Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 87 Best Assist Zhang Liao

Chapter 87 Best Assist Zhang Liao

Li Chen started caring for Lu Lingqi out of humanitarianism, but of course this was definitely not because Li Chen wanted to take advantage of it.But for some reason, Li Chen always felt that Lu Lingqi's vision of him was wrong, and it seemed that he didn't like him very much.

With a hot face on Lu Lingqi's cold butt, Li Chen couldn't help being a little confused, but on this occasion Li Chen didn't think much about it, he just thought it was Lu Lingqi who was in a bad mood.

After Li Chen left, Lu Lingqi looked at Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, with indescribable sadness in her eyes.

"Uncle Zhang, Uncle Gao, Li Chen won't avenge my father, right?" Lu Lingqi asked in a deep voice.

At this time, the only thing that can support Lu Lingqi is hatred, and the hatred between Cao and Liu is like a sea of ​​classmates.At this time, the only ones who could really trust Lu Lingqi were Lu Bu's old generals like Zhang Liao and Gao Shun.

Lu Lingqi looked very embarrassed at this time, and it could even be said that she was a little panicked.The only thing that can support her now is revenge, but what makes her collapse at this time is that she has no power of revenge.

Zhang Liao really wanted to comfort Lu Lingqi, telling her that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.However, after ten years, even after ten years, can they get their revenge?
Cao Cao and Liu Bei will become more and more powerful, so how can they take revenge.

"Miss, do you want to hear the truth?" Zhang Liao asked in a deep voice with a firm heart.

"Yes." Lu Lingqi nodded fiercely, revenge, revenge is his only belief now.

Zhang Liao slowed down, and said with a serious face: "This revenge can't be avenged, at least not now. Judging from the current situation, Li Chen may not pursue Cao Cao's victory. In my opinion, if Cao Cao retreats, Li Chen will not be able to take revenge. Most likely, Chen will also withdraw his troops. Li Chenman is only worth more than a hundred thousand troops, and these people can defend Xuzhou like a fortress, but if Li Chen is in several counties, I am afraid that there will be loopholes everywhere."

"So, I guess Li Chen may not have plans to expand in a short time, and even if he expands, he may not be able to pinch a hard persimmon like Cao Cao."

"Miss, after all, there is no hatred between Li Chen and Cao Cao. We are the ones who have hatred with Cao Cao. It is his duty to help us, and it is his duty not to help us. What's more, the miss thinks that this kind of affection is really enough for him to mobilize A battle of tens of thousands of people?"

Zhang Liao was right, Li Chen did not intend to kill Cao Cao, not even Liu Bei.Because the time has not yet come, Li Chen's team is more than enough to defend Xuzhou. If they are going north, they will inevitably be a little weak to hit Cao Cao's hinterland.

Not to mention, fighting a war does not mean that you just have to fight it down. After you fight it down, you have to defend it. How to defend it is another problem.Then again, if you keep it, you still have to manage it. How to manage it is another problem.

Li Chen's biggest problem now is his background. The blind box system can bring him top talents, but the vacancies of low-level talents must always be filled.You know, he has only occupied Xuzhou for a few months now that he is full of plans.

After hearing Zhang Liao's words, Lu Lingqi couldn't help but feel powerless. Although she had thought of such a result long ago, the words coming out of Zhang Liao's mouth made her feel even more uneasy and uncomfortable.

"However, my father died to guard Xiaopei. If my father hadn't guarded Xiaopei, the flames of war would have ignited to Xuzhou long ago."

"He, does he still have a conscience?" Lu Lingqi cried out weakly.

Hearing Lu Lingqi's innocent words, Zhang Liao just wanted to "hehe", conscience, conscience is a good thing.But for the protagonist, there is such a thing.

"Miss, do you really want to take revenge at all costs?" Zhang Liao looked at Lu Lingqi with piercing eyes.

Hearing Zhang Liao's words, Lu Lingqi's originally disheartened eyes seemed to be ignited with raging flames.This flame is the flame of hope.

Lu Lingqi nodded, and replied in a very firm tone: "The revenge of killing my father is irreconcilable. As long as I can kill the two thieves Cao and Liu, I am willing to pay any price, even death."

Lu Lingqi's words were decisive without any hesitation.

Zhang Liao looked at Lu Lingqi, and in a very serious tone, said something like a joke: "Marry Li Chen and give him a baby."

Lu Lingqi: "???"

As soon as Zhang Liao said this, Lu Lingqi was confused. She thought to herself, I told you about revenge, but you told me about having a baby. Isn't this donkey right?
"Zhang Wenyuan, what nonsense are you paying attention to?" Gao Shun couldn't help but scolded.

"You reckless man, what do you know?" Zhang Liao glared at Gao Shun, and replied angrily.

Seeing Lu Lingqi's confused face, Zhang Liao explained: "Miss, my lord died to guard Xiaopei. If Xiaopei can't hold it, then the flames of war will ignite in Xuzhou. But also, Li Chen also sent troops to rescue Ah. It’s hard to break a crock pot out of the well, and it’s inevitable that the general will die before the battle. In any case, the death of the lord cannot be blamed on Li Chen.”

"In the final analysis, this enmity is our enmity with Cao Cao, and has nothing to do with him, Li Chen. Even if he shakes hands with Cao Cao to make peace now, people in this world will not spurn him Li Chen. This enmity is between us and Cao Liu. The revenge of the thief, if we want Li Chen to help us avenge, we have to let this hatred become the hatred of Li Chen and the two thieves Cao and Liu."

"If you marry him and give birth to a baby for him, the lord will be your child's grandfather. Your revenge for killing the father is Li Chen's revenge for killing the father. With this revenge for killing the father, Li Chen Chen must fight Cao and Liu thieves to the end in this life."

"Miss, if you want to take revenge, you can only take advantage of the situation. And now, you can only take Li Chen's situation."

What Zhang Liao said was well-founded, and no one could fault it.

"Zhang Wenyuan, I'll fucking kill you. It's fine if you don't have the ability to avenge the lord yourself, but now you're using the rest of the young lady's life as a bargaining chip."

"Zhang Wenyuan, you trash, if I went out with the lord that day, the lord will be fine." Gao Shun watched Lu Lingqi grow up, and when he heard Zhang Liao's bad idea, he punched Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao hastily grabbed Gao Shun's fist, and said angrily, "I, Zhang Wenyuan, am not capable of avenging my lord. You are capable. Why didn't you kill the two thieves Cao and Liu? What are you doing with me here?"

"Miss, don't listen to Zhang Wenyuan's nonsense, this revenge can't be rushed." Gao Shun hurriedly comforted Lu Lingqi.

Lu Lingqi was meditating, and before she knew it, her red lips, which were as tender as rose petals, were bitten out of blood.

"Uncle Gao, Uncle Zhang, you guys go back first."

"I want to spend time with my father and mother." Lu Lingqi said softly.

It was night, Lu Lingqi knelt in front of the mourning hall.

"Father, mother, I will never forget this hatred no matter what. Don't worry, I will avenge you, no matter what the price is." Lu Lingqi said, walked out of the mourning hall, and walked towards Li Chen's mansion.

At this moment, Li Chen was still thinking about how to take advantage of the emptiness to get in. In fact, it doesn't matter whether he takes advantage of the emptiness or not, the main reason is to get in.

Zhang Liao gave Li Chen a ten-point assist for Li Chen's wish, which was only a hair's breadth away from being realized.

(End of this chapter)

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