Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 543 Empress Fu rushes to Jinling.

Chapter 543 Empress Fu rushes to Jinling.

Guan Yu led the army back to rush back, but an unexpected visitor came to Chengdu first.

Shu, Chengdu.

Wei Palace.

"Come on, cook this Wei Chen to death!" Liu Bei pointed at Chen Qun and shouted.

Seeing Liu Bei's fury, Chen Qun's legs trembled involuntarily.Liu Bei is famous for his benevolence, but now he actually wants to use the punishment of cooking and killing him.This shows how strong Liu Bei's hatred for Cao Cao is!

"Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible. The two armies do not kill the envoy when they are fighting, but listen to what the envoy of Wei said!" Zhuge Liang said out loud.

Zhuge Liang's position in Liu Bei's heart is like Guo Jia's position in Cao Cao's heart.Liu Bei also obeyed Zhuge Liang.

"For the sake of Kong Ming's pleading for you, I will spare your life. If you have anything to say, please tell me!" Liu Bei asked.

"To the king of Shu, the country should not be left alone for a day. My king of Wei invites the king of Shu to be the emperor, and the king of Wei is willing to be a minister and pay tribute." Chen Qun explained the purpose of this trip.

Chen Qun did not mention a word about the death of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, nor did he defend Cao Cao, but simply threw out his interests and made you Liu Bei the emperor.

Some things cannot be justified, the more you justify others, the more they will think you are covering up.Therefore, it is most effective to directly throw benefits.

After what Chen Qun said, all the ministers in the Shu Kingdom were stunned by Lei's coquettish behavior, and everyone was stunned by Cao Cao's coquettish manipulation.

The purpose of killing Liu Xie, the puppet emperor in his own hands, is to support the owner, Liu Bei, who has territory, will become the real emperor, and he is willing to become a minister and pay tribute.

Even if Cao Cao's brain was kicked by a donkey, he would not be able to do this kind of thing of making wedding dresses for others.If the donkey kicked his head, how hard the donkey would be!
Cao Cao is also suffering in his heart. He is really more wronged than Dou E. There is no way to make Liu Bei the emperor.Now he is called Cao Cao and recited, and all the benefits go to Liu Bei.

As soon as Chen Qun's words were thrown out, the ministers of the Shu Kingdom fell silent, and everyone was moved.

In the eyes of these ministers, what is the purpose of sending troops to attack Wei? The purpose is to defeat Cao Cao and make Liu Bei the emperor with victory.

But now, Cao Cao took the initiative to offer this opportunity. It is the best choice not to fight Cao Cao, restore the Han Dynasty, and let Liu Bei become emperor.

You know, now there are three pillars, besides Wei and Shu, there is also a strong Qin who is eyeing.

It is extremely risky for Shu to send the whole country's troops to attack Wei.Although because of Cao Cao's regicide, the hearts of Wei's army and the people were all scattered.However, it is still difficult to destroy Wei.

Moreover, in this process, it is very likely that the fisherman of Qin State will benefit.

If, without attacking Wei, the Han Dynasty can be restored and the emperor can be declared emperor, then it is definitely an excellent choice for Liu Bei.

Once proclaimed emperor, Liu Bei will be able to enjoy the benefits brought by proclaiming emperor.First of all, no matter what you do, it is justified, and it must be what the people want.

Xu Shu wanted to go out and ask Liu Bei to answer. At this time, Zhuge Liang shook his head at him.Seeing that Zhuge Liang hadn't moved, Xu Shu also retreated.

However, just as Xu Shu stepped back, he heard Liu Bei angrily say: "Come here, throw this person out and throw him to the outskirts of Chengdu, and don't allow him to set foot in Chengdu!"

Liu Bei gave an order, and immediately several soldiers from the Shu army set up Chen Qun and walked outside.

Zhuge Liang had expected this scene a long time ago. He knew that Liu Bei was a person who cherished his feathers very much.However, the Han Emperor had just died, and you Liu Bei became the emperor in a hurry.

This kind of thing is easy to say!
After ordering Chen Qun to be carried away, Liu Bei seemed very angry and left the hall without saying a word.

As soon as Liu Bei, the king of Shu, left, the ministers in the hall naturally left one after another.Seeing Liu Bei's expression, no one dared to mention this matter at this time, touching his brow.

Although no one mentioned this matter, many people secretly made a note in their hearts and planned to persuade the king of Shu when his anger passed.

After everyone left, Xu Shu came to Zhuge Liang and said, "Kong Ming, you already knew?"

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly and said, "Don't you know the temper of the King of Shu?"

"What should we do now?" Xu Shu asked Zhuge Liang.

"Yuanzhi, support this matter?" Zhuge Liang asked with a smile.

"Kong Ming, it's hard to win now!" Xu Shu said seriously.

"Yuan Zhi, if you support this matter, then take him into your house secretly before he goes far." Zhuge Liang pointed out.

Xu Shu accepted Zhuge Liang's suggestion and secretly took Chen Qun to his mansion and hid him.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

A minister of the Shu Kingdom felt that the King of Shu's anger was almost gone, so people began to persuade Liu Bei to become emperor one after another.

It was okay at the beginning, Liu Bei just refuted people, but later he persuaded more people, and Liu Bei was also angry.Immediately ordered that if anyone persuaded himself to become emperor, he would be beaten twenty boards.

Hey, some people just don't believe in evil and insist on trying to persuade Liu Bei.As a result, no matter who they were, they all hit [-] big boards.

Outside the Palace of the King of Shu, the sound of "cracking" boards can be heard endlessly!

Chen Qun, the envoy of the State of Wei, came and said that the State of Wei would support Liu Bei as emperor. This incident made Empress Fu's heart hang in her throat.

Empress Fu is different from others, she doesn't care who is the emperor now, she just wants to avenge her husband.

Later, it was reported that Liu Bei ordered Chen Qun to be forked out of the city, and all the ministers who advised him were punished, and Empress Fu couldn't help feeling much more at ease.From time to time, he praised Liu Bei to his father Fu Guozhang, calling him loyal.

However, at this time, Fu Guozhang felt that something was wrong.After living for a long time, Fu Guozhang knew that this person's heart is the most three times.Among other things, many of the Han officials who followed them now vaguely agreed with Liu Bei's proclaiming himself emperor.

As more and more people were hit by the board, fewer and fewer people rushed to persuade Liu Bei.

Zhuge Liang's mansion.

"Kong Ming, how about we persuade the King of Shu together?" Xu Shu wanted to persuade Liu Bei, but worried that he was not enough, so he wanted to take his friend Zhuge Liang with him.

Zhuge Liang was fishing in the pool of his own garden, and said with a slight smile, "If you want to go, you can go. Anyway, I won't go!"

Xu Shu whispered in Zhuge Liang's ear for a long time, but Zhuge Liang ignored him, which made Xu Shu very angry.

"it is good!"

"If you don't go, I'll go!" Xu Shu said and left angrily.

Half an hour later, Zhuge Liang was still fishing in the mansion when he saw Xu Shu limping and coming to his side again.

Seeing Xu Shu's appearance, Zhuge Liang smiled from ear to ear.Obviously, Xu Shu would have to be beaten even if he went, which was what he expected.

Even, even if he and Xu Shu went together just now, it's just that he was punished by himself!

(End of this chapter)

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