Chapter 436

On Xiaoshi Mountain, from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, to the top of the mountain, there are countless corpses piled up, all of them belong to the Japanese.

In the end, under the attack of the crazy new Japanese army, Xiaoshishan was breached, and the [-] Japanese coalition army killed another [-], and [-] became prisoners.

And the new Japanese army in Xu Ding's hands also lost most of them.

The task of cleaning the battlefield was handed over to Zhou Tai's department. Of course, the coolies were those [-] Japanese captives. Xu Ding took Mengniu and others to Yidu country.

Seeing Xu Dingyuan, Mengniu and others were filled with emotion.

Hou Ye is Hou Ye, and once he came over, he wiped out all the Japanese kingdoms in Kyushu Island, pushing them all the way, and there is no way to win the battle. What's more powerful is to let the Japanese beat themselves.

And the performance of the new Japanese army was even better than them.

This made him ashamed, and at the same time a little anxious and worried.

With such good knives from the New Japanese Army, Xu Ding still needs their Dongyi Army.

You must know that many people in the Eastern Brigade Army have defected and colluded with the Japanese, and Mengniu knows that Xu Ding must not trust him as much as he did in the Eastern Brick Army.

So his heart is also uneasy.

The more Xu Ding didn't mention it, the more he felt guilty.

Soon Xu Ding called the bull over: "Why is your morale from top to bottom not as good as that of the new Japanese army, walking as if you didn't eat?"

Xu Ding was very dissatisfied when he saw that the Eastern Brigade Army was falling behind.

Mengniu confessed: "My lord, the soldiers have doubts. Some people in our Eastern Brigade army have rebelled and colluded with the Japanese enemy. The soldiers are afraid that the lord will abandon the crime, so the morale is low."

"It's so numb!" Xu Ding touched it, and then ordered: "The whole army stops advancing, I want to give a lecture to the Dongyi army!"

"No!" Mengniu felt his heart skip a beat, not knowing what Xu Ding wanted to say or what he wanted to do.

Soon the army stopped, Dong Bian assembled into a square team and stood up, Xu Ding found a high place to look down at the five thousand soldiers in front of him.

"Soldiers, I know that you are very upset at this time, what are you worried about, but I tell you now, all your delusional suspicions can be thrown out of your mind, because you have proved your loyalty and bravery with practical actions,
Under the leadership of the Bull General, you stubbornly resisted the attack of the Japanese army, and held on to the temptation of the traitors, you are the best.

You have not let me down, and I will not let you down. Starting today, as long as you are willing to become Chinese, you can change to Chinese. Your relatives can also change to Chinese and enjoy the same treatment. "

Five thousand soldiers were fried all at once.

After becoming Chinese, they can become Chinese.

Their family members can also be registered as Chinese citizens.

As mentioned earlier, other ethnic groups have to make great efforts to convert to Chinese nationality.

Or after being killed in battle for Donglai, his family members can be converted to Han nationality because of his meritorious service, and enjoy the same pension policy as Han soldiers.

Now, because of resisting the Japanese attack and resisting the temptation, all five thousand soldiers can be transferred to Chinese.

It's hard to believe.

So the whole army whispered to each other.

Some harassment, but Xu Ding did not express the intention of punishing and cleaning up military discipline.

Instead, he set his sights on the Bulls.

At this time, the bull was also a little shocked.

It was a surprise that Xu Ding announced such an important reward at this time.

But soon he came back to his senses, met Xu Ding's gaze, as if he had thought of something, and immediately went down to worship and said: "I have not thanked the lord for the gift of all the soldiers. Mengniu is willing to be the first to convert to Chinese. Please Your lord is gracious."

Hearing what Mengniu said, the five thousand soldiers gradually became quiet.

Their commander-in-chief is willing to convert to Chinese nationality, so they have nothing to hesitate.

With the death of the Eastern Kingdom, the royal family has long been destroyed. They are just ordinary people, so there is nothing to be entangled with.

