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Chapter 433 Where Did the Han Army Come From?

Chapter 433 Where Did the Han Army Come From?

"Bokang, after counting five thousand Japanese troops, there are only 800 left!" After leaving the city, Li Jin came over and reported everything to Xu Ding.

Xu Ding said: "Thank you for your hard work, Brother Li, [-] is far beyond my imagination. I thought I would only keep [-]?"

"It turned out that there were 1000 of them, but they finally wanted to attack us and didn't want to stop and leave the city, so we shot and killed more than [-] of them." Li Jin explained.

After all, this Japanese army Xu Ding is very useful, he understands that Xu Ding wants to rely on this Japanese army to conquer the Japanese people in Mishima, and if more people die, then fewer will.

"The Japanese who don't obey orders are not good Japanese, especially those who have tasted the sweetness and want to lose their jobs. They should be damned. Brother Li, you have done a good job." Xu Ding didn't mean to blame at all, although this Japanese army He is very useful, but what he needs is the Japanese army who absolutely obeys the orders of the Han army.

The Japanese who have been screened out in this way not only have blood and potential, but also have the fear and orders of the Han army engraved on their bones. As long as they instill more ideas in training, they will be a good knife.

"By the way, these [-] Japanese people form an army alone, and their treatment will be improved. They will supervise the other Japanese troops in the next battle." Xu Ding smiled slightly.

Take down the slave country, and then the army will continue to set off, heading towards the next Wa country.

With the same tactics, 600 Japanese troops finally selected and trained [-] people.

After that, Jiang Haiguo was flatly promoted, and 800 people were selected from [-] people.

And Dianwei, Xiahou and others also led [-] Japanese troops to attack the small town and small village fortress, and finally lost [-], leaving [-] of the [-] Japanese.

So far, the 200 Japanese army has been divided into two armies. The first echelon is the [-] people who survived the bloody battle of completely liberated nature, and they are formed into the Japanese army sharp knife brigade to supervise the battle.

The second echelon has 8000 people who have seen some blood, used knives, and fought one or two battles. They are called the reserve team

There are also [-] Japanese soldiers who have never been on the battlefield, waiting for further training.

After defeating Jianghai State, the battle line was pushed to Molu State.

At this time, the Japanese army who besieged Marshal Mengniu finally knew the basic things that happened in the south.

And no one believed it was real.

The puppet Himi Yumiko turned over and killed the dog Koko Chihiki.

He also frantically wiped out his own dependent countries and unified the southern part of Kyushu Island.

What is even more unbelievable is that they dared to send troops to the north to attack the vassal state protected by Yamatai, and wanted to fight the war of life and death with Yamatai to destroy the country.

As a result, the slave country, the Bumi country, and the Jianghai country were all destroyed.

"Kumi Hime called this bastard, is he crazy? His dog slave country doesn't want it anymore?"

Himiko's younger brother, Yamatai, is determined to strangle Himiko to death.

On his side, he is waiting for the bull to be trapped to death, or waiting for the bull to surrender, and then get the result of the battle.

At this time, the Gou Nu Kingdom came up to insert a stinky foot, which was really unappetizing.

"My lord, I heard that the owner of the Gonu Kingdom is so crazy because they have won the support of the Han people. There are warships of the Han army appearing in the south of the island. The reason for the destruction of the slave country is that the Han people carried very powerful siege weapons. This allowed the army of the Gonu Kingdom to kill the city." The king of Yidu Kingdom is the most powerful dependent country in the northeast of the peninsula, and he has more information at this time, so he reminded.

"The dog slave country supported by the Han army, this is impossible. Where did the Han army come from? They can't possibly cross the sea recently." The king of the Molu country was a little bit unconvinced. You must know that the Molu country is in the west of the peninsula. A piece of sea area belonged to the country of Mo Lu, and he was too clear about the situation.

Not to mention the typhoon and tsunami in the past few days, it was a calm day. If the Han army wanted to sail over from Tsushima Island, it would be impossible to avoid the coastline of the country of Molu.

Everything is under their close watch.

Besides, that guy named Xu Wu is still huddled on an island and can't move, where is there any Han army warship entering Kyushu Island.

Isn't this nonsense?

"That's the truth. Otherwise, do you think that the fighting power of the Gou Nu Kingdom has suddenly become so strong, with [-] soldiers and horses, marching all the way to the north, fighting and fighting, and invincible, do you think he has this ability based on the bow of Himi? Even Gou Kotomo A humble dog doesn't have this ability either." The king of Yidu country said swearingly.

Now he is extremely worried.

The Han army took the initiative to land on Kyushu Island, and the situation has changed drastically. I don't know if the Han army can be defeated under the leadership of the high rate.

If he can't win, Yidu Congress will be one of the countries that will be wiped out next.

Of course, it must have been the Molu State that was destroyed earlier, because the Han army and the Gonu State soldiers who went north had reached the border.

Once the battle is defeated, the Molu country can directly declare the country to be destroyed.

So the king of Molu was flustered when he heard what the king of Yidu said.

He will be the first to be wiped out.

So he fixed his eyes on the big rate, with hope and search in his eyes.

The leader pondered for a moment and said: "First call in an army of [-] to intercept it, and the fierce bull must take it down first. We must not let the fierce bull know that he has reinforcements."

"Your Majesty is wise!" the little kings of the subordinate countries praised.

Then the General Dongyi, who was willing to surrender, went to persuade him to surrender, while at the same time mobilizing troops to stop Xu Ding and the army of the Gonu Kingdom.

General Dong Bian, who soon persuaded him to surrender, came back and said that he failed.

On the other side, more than [-] Japanese allied forces headed by Mo Lu Guo intercepted the road and set up defenses on Xiaoshi Mountain, taking advantage of the favorable terrain.

Xu Ding and a group of generals urged their horses to explore the terrain, pointed to Xiaoshishan and said: "The Japanese on the opposite side are not stupid at all. Although the terrain is not dangerous and steep, the mountains are not high and the trees are not dense, but our attack belongs to the If you attack from your back, you may suffer far more casualties than when you attack the city."

Li Jindao: "Bokang is right, and the number of Japanese people on the opposite side has not been found out. I think there will be more."

After speaking, Li Jin asked his students Huang Xu, Guan Ping, Zhang Bao and others how to play best.

All the students bypassed Xiaoshi Mountain, and sent troops from the right wing to attack Shanqi City and Yidu Country, cutting off the logistics supplies of the Japanese coalition forces, and cutting off the Japanese people of Kyushu Island from the other two islands.

Xu Ding nodded slightly and asked Xia Houlan, Lu Xiang and the others: "What do you mean?"

Xia Houlan said: "The soldiers and horses of Marshal Mengniu are surrounded, we should rescue them first, break through the enemy head-on and rush over, and defeat the Japanese-Japanese coalition forces one by one."

Lu Xiang said: "I think we can send one of them to land on Nagasaki Island, insert behind the enemy's left flank, and finally encircle the east and west to attack and destroy this Japanese coalition force.

"My lord! We have no way of knowing if Marshal Mengniu and the others are alive or dead. Instead of spending a lot of effort to rescue them, we must thoroughly fan the Japanese people and don't let this opportunity pass."

The students in the martial arts hall still tend to attack from the right wing, eat the largest subsidiary country of Yamatai on the island, and completely cut off the food and grass of more than [-] Japanese troops.

Mengniu's Dongyi people's army was not a real Han army. It was a puppet army like the Japanese. It didn't matter if they were alive or not, so the young students were more inclined to their own plan.

(End of this chapter)

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