Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 541 Guo Jia's strategy, respect Liu Bei as emperor! !

Chapter 541 Guo Jia's strategy, respect Liu Bei as emperor! !
"Zhang Yide, you really think I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

"Don't make a toast and don't eat the fine wine!" Xu Chu cursed.

Zhang Fei is a fool, and Xu Chu is also a fool.Now that these two foolish people meet together, wouldn't it be a three-hundred-round battle?

Xu Chu raised his sword to meet Zhang Fei's Zhangba Snake Spear. Zhang Fei and Xu Chu were comparable in strength, but Zhang Fei's martial arts were superior to Xu Chu's.

The two fought for more than a hundred rounds, Zhang Fei vaguely had the upper hand, but it would be difficult to win for a while.

Zhang He and Ju Yi fought against Li Dian and Le Jin. It was because Le Jin had been hit by Zhang He's arrow before.

Although Li Dian and Le Jin are not Zhang Yun's and Ju Yi's opponents, they only need to hold on for a while, and their troops will be able to wipe out Ju Yi's troops.When the time comes, once Empress Fu and the others die, Li Dian and Le Jin's goal will be fulfilled.

"Boom! Rumble!"

At this time, there was a sound of horseshoes and smoke billowing, and the cavalry of the Shu army brought by Zhang Fei arrived.For a while, the strength of the two sides became evenly matched.

"Second brother, step back, I'll come!" Gao Lan yelled, taking Zhang He's place.

Seeing the familiar scene, Li Dian and Le Jin felt timid.There is no need to ask this, it must have caused Zhang He to snipe secretly again.

It's just that this time Zhang Yun didn't target Li Dian and Le Jin, but aimed at Xu Chu with his bow and arrow.


Zhang Yun shot Xu Chu in the abdomen with a hidden arrow, and immediately saw Xu Chu shaking his horse three times, and almost fell off the horse after shaking three times.

Xu Chu was not Zhang Fei's opponent at all, and was shot by an arrow suddenly by Zhang Yun, and blood flowed out of his abdomen immediately.

"Why did you shoot him?" Zhang Fei stared at Zhang Yun and asked.

Although Zhang Fei is a reckless man, he is also an upright person.He had already suppressed Xu Chu, but Zhang Yun's arrow made Zhang Fei feel that the victory was invincible.

"Three generals, it's important to save people!" Zhang He replied.

Although it is said that Zhang Fei has come to help, this is Cao Cao's territory after all, and it is not a good thing if it has been delayed for a long time.

Hearing this, Zhang Fei also felt that there was some truth. He put away the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand and said to Xu Chu: "Today's victory is not military, and I won't kill you. There will be a battle between Wei and Shu. We will meet on the battlefield in the future to fight for life and death."

Xu Chu was shot in the abdomen by Zhang Xi's arrow, even if he didn't hurt his internal organs, he hurt his intestines.Now that they are fighting, it must be difficult to defeat Zhang Fei.Moreover, at this time Li Dian and Le Jin were also at a disadvantage.

Obviously, I'm afraid they won't be able to win Empress Fu and the others.

While Xu Chu was hesitating, Zhang Fei had already ordered his soldiers to escort Empress Fu and others out of the battlefield, preparing to evacuate.

At this time, for Zhang Fei, saving people is the main priority. As for the battle, it will not be too late to wait until the war between Wei and Shu begins.

Seeing Zhang Fei take people away, to Xu Chu, it was a boiled duck flying away.

However, there is no way, and it cannot be fought, nor can it be stopped.

"With Zhang Yide around, we can't take him back!"

"Let's go back and report back, we can only ask the military adviser to find another way!" Li Dian said to the two of them.

Xu Chu and Le Jin were both reckless, but one of them was shot in the arm by Zhang Yun, and the other was shot in the abdomen.Both of them were injured, and there was nothing they could do about it.

Xu all.

Wei Wangfu, bedroom.

