Chapter 463
The power of the trebuchet is enormous, and those who are not strong-willed can easily be intimidated.

Bai Rao, who had a city empty, was so frightened that he left the city, and quickly came to report, Xu Ding waved his hand, and the catapult soldiers stopped.

The avant-garde soldiers rushed to the bottom of the city, set up a ladder and attacked without any hindrance, and opened the city gate at once.

On the other side, Bai Rao, who was out of the city, began to regret it. Seeing the three thousand horses chasing him, he wanted to die.

Who are these guys!It was clear that he was sure that he would abandon the city, so he lay in ambush to the west of the city early.

Bai Rao abandoned the main force and fled towards the Qishui River to the east with a few elite cavalry. As long as they crossed the river, the enemies behind would not be able to catch up.

Soon they reached the Qishui River, but unfortunately, at the shoal where they could cross the river at this time, there were warships lying across.

The flag of the Han army that attacked Chaoge City was hung on the ship.

"Boss, the river is blocked and we can't get through."

"Go north, go to Qiyuan City!" Bai Rao turned his horse and fled northward, but it wasn't long before Xu Huang came after him.

There are not many people, only two hundred riders.

Bai Rao's horse was not as strong as Xu Huang's, and his horse didn't have horseshoes yet, so his walking speed was really not fast.

"Woo!" There was no way to escape, so Bai Rao reined in his horse and stopped. Xu Huang chased after him, but he didn't take advantage of the opportunity to kill the general, but with a faint sneer on his face: "Run! Keep running!"

"May I ask this general, which side of the world are you heroes? Jizhou, Hanoi, and Yanzhou don't have such elite soldiers as you." Bai Rao asked.

Xu Huang said: "It's easy to say, if I want to be a sensible ghost, it's okay to tell you. This general, Xu Huang, is led by Wei Haihou's left cavalry guard."

"Marquis of Weihai!" Bai Rao couldn't help exclaiming, and all his subordinates also changed color, and they still had a little bit of fighting spirit.

As soon as they heard that the other party was Xu Ding's man, their legs trembled, and then they turned over and knelt down on the horse one by one: "General Xu, please forgive me, we don't know that it is the arrival of Lord Hou's army, please let us go!"

"You guys..." Bai Rao wanted to whip the horsewhip high, but he didn't dare to pull it down, his face was pale and bloodless, and his body trembled with anger.

Xu Huang urged the horse to come forward and swung the battle axe, "Bai Zuo get off the horse and die!"

"Hahaha, Xu Huang, I heard that Marquis Weihai has always been benevolent and righteous. Can you let me go? I know he wants to recruit the Black Mountain Army. I used to be under Marshal Zhang of the Black Mountain Army. If I join Weihaihou, he can accept it more conveniently." Black Mountain Army!" The strong desire to survive called Bai Rao, and Bai Rao tried to persuade Xu Huang with his words.

But the only one who answered Bai Rao was Xu Huang with a sneering face and an ax that reflected the cold light.

Seeing the white light of the ax swiping towards him, Bai Rao hurriedly dodged his arms and raised the knife horizontally, but his strength was still far behind Xu Huang's.

The blade shook, the whole body hurt, the arms went numb, the body shook, and fell off the horse.

Without waiting for him to turn around and hide, Xu Huang's ax struck from behind, and he opened his head, blood spurted out and splashed on the black horse's legs.

"Just such a thing wants to serve my master, do you really think that there is no one in my east?" Xu Huang poohed, then glared at Bai Raoshou who was paralyzed on the ground and said:
"Bai Rao broke the Black Mountain Covenant and joined the traitor Yuan Shao, harming the people nearby. He deserves to be killed for being unfaithful and unkind!"

"Yes, yes, yes! You should be killed!" Bai Rao's subordinates were afraid that Xu Huang would kill them all, so they kowtowed and cursed Bai Rao to die.

