Chapter 454
"Meng De's concerns are not unreasonable. There are indeed some wealthy wolves and leopards around you and me, but as long as you and I can cooperate and unite to attack and defend the alliance, there is no need to be afraid of their coveting." Xu Ding laughed.

Cao Cao said, "Bokang wants to form an alliance with me?"

Xu Ding nodded lightly. Although Cao Cao was a little moved, he didn't dare to agree easily.

His north and south happened to be Er Yuan, who formed an alliance with Xu Ding, and Er Yuan might join forces to beat him first.

No matter what, I feel that I am at a disadvantage.

"Meng De, I know what you are worried about, so it is because of your worries that you should attack Dong Zhuo. What do you think is your future? Go south or go north. Although Dong Zhuo is strong, he is strong outside and strong in the middle. It is nothing to worry about. I am afraid that you will go up and down in Guanzhong. People's hearts are more impetuous than those in Kanto." Xu Ding reminded with a smile, but he didn't say too much, just stop.

He believed that Cao Cao could understand.

To the north is Yuan Shao. With Cao Cao's background and personality, he will definitely not start a war with Yuan Shao first. To the east is himself, and Cao Cao dare not go to war. However, his navy army took advantage of the situation and rushed into Yanzhou.

To the south is Yuan Shu, Yuan Shu has thicker disciples, more soldiers and horses, and it is the headquarters of the Yuan family.

Cao Cao is confident that he can defeat Yuan Shu, but he is not confident that he can rule and manage it well.

The current Yuan Shu is no different from the original history. Now Yangzhou is almost dominated by Xu Ding and Sun Jian. If Yuan Shu is defeated and has nowhere to escape, he can only fight to the death with Cao Cao, and in the end he may ask Yuan Shao for help in the battle.

Expansion to the south is also bleak.

So all he had left was West.

Although Dong Zhuo is powerful, but after breaking through Hangu Pass, Dong Zhuo is a paper tiger.

The land in the west is vast, and Guanzhong has a large population, so it can be used as a good base.

Especially the Luoyang area that is now vacant.

The imperial capital of the Han Dynasty has countless fertile fields. As long as Dong Zhuo is killed, it will be a good place to recuperate and recuperate.

Taking [-] steps back, with the rear of the west, in case one day the battle with Eryuan or Xu Ding fails in the Kanto, there is still a place to retreat and start over.

So Lao Cao was a little moved.

It is in his best interest to attack Dong Zhuo, and he will be able to fight for the initiative in the world with his second Yuan Xu Ding in the future if he can cut out some worries.

No one is too passive.

Yanzhou is a place where the Four World Wars were fought, and it is too insecure to be caught in the middle, so preparations must be made early.

But all right, Cao Cao didn't easily agree to express his opinion, he just said: "Dealing with Dong Zhuo is a major event for the people of the world, and it doesn't happen overnight. It needs a long-term plan. Come to Bokang, let's go to the city first and drink a few urns and talk about it." !"

Cao Cao said it proudly, but Xu Ding really didn't dare to compliment Lao Cao's drinking capacity.

This guy was in Jinan country back then, and he got drunk after drinking half a jug, and he also has a bad problem, he likes to compose poems impromptuly after getting drunk.

When everyone entered Juancheng, Cao Cao entertained Xu Ding with good wine and meat.

Everyone was eating and drinking, and Cao Cao and Xu Ding sat shoulder to shoulder and drank together.

This time Cao Cao wasn't composing any more poems. Even though he was half drunk and half awake, he didn't forget one of the poems.

"Bokang! What's the matter with your excuse this time, come and talk to your brother..." Cao Cao asked while hiccupping his wine, and glanced at the people on the table below from the corner of his eye. He is very proud, after all, he is not drunk yet.

Xu Ding was also a little drunk, and patted Cao Cao on the shoulder and said, "Meng De, the excuse is to beat Dong Zhuo, of course, how about we build the Luoyang Emperor Capital, I will provide supplies, you will send people, we will beat him to the bottom and kill him It's dark."