"No one could stop them?" Cao Cao looked at Xu Chu and the three kneeling down like eggplants beaten by frost. He was looking at the injuries of Xu Chu and Le Jin, and he had already guessed the result.

It's just that Cao Cao was wondering who hurt Xu Chu.Ju Yi, Zhang He, and Gao Lan can beat Li Dian and Le Jin, but they will definitely not be Xu Chu's opponent.

Before Cao Cao could ask, Li Dian said, "Originally, I stopped him, but Zhang Yide led his men to fight out. We are no match for you."

"Zhang Yide, this is one of the few strong generals in the world. Don't blame you for waiting, it is Cao Mengde who is going to kill me, Cao Mengde is going to be killed!" Cao Cao said, closing his eyes, and turned to the many civil servants and generals who surrounded him. waved.

At this time, Cao Cao could no longer think of a way to break the situation.How, Empress Fu and others died at his hands.Then there is no proof of death, Cao Cao can refuse to admit it.

However, now that Empress Fu and the others were taken away by Zhang Yide, there is no doubt that there is no room for him to deny Empress Fu.

This is yellow mud falling into the crotch, not shit or shit.Cao Cao felt wronged, he really didn't do anything.

Cao Cao drove out all the civil servants and generals, wanting to be alone.

"Military Master, is there a way to break the situation?" Cheng Yu asked Guo Jia after leaving Cao Cao's bedroom.

Guo Jia didn't speak, but shook his head.Guo Jia is a human being, and he is not a god.The incident happened suddenly, and he handled it perfectly enough. However, it's not as good as God's plan, and he made a fierce Zhang Fei halfway through!

Guo Jia returned to his mansion, sat in the study and thought hard about a solution to the situation.Guo Jia knew that if he couldn't come up with a strategy to defeat the enemy, then Wei Guo must be the first to be eliminated in this tripartite confrontation.

Three days, three full days.

Guo Jia only drank some rice porridge, and his whole body has become much thinner. He finally thought of a way to break the situation.

Guo Jia stood up and wanted to go to Wei Wangfu to meet Cao Cao, but when he got up, he felt dizzy.

"Come here, take me to Wei Wangfu!" Guo Jia hurriedly ordered.

The people in the mansion quickly carried Guo Jia into the carriage and rushed to Wei Wang's mansion.

Wei Wangfu, bedroom.

"Feng Xiao, I haven't seen you for a few days. How did you look like this?" Cao Cao looked at Guo Jia who was carried in, with a withered and yellow complexion that gave people a feeling of dying.

"King Wei, I have thought of a way to defeat the enemy!" Guo Jia said weakly.

"Feng Xiao, please tell me!" Cao Cao said happily.

"King Wei, once Emperor Han dies, Liu Bei must send troops to attack Wei no matter what. Because he, Liu Bei, regards himself as the Han Dynasty and uses the slogan of restoring the Han Dynasty. Liu Bei's ministers of civil and military affairs, even soldiers, and common people. The reason why he followed and He is also because he is a clan member of the Han family."

"Once the Han Emperor died, Liu Bei could only continue to maintain his orthodoxy by defeating Wei. Otherwise, there would be civil strife in Shu without external force."

"It can be said that Liu Bei didn't want to avenge the Han Emperor, but he wanted to maintain the orthodoxy of the Han Dynasty."

"There is only one plan for now, and that is to give Liu Bei back the Han Dynasty, so that he can stop fighting!" Guo Jia talked eloquently.

"Bong Xiao, the Han Emperor died and had no heirs. How can we return Liu Bei's Han family?" Cao Cao asked.

Cao Cao thought to himself, this person doesn't know how to make immortals, and he can't bring Emperor Xian of Han back from death.

"He, Liu Bei, is also a clan member of the Han Dynasty. Since that's the case, it's better to support Liu Bei to proclaim himself emperor. I'll wait for Cao Wei to surrender to him for the time being, and plan in the future!" Guo Jia said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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