Chapter 421

Although Xu Wu and Mengniu had a lot of soldiers and horses, their combat effectiveness was not strong.

After contemplating for a while, Xu Ding finally got off the train, and then said to the Zhongwei's herald: "Let someone inform Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin from the Yuzhou Mountain Island Base to lead their troops to Jeju Island to assemble, and transfer Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai Go back to Weiyuan Island and form a temporary team with Mao Jie, who will coordinate and handle the affairs of the states and counties on my behalf during my absence."

After giving the order, Xu Ding returned to Chinatown on horseback, and then recruited more than a dozen students from the martial arts hall, including Huang Xu, Guan Ping, and Zhang Bao, who were on winter vacation, to accompany the army. Staff military.

Then he boarded the troop carrier with the central defender and avant-garde to Jeju Island.

Xu Ding's fleet arrived almost at the same time as Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin and others.

The two came to ask about the general situation of the Ming army, and when they heard that the Japanese were tricking and luring Marshal Mengniu into the enemy's territory, they volunteered one by one, screaming to teach the Japanese a lesson.

Only then did Huang Xu, Guan Ping, Zhang Bao and others realize that their first battle with the army was with the Japanese on the eastern islands, and they were equally excited.

Seeing that the military spirit is available, Xu Ding said: "Let's go, go to Tsushima Island first, and then go to Yizhi Island."

The [-] land and water troops set sail and continued to move forward. Only twenty miles away from the island, Xu Ding's mind rang again with a mechanical reminder.

"Ding! Xiao Er is offline, and Xiao Ten will serve you next!"

"Ding! Xiao Ten is online successfully, and Xiao Ten can serve you now!"

"Hmm! A new cheat has been launched, what kind of cheat are you, Xiao Ten? What functions do you have?" Xu Ding asked immediately.

Xiao Shi replied: "Master, I am a weather plug-in, which can predict weather changes and give early warnings of wind, rain, lightning, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions."

The weather plug-in, this is very unpopular, Xu Ding looked at the windy sea and asked: "Then Xiao Shi, tell me about the next weather situation in this sea area."

Xiao Ten replied confidently: "My lord, you may be in trouble. The direction you are heading to will have thunderstorms in the past few days. It is recommended to divert to the south to avoid accidents, otherwise the ship is prone to accidents."

I will not go, such a coincidence.

Xu Ding was a little suspicious!

Jeju Island to Tsushima Island is neither close nor far.

However, this route is all on the vast sea, and there are no mountains and islands in the middle. If there is a thunderstorm and strong wind, there is really no place to hide.

However, the military situation is urgent, and if it is delayed by one more day, Xu Wu and others will be in more danger. Judging from the situation in the circle of friends, Mengniu has been threatened.

"Master, I really can't continue to go straight ahead, especially when the rudder is turned [-] degrees to the right, where the thunderstorm will be bigger and the tsunami will be stronger." Xiao Ten reminded worriedly.

Turn right [-] degrees, isn't that the direction of a country?

Could it be that what Xiao Shi said was true?

Since it is a system plug-in, it stands to reason that he should be believed.

Xu Ding thought about it for a while, and suddenly he thought of something.

In history, after the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty conquered the peninsula, they sent land and water troops across the sea to attack the Japanese island, and took Tsushima Island twice. Then when they set off from Tsushima Island and went south to attack Kyushu, they encountered hurricanes and torrential rains inexplicably, and then The army was lost at sea, and was finally forced to give up the plan to capture Wajima.

Could it be that there are abnormal weather conditions between Tsushima Island and Yiji Island, or from Yiji Island to Kyushu?

If anything, Xu Wu and Meng Jiu landed safely on an island and Kyushu again.

If not, the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties fell twice on this terrible natural disaster.

Now Xiao Ten reminded himself again.

"Turn the rudder 80 degrees to the right, and temporarily give up going to Tsushima Island and Yiyi Island!" In the end, Xu Ding still chose to trust Xiao Shi, gave up going to Tsushima Island, and instead landed directly on Kyushu Island.

