Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 532 Celebration Banquet.

Chapter 532 Celebration Banquet.

Three days will come soon.

The news that Cao Cao is going to hold a celebration banquet in the palace has spread, and Cao Cao has ordered that all court ministers must not be absent without reason.

Anyone who dares to disobey Cao Cao's order, and whoever dares to disobey his order, may lose the head of this item.

All the ministers of Cao Wei's ministers were required to be present, with the exception of one person, who was Cao Cao's military adviser, Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao.

Guo Jia is not in good health, and he has been recovering from his illness in recent years. Only when Guo Jia must be used, Cao Cao will summon Guo Jia, otherwise he will not bother him.

The noisy environment of the celebration banquet is naturally not suitable for Guo Jia, a patient. Therefore, Cao Cao did not force Guo Jia to attend the celebration banquet.

However, among the entire Cao Wei camp, there is only one Guo Jia who has such an honor.

As night fell, the palace was brightly lit and full of traffic.

The ministers arrived one after another, their carriages parked in the middle of the palace gate, they exchanged greetings and whispered to each other and walked into the palace.

Among the ministers of Cao Wei, most of them are naturally loyal to Cao Cao, so most of them say some praises and compliments to King Wei.

However, if these words stopped in the ears of Fu Guozhang and other ministers who were loyal to the Han Dynasty, it would be much harsher.

Now, these people only have King Wei in their hearts, not Emperor Han!
However, Uncle Fu Guo and the others seemed to have no choice but to secretly scold Cao Cao as a national traitor in their hearts.

The banquet is divided into left and right sides, civil servants are on the left, military generals are on the right, and the status is arranged from front to back according to their status.

With the passage of time, all the civil and military ministers have also arrived one after another, and food, drinks, etc. have been placed on the small tables.

Among these civil and military ministers, those who are familiar with each other are talking, and the atmosphere seems to be very good at first glance.

However, if you look at it carefully, it seems to be quite different.

In this court, it can be said that there are three factions.One faction is the Han Dynasty faction headed by Fu Guozhang, and the other is the Cao Wei faction headed by Cheng Yu.

The third row is the most special. The third row is headed by Xun Yu. Although they are officials promoted by Cao Cao, they are loyal to the Han Dynasty.He thinks he is a Hanchen, not Cao Cao's retainer.

"His Majesty is here!"

"The king of Wei is here!"

Following two shouts, Wei Wang Cao Cao and Han Xiandi Liu Xie came in from the outside together.Not only was Cao Cao intentional or unintentional, he was actually ahead of Liu Xie, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty.

You know, it's no surprise that the minister is ahead of the king!

However, Cao Cao didn't care at all, and he had already stood in front of Emperor Han Xian.

Seeing this scene, in the eyes of the ministers of the Han Dynasty faction, the silver teeth could be said to be bitten to pieces.Even Xun Yu and others felt that King Wei had gone too far.

However, Cao Cao was at his most powerful at this time. Where anyone dared to offend him, everyone could only look at it with eyesight and anger in their hearts, and there was nothing they could do!
"See King Wei!"

"See Your Majesty!"

Seeing Wei Wang Cao Cao and Han Xiandi Liu Xie take their seats, all the civil and military ministers in the hall shouted in unison.

This loud cry has already proved that Cao Cao is clearly a Han subject but actually a Han thief.

Listen to this title, first see King Wei, and then see His Majesty.It can be seen from this that in the eyes of these civil and military ministers, Wei Wang Cao Cao's position must be higher than that of the emperor.

Uncle Fu Guo and others felt uncomfortable, but they had to be coerced into calling them this.

"Sit down, everyone!" Before Han Xiandi Liu Xie could speak, Wei Wang Cao Cao spoke again.

Now, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty closed his mouth again when he was about to say "All lovers, please sit down".Liu Xie himself knew that people had to bow their heads under the eaves.

Liu Xie was on top of the soft collapse, thinking, come on, I don't talk anymore, just sit here quietly and be a mascot.

As everyone knows, what Cao Cao wants is for him to be a mascot quietly.With Liu Xie, Emperor Xiandi of the Han Dynasty, Cao Cao's side is orthodox.

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty Liu Xie didn't speak, which was naturally the best thing for Cao Cao.

Cao Cao picked up his wine glass and stood up, looking around at His Highness and ministers.Cao Cao knew better than anyone else that among these people there were those who were loyal to him, and there were also those who secretly slandered him.But no matter what, these people can hardly stop him from Cao Cao's dominance of the world.

"Everyone, today's banquet is a feast for celebration. Xiaopei, the important minister of the Qin State who was defeated by Cao Zixiao, the king's general, is about to come to Xuzhou."

"My great Wei army will defeat Qin, and it will be just around the corner. The whole world will be unified, and it will only take a few years."

"Now it's time for the family and the country to plan, and all the ministers in the court should work together to help the Great Wei defeat Qin in one fell swoop. If I let this king know that someone is behind the scenes, it will be like this table!"

As soon as Cao Cao finished speaking, he pulled out the sword from his waist and split the table in front of him in half.

Cao Cao's sword startled Fu Guozhang and the others. Obviously, Cao Cao was warning them now.

At this time, apart from Cao Cao's cronies, there were Han faction and neutral faction in the hall.It is naturally impossible for Cao Cao's own cronies to hinder him. Therefore, the only ones who can hinder Cao Cao are the Han faction and the neutral faction.

In fact, Fu Guozhang and the others really had this plan, thinking that after finding an opportunity, they must make a stumbling block for Cao Cao.After all, once Cao Cao unified the world, Cao Cao would become even more lawless without his restraints.

At that time, Han Xiandi Liu Xieke will be in danger.

After being warned by Cao Cao, people from Fu Guozhang's faction suddenly dared not speak, and each of them lowered their heads like ostriches.

"Ah, happy event, today's celebration banquet is a happy event!"

"Why be so serious, let's drink, drink!" Xu You raised his glass to smooth things over.

In such public occasions, the only one who dares to call Cao Cao as a lie is Xu You, who knows nothing about the sky and the earth.

Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao and unified the north. Xu You can be said to have made great contributions.In addition, Xu You and Cao Cao are young, so Xu You can be said to be extremely inflated.Called Cao Cao by his nickname more than once in public.Although Cao Cao was annoyed by this, he didn't dare to say anything more.

Sure enough, Cao Cao's face changed suddenly when he heard Xu You call himself Ah Man.He managed to exaggerate his prestige and aura to the peak. Xu You's words are like pricking a needle in an inflated balloon.Cao Cao's momentum suddenly plummeted.

Cao Cao was displeased, but he couldn't say anything, so he said with a cold face, "Let's use the table!"

Cao Cao's face was ugly, which made Fu Guozhang and others feel very happy.

(ps: I recommend my new book, "Age of Empires: The Beginning of the Reincarnation of the Great Qin Prince", which is super beautiful, if you don't look good, you hug your face and slap me!)

(End of this chapter)

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