Chapter 32 Charity Auction
Chapter 32 Charity Auction

Xu Ding thought for a while and said: "Duke Zheng, education is the foundation of a century-old plan, and the prosperity of education will lead to the prosperity of the country. Establishing a school is not only selfish, but also worrying for the country. It is inconvenient to explain to Zheng Gong at this time. I hope you can forgive me. Rest assured, the original intention of the decision is only for our Han people, and everything is only for the rise and fall of our great Han nation."

"Bokang is so frank, since he is so old, I will agree to you, but you have to pay the money and food on time, otherwise I will go to the county government to grab it." Zheng Xuan nodded, but said jokingly with a fake face .

Xu Ding said with a smile: "Then I will bother Mr. Zheng. Please rest assured, Mr. Zheng. The money and rations will be allocated to the academy on time, and only a little more. And I definitely want Mr. Zheng to invite some of my seniors."

Zheng Xuanmi looked at Xu Ding, and slowly said: "Bokang really has a lot of schemes, you are thinking about your old relatives and friends before this starts, it's not good, you can't eat too much."

Xu Ding said: "Duke Zheng, don't rush to refuse, everyone Cai also asks Mr. Zheng to invite him, because this is a matter of life for Ding!"

Zheng Xuan looked at Xu Ding again, not understanding what he was referring to.

Xu Ding told the story of Jishui saving people.

After hearing this, Zheng Xuan burst out laughing.

"Hahaha! Interesting, interesting, I didn't expect Bokang to be so lucky, but you don't use this method of saving people in the future, if you run into someone who is not like Bo Jie, I'm afraid your legs will be discounted! "Zheng Xuan stroked his beard and smiled from ear to ear, never expecting that Xu Ding has such a relationship with the Cai family.

Xu Dingzhi is a good match for the eldest daughter of the Cai family.

So Zheng Xuan went on to say: "If that's the case, then I will write a letter to ask Cai Bojie to come over. I think he will be surprised when he comes. Haha, he never thought of his precious daughter Yijing... Haha!"

Both Zheng Xuan and Cai Yong are great Confucian scholars in the world, and they are familiar with each other, so they don't have any scruples about speaking.

He couldn't help laughing when he thought of Cai Yong's expression after he came here and heard about it.

"Uh! This Mr. Zheng... It's all up to Mr. Zheng, and I will ask Mr. Zheng to help you talk about Xiang Yier!" Xu Ding bowed solemnly.

Zheng Xuan nodded slightly: "Don't worry, I don't dare to embarrass you too much with an old man in Cai Bojie, then you can just write a few more poems."

Coming out of Zheng Xuan, Xu Ding suddenly stopped, and said to Guo Jia: "Feng Xiao, you go and handle it, I want everyone to know that Zheng Gong received me, and I want people to know that I brought a blank paper here, and I am passing a Gossip..."

Guo Jia understood Xu Ding's meaning in an instant, and said, "Okay my lord, Jia understands!"

Xu Ding looked into Guo Jia's eyes and asked, "Do you really understand?"

"Yes my lord, Jia understands!" Guo Jia nodded again.

Only then did Xu Ding feel relieved, and said: "Then I will leave this matter to you!"

Soon the news of Xu Ding's visit to Zheng Xuan spread throughout Huang County, and spread to other counties.

After Donglai's aristocratic family heard about it, there were some subtle changes in their views on Xu Ding.

"Damn it! How did Xu Ding find Zheng Xuan's place!" Shi Qian couldn't help being furious when he heard about it. The sudden uncontrollable change in the plan made him a little annoyed.

Zheng Xuan's influence is too strong.

Thousands of disciples spread all over Qingzhou, and the powerful family dared not give him face.

It can be said that Xu Ding's punch caught him by surprise.

With Zheng Xuan attending the banquet, presumably all the major families will join in the party more or less.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got, Shi Gan recruited his subordinates and said: "Chen Li and others from the ward, I have something to talk to them in secret!"

"It's an adult!"

Two days later, the prefect's mansion set up a banquet, and people entered the mansion one after another.

It was almost time for people to come, Zheng Xuan came over with a few apprentices, Xu Ding came out to greet them in person, and the two came in talking and laughing.

This can be regarded as confirming the rumors in the market.

"Xu Ding really invited Zheng Gong, it seems that Zheng Gong admires him a lot!"

"Yes! Zheng Gong is very difficult to invite. Ordinary people, Zheng Gong, don't give face. Xu Ding didn't know what method he used to make Zheng Gong laugh. You must know that Mr. Shi didn't invite him. ah."

"I heard that Xu Ding is an all-round talent in both literature and military affairs. When he left Beijing to take up his post, he wrote four and a half poems in a row, and each capital was stunning, which won Zheng Gong's favor...!"

"There is such a thing, doesn't it mean that he is an official?"

"Rumours! Rumors! Xu Ding's official position was appointed by His Majesty himself, and the reason is because he created the world's number one snowflake paper and has meritorious cultural education..."

"Snowflake paper? What's so special about this paper?"

"Hehe, this paper is as white as snow, delicate and soft, and easy to write on. What are the characteristics you would say? This paper is the best paper for making books. If you use it to copy the classics at home, a cartload of books can be collected in one volume." Among..."


Everyone took a breath when they heard the words.

A cart of books is collected into a roll of snowflake paper books, so it doesn’t mean that you can just take the paper books with you wherever you go in the future, and you can read them at any time wherever you go. It’s really convenient.

Confucius' move is full of books, which is a long-standing and difficult problem, but it has caused headaches for thousands of years.

And it's easy to store, you don't need to build a big house with a room full of bamboo slips.

Knowing the powerful people among them, they couldn't help thinking to themselves that they must establish a good relationship with Xu Ding and obtain snowflake paper, which is too important to the family.

Afterwards, each of them sat down and had a banquet, served wine and food, and then a normal reception banquet began, with all the necessary procedures.

The so-called nine passes and three rounds, dishes with five flavors, when the banquet is at its climax, everyone is waiting for Xu Ding to ask for donations.

But Xu Ding didn't come out, but Guo Jia, the master secretary, stepped forward.

"Everyone! Here, on behalf of the lord, I would like to thank you all for coming to the banquet." After Guo Jia finished speaking, everyone expressed their politeness, and then Guo Jia said again:

"I would like to trouble you all to come here today! One is to thank you for your contribution to Donglai, and the other is that Fujun is willing to share something with everyone."

After speaking, Guo Jia signaled the guards to come over, and they held snowflake paper in their hands.

Snowflake paper, everyone stood up one after another, stretched their necks and looked carefully, their eyes were full of eager light.

Is Xu Ding going to give them snowflake paper?
But they were all wrong, because Guo Jia then said: "This paper is the best paper in the world that was named by His Majesty in the famous capital. As a charity auction, all the money and food sold will be used for culture and education. Of course, I also want to tell everyone that this is the first time that this paper is published to the public, and I hope everyone will actively participate."

The best paper in the world!
Charity auction!

It's the first time to sell!

The information is big enough.

Zheng Xuan looked at Xu Ding, and Xu Ding nodded at him and smiled.

Zheng Xuandao: "Is Bokang really willing? This is the first time I've heard of your charitable photoshoot. It's a little strange!"

Xu Ding said: "It's okay for Mr. Zheng not to be surprised, this is nothing more than another method."

"You are so clever!" Zheng Xuan saw the essence of the charity auction at a glance.

In fact, it is the same as the donation pie, but this one is more subtle and has a better reputation.

The important thing is not to be controlled by others.

(End of this chapter)

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