Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 447 The South China Sea Voyage

Chapter 447 Navigating the South China Sea ([-])
"Everyone, everyone is welcome to come to this banquet!" Seeing that almost all the guests for the banquet had arrived, Xin Ping toasted.

All the guests at the banquet looked forward to it, and raised their glasses in response.

Because Shi Xie did not come, Gan Ning naturally did not attend either.

Although the atmosphere was tense and awkward at the beginning, it soon became relaxed and happy under the communication between Xin Ping and the crowd.

Gan Ding, Hua Xiong and others who were eating and drinking with them were very uncomfortable. If it weren't for Xin Ping, they wouldn't know how to organize this banquet.

The so-called three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Everyone ate and drank well, and it was almost time. Xin Ping then stood up and said: "Everyone, our army has just arrived in your place, and I would like to offer you a toast. Sorry for the abruptness."

Shi Zhi also stood up and said: "Your Majesty Xin, you are welcome. Your army is a guest from afar. We should have entertained you. It is because we have lost the landowners. Come and offer a toast to Your Majesty Xin!"

In just a few short sentences, the two of them straightened their positions.

"Presumably everyone knows that we did have a big misunderstanding with Jiaozhou the day before yesterday, but the misunderstanding has since been resolved. Our Donglai Navy came here not to offend anyone, but to do business. Make friends with people who make a fortune together." Speaking of which, Xin Pingru had a cup of tea to show everyone, and then sat back.

He knew this sentence, enough to make these upper-class people in Jiaozhi County bluff, enough to make them riot for a while.

Do business, make friends and get rich together.

Why does this sound so strange.

A group of people glanced at Xin Ping suspiciously, then at Shi Zhi, and finally whispered to each other and began to discuss.

Shi Zhi was also a little surprised. According to Xin Ping, the Donglai Navy did not come to grab territory or occupy Jiaozhou.

However, as the ruler of the local area, he will naturally be hostile, and he must be vigilant, so he asked, "I don't know what kind of business Mr. Xin is talking about? Since you are making friends with us in Jiaozhou to make a fortune, why don't you see General Gan?"

His father, Shi Xie, is the one and only person in Jiaozhou, and the family of scholars is the co-owner behind the scenes of Jiaozhou. Even the former Nanyue king Weita (that is, Zhao Tuo) cannot surpass their family of scholars.

So his father has the right not to attend.

Who is Gan Ning? It sounds good to call him a general, but it sounds bad to be a lieutenant of Henghai.

Therefore, in Shi Zhi's eyes, Gan Ning's failure to attend was a disgrace to him.

Xin Ping said with a smile: "General Gan has other important military affairs, so he has no time to spare for the time being, but rest assured, on behalf of the Donglai Navy, and even Lord Hou, I have full authority to handle the affairs with Jiaozhou."

Reaching out his hand without hitting the smiling face, Xin Ping's appearance of a warm spring breeze made Shi Zhi lose his temper.

Speaking of family background, although the Shi family is the largest in Jiaozhou and can be regarded as the emperor of the earth, but the background and the glory of the ancestors are really not the opponents of the Xin family.

People are the real family in the Central Plains, the family that has existed for thousands of years.

"Since Mr. Xin can make the decision, Mr. Xin might as well talk about it while everyone is here!" Shi Zhi sat back, but he didn't say anything about Shi Zhi's so-called business.

The scholar's family is the local emperor of Jiaozhou, so there is no shortage of money, and ordinary business is really not worth it.

Businesses such as salt and iron, which come in quickly and are necessary for a long time, are originally controlled by their family.

Xin Ping clapped his hands and said: "Our army went south this time and brought a lot of good things. You can watch it slowly!"

Following Xin Ping's command, a group of men wearing bright armor, mighty and fierce, came in.

Every soldier has a tray in his hand.

The tray was covered by a gray cloth, and a group of soldiers stood in a row in the middle.

Xin Ping walked out of the seat, then pointed to the first tray under his left hand and said: "This is the white paper produced in Donglai, invented and created by Lord Hou himself."

