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Chapter 444 The Marquis of Weihai Is Also Your King

Chapter 444 The Marquis of Weihai Is Also Your King

There were two people on board, a man and a woman.

"It's Master Hou and sister!"

Dian Wei, Xia Houlan and others were overjoyed to see Xu Ding appearing with the Queen hugging each other.

"Haha, the female Japanese queen was indeed conquered by the lord. It seems that we will have no more battles."

A certain rate sees Xu Ding and his sister, who are both handsome and beautiful, hugging each other side by side, and have mixed feelings in their hearts.

The great Japanese Queen was still defeated by the Hou Ye of the Han people.

Soon the boat drifted to a place two feet away from the big boat, at this time Xu Dingteng jumped onto the big boat with the queen.

"My lord, are you all right?"

Everyone said hello, Xu Ding said: "It's nothing, I'm fine, don't worry, everyone, let me introduce you, this is the queen, and now I am my woman!"

"I've seen the queen!" The generals gave Xu Ding admiringly admiring glances, and then saluted the queen, who nodded and raised her hand as a signal.

"Leave the boat to the royal capital of Yamatai." Xu Ding ordered, and then took the queen into the cabin.

It was also the first time for Himiko to see such a big ship. He followed him in, looked at it curiously, felt the technology of the Han army, and finally sighed: "With this warship, even if you are not a god, it is enough to conquer Wajima ten times." Second-rate!"


The warship went down the river and soon came to the king's capital of Yamatai.

Seeing the return of the warship, the Yamatai people in the capital all stretched their necks. This time they did not dare to discuss loudly, but quietly waited for the result.

Whether the queen loses or the Han Lord loses, this is related to the future of Yamatai, as well as the future of the three islands of Japan.

Soon the warship stopped at the wharf of the capital, and a man and woman who were a match made in heaven walked out from the cabin.

The woman was none other than their Queen Himiko, and all the Yamatai people had guessed that heroic man.

Because the man had one arm around the queen's waist, the queen came out hand in hand with him, making intimate gestures, and the queen's cold mountain-like face showed a flattering smile to the man.

The queen lost, and she also lost her body.

Soon Xu Ding and Himiko got off the boat, walked side by side on the stone road together, entered the gate of the royal capital under the eyes of everyone, and then came to the central square in the city.

The two stepped onto the high platform, the queen glanced at the crowd, closed her smile, resumed her usual antipathy, then raised her phoenix eyes and stood forward and said: "I am your Wang Beimihu, and behind me is the Marquis of Weihai of the Han Dynasty, Weihai Hou, like me, has the power to communicate with ghosts and gods, he is the only man who has dared to break into the world, and he is also the only one who went in alive and came out alive."

With the queen's own acknowledgment, all Yamatai people exclaimed.

Marquis of Weihai actually crossed the boundary, and rarely got out alive.

Anyone can lie, except the queen.

You can disbelieve anyone's words, but you can't disbelieve the queen's.

Many people looked at Xu Ding with awe and fear.

A person who also has the power of ghosts and gods, a man who can control snowfall, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes, is worthy of awe.

"I invite Marquis Weihai below, he has something to say to everyone!" Himiko stepped aside, then stepped back to the side, and made a gesture of invitation.

Xu Ding took three steps forward, then swept towards the crowd, then raised his eyes to the sky, slowly stretched out his hand and said, "It's raining!"

With a cry, it suddenly rained heavily in the royal capital, and before all the Xiematai people understood what was going on, Xu Ding wiped his hands away and said, "The fog is coming!"

All of a sudden, the city wind was filled with mist, and gusts of wind blew over, blocking everyone's sight.

"The rain clears away the fog!"

I only heard Xu Ding say another sentence, the rain stopped and the wind stopped, and the water mist settled!
Isn't this just the power of the gods and ghosts in the hands of Her Majesty the Queen?
It turns out that the Han Lord Marquis would also do this.


A certain Dashu quickly knelt down and licked, his subordinates also bowed down with interest, and other Yamatai people also knelt down and shouted the same words.

This is what the gods are.

Seeing all the Yamatai people kneeling down, Xu Ding was very satisfied, glanced in a certain direction, then raised his hand and said, "Get up!"

"Thank you, Lord Shenming!"

All the Yamatai people thanked excitedly.

Xu Ding stopped talking, and the stage was handed over to Himiko again.

Himi said: "From today onwards, I will be the woman of Marquis Weihai. Three days later, we will hold a wedding ceremony in the palace. At that time, our Yamatai will be loyal to the great man and belong to Marquis Weihai. At that time, our main island will be unified under Yamatai. Excuse me, there is only one country on Honshu Island, and that is Yamatai, I am your king, and Marquis Weihai is also your king."

This news is even more shocking, the queen is going to marry Weihaihou, marrying a god.

Yamatai no longer controls the big Japanese, but becomes a part of the big Han.

Weihaihou will also be their king in the future.

It is the tradition of Wajima that strength is respected and strength is great. Whoever is strong will submit to him. This is an eternal truth.

With Xu Ding's previous miracles, the Yamatai people did not have much resistance.

But outside of Yamatai, it's hard to say.

So next, Xu Ding led the army to station in Yamatai and helped train the new Japanese army.

At the same time, various ministries continued to launch conquests against the Wa Kingdom on Honshu and even Shikoku Island.

With Yamatai's surrender, things developed more smoothly.

Soon half a month passed, and it was time for Xu Ding to leave and return to Weiyuan Island.

Because Himiko is pregnant at this time, although there is no pregnancy reaction yet, but there is a promise that Xiaoliu can find out.

"Xiao Ming, I will leave it to you, and I will explain what I have to explain. Everything is going according to plan. Although the Japanese are short and ugly, they are also a rare soldier. The world is big and there will always be times when they are needed. , take good care of them, I will bring more people from my hometown after a while, and then you will no longer be alone." In a short time, Xu Ding will not have so many people moving here, but moving the Japanese to outlying islands also needs Time, so before leaving, Xu Ding did not forget to appease Himiko repeatedly.

Himi said: "Don't worry, go back. After all these years, I have never spoiled Yamatai. With your navy here, plus the new army of training, no one can touch me.

To be honest, I really want to go back to my hometown, and I really want to use the Xu family's surname as soon as possible, so as not to let my ancestors be dusted overseas! "

Saying goodbye to Himihu, Xu Ding boarded a warship and came to Kyushu Island. At this time, Xu Wu and his people had been waiting for a long time.

"My lord will be at a disadvantage in the final battle, please punish me, my lord!" Xu Wu pleaded guilty with his upper body shirtless and carrying the thorn sticks on his back.

Xu Ding glanced at Xu Wu, then glanced at Xu Wu's sailors, and then said: "Okay, put on your clothes, the weather is still cold, if you feel cold, you may have to send them back to Weiyuan Island recuperate, then you are truly guilty."

Xu Wu was taken aback for a moment, but he still didn't get up.

"It's not your fault, you can keep calm, you didn't let your navy be capsized in a strait, and you didn't let my big man's son feed the fish, this is very good, enough to make up for the merits and demerits." Xu Ding continued to ask road:

"By the way, can Tsushima Island be brought back?"

(End of this chapter)

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