, whether Cao Cao's attack on Qin was successful or failed, it was not good for the Han Dynasty.

First of all, if Cao Cao failed to attack Qin and Li Chen defeated Cao Cao, then how would Qin King Li Chen treat Emperor Han? Can he still recognize Emperor Han?Recognize the court of the Han Dynasty?All this is an unknown.

If Cao Cao wins the battle against Qin, he will annex the power of Qin Wang Li Chen.Then Cao Cao's power has increased greatly. Will Cao Cao's mind change by then? If Cao Cao's mind changes and he wants to take a step closer, what will happen then?
It is precisely because, for these ministers loyal to the Han Dynasty, Wei Guo's attack on Qin, whether it is victory or defeat, is not good for the Han Dynasty, so they are so opposed.

There are hidden dangers inside and strong enemies outside. Cao Cao knew that his development environment was far from as good as that of Daqin, so this made Cao Cao firm in his belief in defeating Qin.

Even if Shu defeated Qin, as long as Qin, the biggest opponent, was destroyed, the mere Shu would not be regarded by Cao Cao.

Similarly, Liu Bei also thought so at this time.Even Wei's defeat of Qin is the best for Shu.

Because, the Kingdom of Shu still has the strength to fight against the Kingdom of Wei, but it must not be an opponent when facing the Kingdom of Qin.

It is precisely because of these many reasons that this contributed to the alliance between Wei and Shu.

Weidi, Xuchang.


"Good news, great victory, great victory on the front line."

A fast horse galloped into the city of Xudu, and the messenger sent by Cao Ren roared hoarsely.

Good news!

Good news!

In an instant, the people all the way knew that there was a good news from the front line.Now, the state of Wei is at war with the state of Qin. Since it is a good news from the front line, it means that their state of Wei has won the battle on the front line!

The war with Qiang Qin caused not only panic among the ruling and opposition parties of Wei State, but also panic among the people of Wei State.

After all, it has only been less than ten years since they finally settled down, and they are at war with Qiang Qin again. If they lose, Wei Guo may be in trouble again.

Many people who are old still remember the time when the princes of the world were fighting. At that time, you beat me today and I beat you tomorrow. It was like a pot of porridge.

Now that the good news came from the front line, it shocked everyone.

Naturally, Cao Ren deliberately ordered his subordinates to repay the victory in this way. In this way, the common people can be excited, and it can also tell those Han ministers who opposed the war that Lao Tzu Cao Ren can also win the battle.

Xudu, Wei Palace.

"Ha ha!"

"Everyone, did you see that? Zixiao captured Xiaopei, an important town in Qin, in one day, and Zhang Liao fled to the wind."

"This Liao is a general of the Qin army, but he is not an opponent of my family's Zixiao. From this, it can be seen that my general of the Cao family army is sharp?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Cao Cao was so high-spirited and proud at this time!Among these ministers, there are quite a few who objected to sending troops by themselves, and this time, they will be severely slapped in the face.

What saddened Cao Cao the most was that Xun Yu, who he used quite a lot, flirted with these Han ministers all day long, and even secretly supported him in returning power to the Han Emperor at certain times.

Now that he has won the battle on the front line, as long as he defeats Qin Wang Li Chen, his prestige of Cao Cao will reach its peak. It is expected that these people will not be able to cause a big storm.

"The king of Wei and the king of Qin have been busy developing the economy and the people's livelihood these years. It seems that the army has neglected to develop!" Cheng Yu said.

"Ahem!" At this time, the military adviser Guo Jia also stood up and said: "The reason why the Qin army was strong back then was because the place where King Qin started his family was Xuzhou, and Xuzhou was the place where the Fourth World War was fought. The elite soldiers who have fought out a hundred battles."

"However, it is different now. The land of Qin is located in the south, and there is not much fighting in the south. The original Qin army is probably old, and the newly recruited Qin army has never experienced major battles. Therefore, the combat effectiveness of the Qin army has declined. , that was to be expected.”

"And our Wei State occupies Youzhou and Bingzhou, and has fought with various ethnic groups in the grassland from time to time these years. Therefore, compared with Qin State, our Wei State's soldiers and horses have experienced some wars."

(End of this chapter)

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