Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 85 Yu Zhong, but I really want it.

Chapter 85 Yu Zhong, but I really want it.


In the evening, the sunset glow is as dazzling as blood.

"My lord, is my lord back?" Chen Gong on the city wall shouted ecstatically when he saw most of the returning cavalry.

Not long after, Li Chen's army entered the city, and Chen Gong stood on the city wall, looking at Lu Bu who was being carried by Chitu on horseback.

From the shocking wound on Lu Bu's body, it can be seen that he has long since lost his vitality.

"Military Master, the lord has gone, let's mourn."

"Liu thief provoked a divorce, Cao thief ordered to shoot and kill the lord. The lord was hit by several arrows, knowing that it would be difficult to break out of the encirclement. In order not to die at the hands of Cao and Liu thieves, the lord drew his sword and killed himself." Zhang Liao stood in front of Chen Gong. Said with grief.


"Cao, hide it, I, Chen Gong, regret it."

"I regret that I should have saved you, I regret that I should not have saved you." Chen Gong raised his head to the sky and howled, filled with remorse.

It can be said that Chen Gong and Cao Cao have great kindness. Cao Cao was arrested for assassinating Dong Zhuo that day. If Chen Gong hadn't given up his official position, he would have rescued him. Cao Cao's grave would be taller than a man at this time.

However, there are so many coincidences in the world. Chen Gong saved Cao Cao that day, which made Cao Cao what he is today.It is also because of Cao Cao's current situation that he plotted against Xuzhou, which led to Lu Bu's death today.

How much did this scholar think? At this time, Chen Gong could be said to have completely blamed Lu Bu's death on himself for saving Cao Cao that day.If it weren't for the reason why Chen Gong saved Cao Cao that day, there would be no reason for Lu Bu's death today.

Tears of remorse flowed down Chen Gong's face: "My lord, my lord, it's all Chen Gong's fault. If I, Chen Gong, hadn't misjudged the wrong person and saved Cao Ah Man by mistake, you wouldn't have suffered the disaster of dying today. .”

"My lord, I, Chen Gong, have come to accompany you."

After Chen Gong finished speaking, he jumped down from the Xiaopei city wall.

"Boom." With a sound, smoke and dust billowed under Xiaopei city.

"military adviser!"

"Military teacher!" Chen Gong jumped down, and Gao Shun and Zhang Liao at the side only realized it.He hurriedly ran down from the city to check the situation of Chen Gong.

"Military doctor, military doctor."

"Hurry up, save people?" Gao Shun got down the city wall, rushed to Chen Gong's side, and shouted towards the surroundings.

Hearing the shouts here, Li Chen, who had just entered the city, quickly turned back.Seeing Chen Gong lying on the ground with his face on the ground first, his body was covered in red and white, like a rotten watermelon, a piece of paste.

Hearing Gao Shun yelling for help, Li Chen couldn't help but said in his heart, you call this saving people, it's not saving people, it's robbing people with the king of hell.

It's all broken like this, what kind of military doctor is it?Now make a fire, it's better to order a fire than to call a medic.Start the fire now, and when the fire rises, you can cremate. After the cremation, you can burn the paper.

Anyway, in the current situation, lighting a fire is more effective than calling a military doctor.

"Hey." Looking at Chen Gong's body, Li Chen couldn't help but sigh heavily.

To be honest, Li Chen felt that people like Chen Gong were quite stupid.Foolish loyalty, there is no doubt that this is a kind of extremely stupid loyalty.However, from the bottom of his heart, he hoped that someone would be so loyal to him.

"Military Master, the lord's revenge has not yet been avenged, why did you go too."

"Cao thief, Liu thief, I, Gao Shun, and you are inseparable."

"The lord died and the subject died. Gao Shun should have died for the lord, but the great revenge was not reported. Today Gao Shun cut his name, and in this life he will kill the two thieves Cao and Liu." A strand of hair the thickness of a little finger.

What is important in this age is body, hair, and skin. The ancients did not easily swear by their parents, let alone the oath of wiping their wits.Now it's not the kind of vows made by young people in the previous life when they fell in love with lightning, but the vows made by young couples in the previous life when they fell in love.

Li Chen dismounted, strode towards several people, and said with a long sigh: "Generals, the deceased has passed away, or some people should rely on the will of the deceased to live. Death is the easiest, sometimes it is difficult to live. "

Li Chen's long sigh was both admiration and pity for people like Chen Gong.Admire his stupidity, regret his loyalty.

That's right, people who are stupid to a certain extent are also worthy of admiration.

"Gao Shun took the place of my lord, and thank the Commander-in-Chief for his help." Gao Shun bowed heavily towards Li Chen.

Li Chen looked at Gao Shun, Zhang Liao and others, then at Chen Gong on the ground, and at Cao Xing who would rather be seriously injured than kill the traitor.Unexpectedly, although there are not many people under Lu Bu's command, their loyalty to Lu Bu is beyond doubt.

Of course, although there are traitors like Wei Xu, in general, this is already a perfect team.

At this time, who is the most uncomfortable in Xiaopei City?Song Xian and Hou Cheng were the most uncomfortable. Originally, according to their plan, once Lu Bu died, Xiao Pei would definitely fall into Cao Cao's hands.At that time, the three of them will use the power of the dragon, and they can be regarded as using Lu Bu's head to win the posture of advancing.

However, things are a little troublesome now, and it is true that Lu Bu is dead.But Xiaopei did not fall into Cao Cao's hands. The most important thing is that Cao Cao was beaten away by Li Chen.Now, Song Xian and Hou Cheng felt guilty. They were afraid that they would be found colluding with Cao Cao.

However, they were also relieved to see that Zhang Liao returned to Xiaopei and did not trouble them.In fact, Zhang Liao didn't know that Song Xian and Hou Cheng were also traitors, and Wei Xu had provided the news of coaxing Lu Bu out of the city. Song Xian and Hou Cheng had only contacted Cao Cao, so they were still temporarily safe.


In the former county guard's mansion, Lv Bu's official wife, Yan Shi, heard that Li Chen had led the reinforcements, she thought to herself that Lv Bu would not be in danger of his life, and Xiaopei seemed to be able to hold on.It was also because of this that she cooked a large table full of dishes, intending to wait for Lu Bu to come back and celebrate.

"Ma'am, ma'am," the little servant girl hurried in with a sad and dejected expression on her face.

Yan Shi looked at the little maid's expression, and her heart couldn't help but tense, an ominous premonition rose from her heart.

"But the Marquis is back?" Yan asked tentatively.

"Jun Hou died in battle," the little maid finished, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.


Hearing the bad news, Yan felt as if her head had been blown off. With a bang, her whole body panicked a few times, and she nearly fell to the ground.

The little maid had sharp eyes and quick hands, and supported Yan Shi.

"Junhou, is he really dead?" Yan asked tentatively with a trembling voice.

"Junhou fell into the trick of the two thieves Cao and Liu, and killed himself with several arrows in his body. Miss, Miss is bringing Junhou's body to this side of the mansion." The little maid also explained with a trembling voice.

"Husband!" After receiving the exact news, Yan collapsed to the ground, crying heart-piercingly.

(End of this chapter)

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