"Take it away!" Xu Huang waved his hand, and the cavalry tied up all of Bai Rao's men, and pulled them back to Chaoge City.

After Chaoge City, the south of Dahao Mountain is basically peaceful, which provides a relatively peaceful environment for the Black Mountain Army to come out of the mountain.

Xu Ding originally wanted to wait for Zhang Yan and others to come out of the mountain in Chaoge, but the next day, the same news came from the navy of Dahaoshan and Qishui respectively.

"Zhang Yan is besieged in Lin Lu City!"

Xu Ding frowned slightly, spread out the map, found the location of Lin Lucheng, and wanted to give Zhang Yan a good meal.

This guy didn't run well, he went out of the mountain to the northeast and entered Linlu City, which was a little far away from Qishui, and he had to go north if he touched the north tributary of Qishui.

It was a little too close to Yecheng, Yuan Shao's doorstep, this was the rhythm of a tiger's mouth pulling its teeth.

"My lord, what should we do now?" Dian Wei scratched at the map, looking at the map and felt awkward.

Even Xu Chu also felt in his heart that Zhang Yan was too troublesome.

The capture of Chaoge would have been the end of the matter, but now they may have to fight Yuan Shao's troops head-on.

When they came out this time, they didn't bring many soldiers and horses. The army had three Jinwu Guards and the navy was only 1 horses, totaling [-].

Yuan Shao's troops besieging Zhang Yan will not be less than [-].

This battle is not easy to fight.

Xu Huang said: "My lord, otherwise I will take the left cavalry guards to attack Tangyin in the southeast direction, and then attack Yecheng in a roundabout way, attracting Yuan Shao's back to help. My lord will lead the front and rear guards straight into Lin Lucheng, and cooperate with Zhang Yanli to defeat Yuan Shao's siege. force."

"Gongming, this method is feasible, but instead of fighting Tangyin, we will attack Neihuang City, Fanyang City, and Weixian City. The two troops of water and land will enter the Gutai River Canal along the Qingshui River, and disturb half of Wei County for me. Move, Evacuating the Wei County south of Yecheng, and moving to Yuan Shao is heartbreaking, and I have to withdraw until I have to withdraw my troops." Xu Ding punched the position in Neihuang City, and said a move that was more ruthless than Xu Huang.

Xu Huang's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he had to say that Xu Ding's idea was bolder and more effective.

If this battle continues, Yuan Shao will probably vomit blood again.

At the beginning, the evacuation of Bohai County allowed Yuan Shao to escape a catastrophe in advance, but turned to Gongsun Zan, and this time Yuan Shao could not escape.

So Xu Huang said: "My lord, leave this matter to me, I am willing to lead the army!"

Xu Ding confessed: "Except for you, I don't feel relieved to hand it over to other people. In this way, you will lead two thousand cavalry troops, one thousand vanguards, and four thousand sailors at the same time. Make the noise as loud as possible for me. Move as many things as you want, and move as many people as you can, remember not to commit looting, let alone forcefully relocate people.”

"It's the lord!" Xu Huang replied solemnly.

Soon Xu Huang led 7000 troops from land and water to Weijun to the southeast, then attacked Liyang first, then attacked Xiaoyangju, and finally captured Neihuang, and then advanced east and north.

Of course, they didn't fly Donglai's banner at first, but pulled out Cao Cao's banner.

This frightened Jizhou.

Cao Cao attacked north?
"How is this possible? Didn't Cao Cao go with Xu Ding to fight Dong Zhuo? I haven't planned to attack him in Yanzhou yet, but he dared to attack me!" Yuan Shao heard that the enemy army had invaded the country. His first thought was that this was impossible. So the face is full of sneer.

It's not that he looked down on Cao Cao. Cao Cao has been his follower since he was a child, and he has always followed his lead.

It is impossible for Cao Cao to beat himself for no reason unless Cao Cao is crazy and dares to use force against himself first.

(End of this chapter)

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