In the face of nature, he can only temporarily avoid the edge. Although Xu Wu and others are in danger, he cannot ignore the lives of these [-] soldiers.


Ludong County!
A fish village near Jinhai City at the mouth of the sea!
Under the setting sun, the militiamen in three teams were training hard.

"Okay! This is the end of the training today. Everyone can think about it when they have nothing to do at night. Don't be lazy."

The militia captain in charge of teaching martial arts said seriously.

"It's the captain!" A group of militiamen suddenly led the troops, and then dispersed. Several young people came up and said, "Brother Wei, come to my house for dinner tonight!"

"No need, if you have the mind, you should think about how to practice martial arts well and lay a solid foundation." The militia captain shook his head and refused, looking at the strong young men in front of him, showing concern.

"Brother Wei, even if we practice well, we are still militiamen, and we have no enemies in Luodong County, so we can just make up our minds." Someone joked mischievously.

Other things he said were true, Luodong County were all refugees and people resettled from the hinterland of the Han Dynasty, although the government ordered all villages and townships to actively organize soldiers and civilians to protect themselves.

When we first came here, everyone was afraid and practiced diligently. However, over the past year or so, Luodong County has been very stable. Everyone has escaped from the disaster, and they help each other. Practicing martial arts seems a bit weak. If you join the army, you will be a county Soldiers are not majestic and cannot make meritorious service, and they are far less profitable than farming.

You must know that in the huge Luodong County, every household is allocated a large amount of land, many hilltop forests, and they can live a good life just by working hard on the land.

"That's right, Brother Wei, not far away is our navy camp. If something goes wrong, the navy will come over." Although he lives on the coast, all the nearby islands have been cleaned up by the navy, and there are no pirates. And so on, so the people living in this area are extraordinarily down-to-earth.

The captain of the militia said solemnly: "Don't take chances, the navy is the navy, we are us, we have the ability to protect ourselves, no matter what troubles we encounter in the future, we can solve them independently."

After speaking, the militia captain turned around and walked towards the coast, taking a harpoon and sword at the village head as he walked.

Every time the sun sets, he ends his training for the day. Although he will get a certain subsidy when he becomes the captain, his life still has to go on.

The captain of the militia enjoyed this easy life, so he hoped it would always be like this, so when he went hunting for sea creatures, he always carried his sword with him, and patrolled the coast while fishing.

The thieves appear in the inland mountains for good warning. If they appear by the sea, it will be difficult to find them without patrolling.

Although the camp of the navy is not far away, in Luodong County, the navy of the Han Dynasty is invincible. The only enemy may be on the distant Wonu Islands, and the navigation route through the vast sea is also blocked by the Han army. On Tsushima Island, no accident, the near coast of Luodong County is worry-free.

However, he couldn't trust any army by nature, so he patrolled according to his own schedule.

No one in the village knew where he came from or where his home was, and no one asked, because the entire Luodong County and even the four counties on the peninsula were immigrants, and their hometown had long been a painful memory for them.

Of course, if Ma Yuanyi and Dong Fengxiao of the Eighth School's Weijun were here, they would be surprised that a dead man who had increased his scriptures was still alive.

That's right, Wei Feng, the captain of the militia in this village, was injured by a sword and should have died in the Luodong River, but miraculously drifted downriver and was rescued.

The person who rescued him was a disabled corps leader.

The corporal leader was ordered to retire as the militia captain of this village, but died of illness within a month after taking office, so Wei Feng, who was good at martial arts, became the second militia captain, and he was to complete the mission of the old corporal leader.

It was completely dark, Wei Feng caught a few fish, jumped to look at the sea that was rippling with the night wind, and after inspecting the last stone cliff, he was about to turn around and go back, but the moment he turned around, he stopped suddenly. down.

The next moment, a bright silver knife light hit from the back, Wei Feng stepped forward and stabbed with his sword.


(End of this chapter)

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