Chapter 8

Li Chen is a serious person. Seeing that Zang Ba didn't answer, he asked seriously: "Why wait for him to attack?"

Zang Ba's scalp was numb when asked by Li Chen, but now it's wartime, and Zang Ba is hard to say, you can't beat others' words that hurt Li Chen's morale.He had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "The disparity in military strength is too great. You should defend the city. If you are not defeated at this time, you will win."

"Fart, what is undefeated is victory."

"Even if two ants on the ground fight, they will have a male and a female. On the battlefield, victory is victory, and defeat is defeat. There is no such thing as victory if you are not defeated. If you want me to say that you are defeated if you do not win .” Li Chen replied unceremoniously.

Zang Ba is also an idiot, thinking, why don't you know good and bad?I don't want to hurt your morale now, are you still motivated?

"Below are the tiger and leopard cavalry, the most elite tiger and leopard cavalry in Cao's army." There was also a little anger in Zang Ba's tone.

"Tiger and Leopard Rider, what kind of bullshit Tiger and Leopard Rider, I beat the fucking Tiger and Leopard Rider."

"Li Siye." Li Chen shouted.

"The end is here." Li Siye cupped his fists.

"Eight hundred breaks three thousand, I'm sure." Li Chen asked loudly.

At this moment, Li Siye's blood was boiling with enthusiasm, and he replied sonorously and forcefully: "If the last general goes away, he will definitely be killed."

Li Chen pointed at the tiger and leopard riders under the city, and said: "I'll tell you the number, and Cao's army will be defeated in half an hour."

"Promise." Li Siye took the order and left.

Eight hundred against three thousand, or infantry against cavalry.Suddenly, the former Xuzhou officials on the city wall were shocked.This Li Chen must be a native of Xuzhou, so fucking bragging.

"Crazy, a bunch of crazy." Zang Ba shouted in his heart.He had fought against Mo Dao Bing, and he also admitted that Mo Dao Bing was a group of elite troops.But he didn't think that [-] Mo sword soldiers could defeat [-] tiger and leopard cavalry.

"Squeak, squeak."

With a hair-raising friction sound, first the gate of Xuzhou City was opened, and then the suspension bridge on the moat was lowered.


"So much?"

It was Cao Ren who led the tiger and leopard cavalry. At this time, Cao Ren felt that his nine years of leading the army had been humiliated.

This is blatantly insulting him, blatantly looking down on Tiger and Leopard Rider.

There are only 800 unknown heavy armored infantry.




There was a tidy "crack" sound, and all the Mo Dao soldiers tore off their armor, and looked at the tiger and leopard cavalry not far away.

"The tiger and the leopard ride Cao Ren, and the general will be known by name." Cao Ren rode his horse to the front of the Mo Dao soldiers and shouted.

"Mo Dao Bing, Li Siye." Li Siye replied.There are 800 Mo Dao fighters, and because there are only [-] people, Li Siye is talking about Mo Dao Bing, not Mo Dao Army.

The Mo Dao is the glory of the Tang Dynasty and the ceiling of the army in the entire Tang Dynasty. It is said that even in the peak period of the Tang Dynasty, only three thousand Mo Dao soldiers were supported.

Mo Dao, the blade is six inches and three inches wide, nine feet long, the blade is six feet long, the handle is three feet long, with two sides sharpened and held by both hands.The knife weighs 64 catties, and it cannot be held by anyone who is not strong enough.

And Mo Dao Bing's Xuanbao is even more strict. All Mo Dao Bing are nine-foot-tall men, each with big arms and round waists, and powerful Hercules.The seven-foot man that was often said in ancient times would be about 1.8 meters in modern times, and the height of the nine-foot man would be more than two meters.

The two-meter-long men, each with big arms and round waists, are probably equivalent to the Russian Hercules in Huo Yuanjia's previous life.In addition to holding a Mo knife and wearing heavy armor, it can be called a human tank in this era.


"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The sound of shouting and killing sounded like thunder, and it seemed to be crushing towards the tiger and leopard rider.

A killing spirit swept towards the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry.It seems that no matter who it is, as long as they dare to stand in front of the tiger and leopard cavalry, they will be completely smashed and ground into a pulp.

At this time, Cao Ren also began to formally face the army.This kind of morale cannot be faked, it must be honed from iron and blood.

"Flying geese, release arrows."

When Cao Ren's military order came, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry circled around Mo Dao Bing in an instant.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh"

There was the sound of arrows being fired, and the rain of black arrows, like locusts, flew towards Mo Dao Bing covering the sky and covering the sun.

"Ding, ding, ding"

However, the momentum is very bluffing, but the ending is very embarrassing.

Since Mo Dao soldiers were all wearing heavy armor, even with grille visors on their faces, they were unharmed when a round of arrow rain fell on Mo Dao soldiers.


In short, Cao Ren is very embarrassed now.

In this kind of battle, as long as the side with more people does not attack, or if the attack is blocked, then it is equivalent to losing, and the morale will become low.

With more battles and less battles, if you don't move, then you are afraid.

Cao Ren is a veteran, so he naturally knows this truth.

"Gather up, charge, chisel them open!"

Cao Ren's order was conveyed again, since bows and arrows can't hurt them, then charge directly.

Although Cao Ren is not leading the heavy-armored tiger cavalry now, even if the leopard cavalry charged, people borrowed horsepower, and horses borrowed power from others.This is a force of several hundred catties to a thousand catties, and Cao Ren does not believe that manpower can withstand the force of this charge.

"Tread, step, step."

The tiger and leopard riders galloped towards Mo Dao Bing, and the sound of hooves made the ground tremble.However, Mo Daobing didn't have any fear, but stared ahead as usual.

Just when the tiger and leopard cavalry rushed to about three feet away from Mo Dao Bing.

At this moment, Li Siye shouted loudly: "Raise the sword."

"Hu, hu, hu."

800 people raised their knives in unison, and even the sound of "huhu" cracking wind could be heard in their ears.

"Drop the knife."

Seeing the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry rushing in front of them, Li Siye shouted loudly, and everyone dropped their long knives heavily.

Raise the knife, charge forward, and drop the knife.

This is a set of mechanized operations like the assembly line in the previous life, without any repetitive and redundant actions.

The sword is like a forest, and the people and horses are all broken.

At this moment, the scene on the battlefield looked as if the tiger and leopard rider had collided straight into the long knife in Mo Daobing's hand, and then cut himself in half.

Step, raise the knife, drop the knife.

Mo Dao Bing's speed is not fast, or it can be said to be very slow, but every step they take must represent the fall of Cao Jun's tiger and leopard cavalry.

Not long after, Mo Daobing had advanced more than thirty steps.There was blood under their feet, and the corpses of those who had been disemboweled.


Chop melons and vegetables.

Cao Ren was shocked. Once upon a time, his opponent also fell under the iron cavalry of the tiger and leopard cavalry, but now the tiger and leopard cavalry became the one to fall.


"Is this army specially trained to deal with tiger and leopard cavalry?" Cao Ren suddenly thought carefully and terribly.

Fear, once born, is like a flood that has opened its gates, and it is out of control.

"Withdraw, withdraw." Cao Ren shouted.

Cao Ren withdrew with the remnants of the defeated generals, leaving only the more than [-] corpses behind.

The invincible record of the tiger and leopard cavalry has been broken. From today onwards, the tiger and leopard cavalry is no longer the old tiger and leopard cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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