"Okay Bokang, let's go and beat Dong Zhuo, kill him to the brim, kill him to death!" Cao Cao said:

"Uncle, what about after getting rid of Dong Zhuo? What about Guanzhong?"

Xu Ding Banmi looked at the eyeliner and said: "Of course it's cold salad. Guanzhong and Luoyang are close to you. If you don't take it, why don't you still give it to me?"

"Bokang is indeed Gao Yi." Cao Cao hiccupped, gave Xu Ding a thumbs up, and then asked, "What about the Xiliang Army? What about the Son of Heaven?"

Xu Ding joked: "It's not easy, of course the Xiliang Army will belong to you, and I will give you all the captives, but the emperor, I think it is better to go to our Weiyuan Island. live.

When the princes of the court went there, all of them could maintain good health and live a long life, so that the great Han Dynasty would be more consolidated. "

Cao Cao nodded in agreement, then continued to hold his thumbs up, but after drinking a glass of wine, he shook his head and said, "No, the emperor should live in Luoyang, the capital of the emperor is in Luoyang, that's where your majesty should be."

Xu Ding pushed Cao Cao and said: "Meng De, you are confused. Luoyang Yijing was burned by Dong Zhuo. There are ruins there. How can the emperor be ashamed to live in the ruins? It is rumored that the barbarians will not laugh. "

Cao Cao patted Xu Ding on the shoulder and said: "What Bokang said is reasonable, the emperor cannot live in the ruins, but didn't Bokang say before that we want to repair the Luoyang Imperial Capital? After repairing it, His Majesty can live in it. You pay, and we will live in it." Contribute, let's build the imperial capital together, let's do it!"

"Do it!" Xu Ding clinked glasses with Cao Cao, and after the two had finished drinking, Xu Ding said with a smile:

"It's okay for me to pay. Not only do I pay, but I also pay for supplies. We want to build Luoyang into a grander atmosphere than before, but before it's done, Meng De, Your Majesty still wants to live in the fairyland and live under my authority." Yuan Dao, let him and the court princes enjoy the wonderful life in the fairyland."

After speaking, Xu Ding grabbed Cao Cao by the collar and asked him to answer. Cao Cao fell backwards, lay down on the ground and fell asleep, snoring like thunder.

Xu Ding pointed at Cao Cao and said, "Yes! Meng De is too drunk, you lost again, haha, Meng De is drunk again..."

After speaking, Xu Ding got down from his seat in a daze, then pointed at the Yanzhou Wenwu who were lying on the ground one by one, laughed a few times, and stumbled out of the living room...

The next day!

Cao Cao sent someone to invite Xu Ding to have a drink, and Xu Ding came as promised, but after sitting down, he didn't take Cao Cao's full wine glass, but said: "Meng De is not in a hurry to drink, I am afraid that if you drink too much, you will drink too much." Drunk, isn't your capacity for alcohol very good?"

"Is it not good? Why do I feel that I will never get drunk after a thousand cups." Cao Cao said without blushing, and drank a cup by himself after speaking.

Xu Ding shook his head, had no choice but to drink his own cup, and said after drinking, "Meng De, my navy is probably about to enter Yanzhou. Would you like to tell your Dongjun soldiers and horses, be careful of misunderstandings."

"Uh! Bokang, your navy is here. Isn't that too fast? I'm not ready yet?" Cao Cao said in surprise.

Xu Ding said: "What preparations do you need, I'm just going north by way, and I'm not here to snatch your Yanzhou, why are you still afraid, Meng De, that I will beat you?
I'm still afraid that I won't be able to rob you of your state and county. Don't worry, if I really want to hit you one day, I must tell you half a year in advance. We pulled out our posture, arranged our troops and horses, handed in the war documents, and were playing. "

(End of this chapter)

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