Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 65 The overall situation has been decided

Chapter 65 The overall situation has been decided
Cao Jun no longer wanted to retreat blindly, but began to deploy defenses from the front to meet the enemy.At this time, on Li Chen's side, Zang Ba had already led the infantry to catch up.At the same time, Li Siye led Mo Dao soldiers to meet him.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Without any hesitation, at almost the same time, Li Chen overwhelmed all the troops in Xuzhou.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield instantly became that Li Chen's troops were suppressing Cao Jun's fight.This kind of disadvantage was something Cao Ang never thought about before starting the battle. He really didn't want to understand why Cao's army was fighting against the wind in an instant.

You know, Cao Cao has never stopped fighting abroad in the past two years, so the [-] troops under Cao Ang's command are all elite soldiers who crawled out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.As for the soldiers under Li Chen, the number of veterans is no more than [-], and the rest are just recruited elite soldiers.

This is also the reason why he dared to fight Cao Ang. From his point of view, he couldn't think of how he would lose if he used veteran soldiers to fight recruits.

However, the facts gave him a slap in the face. Not only did he lose, but he lost very badly.

Cao Ang didn't know, although Li Chen's subordinates were mostly recruits.But Li Chen's recruitment is very strict, and all the soldiers are young and strong.This point is not comparable to that of Cao Jun.To put it bluntly, Li Chen's soldiers are not inferior to Cao Jun in terms of physical strength, what they are inferior to is only the actual combat experience and bloody courage on the battlefield.

The disadvantage of recruits is that they can only fight with the wind, and they fight with the wind because of Wu Yang Wu Yang, they are simply howling wolf cubs.But at the same time, once they encounter setbacks, the speed of collapse is far beyond ordinary people.

And there is another crucial point, Li Chen's command does not lack ace troops like Cao Jun's tiger and leopard cavalry.It was also for this reason that Li Chen gained an absolute upper hand when the battle started.

It is true that recruits can only fight with the wind, but the ace troops under Li Chen can definitely create opportunities for these recruits to fight with the wind.With these ace troops at the front, there is no doubt that the morale of the Yunlong Army will be improved.

At this time, Yuwen Chengdu led the Xuanjia army into the central army, with Mo Dao soldiers on the left and infantry armor on the right. Behind these two ace troops, there were more than ten thousand ordinary soldiers.

On the front, there are the cavalry of the Yunlong Army who are strangling Cao Jun, and the large infantry phalanx led by Zang Ba.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The Yunlong army came from all directions, and the momentum seemed to be far more than 10, and even had the momentum of 20 to 30.

At this time, in Cao Jun's view, it seemed that there were enemies in all directions, except that there were no enemies in the rear, but now they would be defeated if they ran, and no one would dare to run.

On the battlefield at this time, the most eye-catching thing was Yuwen Chengdu.At this moment, his eyes are already red-eyed, and it seems that he only has the banner of the Chinese army in his eyes.

One man and one horse seemed to be in no man's land, and the gold-plated phoenix wings in his hand flew up and down, unexpectedly allowing him to kill a bloody path in the enemy army.

Yuwen Chengdu actually led the Xuanjia Army, and killed Cao Jun's middle army.

Yuwen Chengdu, who is like a god in golden armor, has the five-spotted racing horse like a red dragon under his crotch.The gold-plated phoenix wing in his hand was dragging in his hand, and blood dripped from the edge of the boring.

At this time, Yuwen Chengdu relied on his own strength to coerce Cao Jun's [-] troops.

"Cao's son, take your life."

In Yuwen Chengdu's hand, the phoenix wings were gilded and boring, pointing obliquely at Cao Ang, Cao Zhi and the two of them shouted loudly like thunder.

"Eldest son, you go first." Seeing Yu Wencheng who had been killed, Brother Xiahou and the others quickly braced themselves to meet him.

After all, they have all seen Yuwen Chengdu's murderer before. Just now, Xu Huang's unlucky guy was beheaded by him in one round. It is estimated that the body has not yet cooled down.If Cao Ang and Cao Zhi brothers were really beheaded by him, then this matter would become a big mess.

As the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Cao Ang knew that it would not be of any benefit for him to stay at this time. On the contrary, these generals of the Cao family were worried that he would be beheaded by Yuwen Chengdu.If he, the heir of the Cao family, was killed, one can imagine the uproar it would cause.

Under the banner of the Central Army of Cao Jun, Yu Wencheng alone fought against Dianwei, Xiahou brothers, Yu Jin and other generals of the Cao family.At this time, relying on a wave of blood and courage, Yuwen Chengdu alone fought against Cao Jiang, the sixth and seventh member, without losing the wind in the slightest.

On the battlefield, the armies of both sides have been completely strangled together. For a while, you have me, and I have you.Although Li Chen's Yunlong army has firmly gained the upper hand, it is only a matter of time before Cao's army is wiped out.

But in the final analysis, this is still one hundred thousand elites, not one hundred thousand pigs. It is conceivable that even if these one hundred thousand Cao army elites are wiped out, Li Chen will inevitably have to pay a very heavy price.

Looking at the large banner of the Chinese army left behind by Cao Ang and Cao Zhi, Guan Sheng suddenly came up with a plan.Now the morale of Cao's army is low. If he cuts off the banner of the Chinese army, and then falsely claims that Cao Ang and Cao Zhi are dead, then the morale of Cao's army will inevitably collapse.

On the battlefield, there are huge crowds of people, and it is difficult to recognize the main general among them.Therefore, the large flag of the Chinese army is extremely important. Under normal circumstances, it can be said that people are on the flag, and people are dying on the flag.

This kind of Chinese army flag is too eye-catching. When Cao Ang and Cao Zhi leave, they will definitely not run away with it.And now that the soldiers of Cao Jun are fighting in front of them, if Dazhu retreats with the two of them, the morale of the army will inevitably fluctuate.

Cao Ang, Cao Zhi's purpose of leaving the Chinese army banner is also to make the soldiers in the army think that they are still in the army, so as to stabilize the morale of the army.

However, at this time, in order to deal with Yuwen Chengdu, all the generals of the Cao army had already been dispatched. At this time, there were only more than a hundred soldiers of the Cao army and a few small school guards guarding the big banner of the Chinese army.

"Brothers! Come over with me." Guan Sheng pointed at the Green Dragon Saber in his hand, and led a group of cavalry to rush towards the banner of the Chinese Army.

Guan Sheng led hundreds of cavalrymen to kill him suddenly. How could these more than a hundred soldiers of Cao Jun be Guan Sheng's opponents, and the three or two small soldiers were also not Guan Sheng's opponents. They were chopped down by him within a few rounds.

Not long after, Guan Sheng rushed to the side of the banner of the Chinese army, raised the green dragon knife in his hand, and slashed at Huashan towards the banner of the Cao army.



First there was the sound of hardwood snapping, and then the sound of something heavy falling to the ground.In an instant, Cao Jun's central army banner fell to the ground.

"Cao Ang, Cao Ang has already been punished, and those who surrender will not be killed." Guan Sheng cut off two heads of Cao Jun casually, and held them up and beat the horse back and forth.

At this time, Cao Jun was fighting on the battlefield.Seeing that the large flag of the Chinese army had fallen, and seeing Guan Sheng holding two heads in his hands, almost all Cao Jun panicked.
Today's Chapter 4—the rest of the party will be supplemented—should be relatively late—you can watch it tomorrow——
(End of this chapter)

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