"From now on, Mengniu and his family will all enter my Han family, and their native place is Andong County!" Xu Ding said clearly to everyone.

The fierce bull is worshiping: "Thank you, my lord!"

With the coach of Bulls as an example, his personal guards also thanked him and expressed their willingness to transfer to Chinese nationality.

Then others also knelt down and bowed down.

"Okay! Since you are all my sons from the Han family, cheer up and don't let the Japanese make jokes. Use your knives, your guns, and your bloody chest to tell them that you are the strongest, and you are the warriors." Invincible, invincible." Xu Ding encouraged sonorously.

Five thousand soldiers, under the leadership of the fierce bull, replied one after another: "Yes! We are the strongest, we are invincible, and we are invincible!"

"Then what are you waiting for, set out, encircle and destroy the Japanese allied forces, and become famous in one battle!"

"Besiege and destroy the Japanese allied forces, and become famous in one battle!"

Boom, the five thousand soldiers suddenly looked like a reborn army with a new life. Their morale and spirit were very different. The whole team began to accumulate an invisible killing intent, and walked forward with solid steps.

This made the new Japanese army on the side envious.

The same puppet army, this group of Dongyi army has become a regular.

This is the effect Xu Ding wanted, and Xu Ding immediately confronted the new Japanese army who was standing by the roadside and said: "I am a big man who always treats people equally, and you also have the opportunity to enter the Hangji Han nationality, so you can leave the island and go to the hinterland of my big man See what a fairyland on earth is."

This time, the Japanese of the new Japanese army also collectively rioted.

They were also excited, excited, and began to discuss.

Convert to Chinese and become a master.

You can also leave the island to live in a fairyland.

But their fantasies had just begun, and then they were severely pulled back to reality by the strong whip.

military discipline!military discipline!
They didn't enjoy the treatment of the Dongyi Army, and then they were whipped by the supervisory training team led by Li Jin and other students in the martial arts hall.

The whipping was hot on his body, but the Japanese didn't dare to complain, so they immediately fell silent and stood up obediently.

Of course, my heart is still excited and excited.

As long as you work hard, as long as you make more contributions, you can get rid of the Japanese nationality and become a Han Chinese.

Become the master!
I want to be a Han Chinese, I want to be a master!
This small wish was planted in their hearts at once.

With encouragement, the marching speed was significantly faster, and the troops quickly entered the Yidu country and headed for Beizhou, where the battle was fought.

Beizhou is located in the northeast of Yidu Country, and is also the most northeast of the entire Kyushu Island, facing Honshu Island across the sea.

At this time, Beizhou had already been captured by Li Jin and others, and all the food and grass of the coalition forces were in his hands.

The acquisition of this grain storage place not only cut off the food and grass of the Japanese army and caused the Japanese coalition army to panic, but also provided a solid material foundation for the Han army who came from afar, making the army's long-term stay in the three islands of Japanese slaves an important event. possible.

After the Japanese convoy withdrew to Yidu, they continued to attack Li Jin and other troops.

But it's useless, they can't break through the mere bulls, let alone the Han army led by Li Er.

After three consecutive days of attack, there were countless casualties, the morale fell, and even the army was short of food. The Japanese soldiers wanted to escape to Honshu Island on small rafts with the heart of fighting.

At this time, Xu Ding arrived with a large army, and without a word, he ordered the new Japanese army and the Dongyi army to attack.

The two armies worked hard, and when they arrived in Beizhou, they acted like crazy, attacking crazily. , Only a few were lucky enough to swim ashore and fled back to Honshu Island.

Most of those who did not have the courage to jump into the sea were captured by the Han army. The Han army captured [-] prisoners alone, and beheaded countless people. So far, the Kyushu Island war ended. The army was basically wiped out, which provided a quick and convenient door for the next landing to collect other two islands.

(End of this chapter)

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