After speaking, Xin Ping lifted the gray cloth above, revealing a bright and pure white paper.

This is a good thing?

White paper has been very popular and best-selling in the Central Plains, and major families and government agencies have bought and hoarded it.

But remote Jiaozhou is rarely available, and the price is more expensive.

Even if you have money, you may not be able to get much. Naturally, it is a strategic resource product that all walks of life in Jiaozhou compete for.

Suffering from bamboo slips, whoever uses them will know.

How can it be convenient to record books on white paper.

Now Xin Ping showed a blank sheet of paper, which meant that they had brought a lot.

Donglai's warship is so big, the ship's cabin can hold a lot of things, and there should be a lot of paper.

So everyone, including Shi Zhi, was very moved.

"Master Xin, can we touch these white papers." Someone stood up and asked.

Xin Ping let out a sneer in his heart, and was afraid that we would not succeed in cheating. The wild land has a small vision, but he said: "Of course, I have prepared ten copies for each person here. It is a small gift for everyone. Everyone You can take them all back."

So the armored soldier distributed it to the people sitting at the table from the left.

A group of people took the paper, as if they had won a treasure, they nodded frequently, with approval in their eyes.

"Master Xin, are you going to sell this paper in Jiaozhou?" Someone finally couldn't help asking.

Xin commented: "That's right! We brought some on the boat. Lord Hou heard that the roads in Jiaozhou are not good, and he knows the needs of all walks of life in Jiaozhou. He has been suffering from not being able to enjoy the convenience of this thing, so he specially asked us to bring it."

Shi Zhi asked, "I don't know the price?"

This is what everyone present is most concerned about.

How to sell the paper is the key point, everything else is false.

"It's easy to say, the price is the same as that of Zhongyuan. The price that Zhongyuan buys from our Donglai paper is the same price as selling it to Jiaozhou. How do you feel about the sincerity of this?" Xin Ping said.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and they all liked it very much. To be honest, they paid the price of being slaughtered based on the scriptures.

I didn't expect Donglai Navy to be so easy to talk to. As long as the price is the same as the original price, this is very kind, and it immediately won the favor of a group of Cochin officials.

If you can spend less money, who the hell wants to pay half more.

Even Shi Zhi couldn't help but secretly admire Donglai's side.

"Marquis of Weihai Daqi, Marquis of Weihai Gaoyi, are indeed my good friends in Jiaozhou." The crowd hurriedly flattered.

Then Xin Ping lifted a gray cloth on a tray, and said: "This is toothpaste, a toothbrush, used to clean the mouth and teeth. In terms of use, it is comfortable after use..."

Toothpaste, toothbrush!
This is so strange that I have never heard of it!

It's a good thing for cleaning your teeth.

The whole big man usually cleans his mouth and teeth with willow branches and rustling with salt water, so even aristocratic families are full of big yellow teeth and small black teeth.

Why is it said that the ancients did not show their teeth when they smiled, but if you think about it, you will show such ugly teeth when you smile, and no one will be in a good mood if you look at it.

Xin Ping didn't say how to sell it, and then went on to unveil the next tray: "The third thing is wine, a kind of fairy wine. I think you have heard of it. This is also a specialty of Donglai. I don't bring much. General Gan and everyone The soldiers are wholeheartedly reluctant to take it out, but for the friendship of Jiaozhou, they are willing to take out a hundred bottles."

Everyone has heard of Immortal Brew. It is a high-grade spirit, and it is difficult to buy in the Central Plains. It is more precious than white paper.

All of them were anxious, there was only one hundred bottles, and it seemed that the wine bottle was too small. There were so few porridge, so many monks, and so little meat, so many wolves.

"Next, please see that we still have mosquito coils, monosodium glutamate, toilet water, folding fans, celadon..." Xin Ping uncovered the gray cloths on the tray one by one, and then explained their functions, which made Shi Zhi's throat move.

These things are too rich and rare, almost unheard of, and this time they really made them feel that they are really fucking earth leopards.

There are still so many good things in the Central Plains, and they have never enjoyed them. It is a pity in life.

(End of this chapter)

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