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Chapter 466: The Power of Mo Daowei

Chapter 466: The Power of Mo Daowei

One thousand against five thousand!

One is attacking and the other is defending, with the same momentum, no one takes the other seriously.

Soon Gao Lan rushed to him, and his target was Xu Chu. The national gray Xu Chu was more majestic and taller than ordinary soldiers, and he was also wearing a different armor from other soldiers. Flag.

From Gao Lan's eyes, he naturally understood that this was a fierce general under Xu Ding's subordinates. If Xu's surname was Xu, he might still be a member of Xu Ding's clan.

So the more Gao Lan thought about it, the more excited he became, he urged the horse, arrived in an instant, and swung his spear to stab him.


Xu Chu, who was in front of the battle, raised his eyelids, and also stared at Gao Lan. When he saw him being stabbed with a spear, he held the Mo Dao and raised it to block it.

"Clang!" A golden sound exploded like thunder.

The blow was short-lived, and it left at the touch of a touch. Gao Lan was shocked, and then changed his move and shot it. Xu Chu blocked the blow and swung the knife so that the edge of the knife was at least lifted upwards.

Gao Lan hurriedly put his legs between the horse's belly, and the horse Yiyi raised his legs and neighed to one side, dodging the blade of Xu Chu's Chang Mo knife.

"Clang!" There was another golden cry, guns and knives clashed, and the two tried to break through each other with the greatest strength, one pressed down and the other raised.

Of course, in terms of strength, Gao Lan is definitely not as good as Xu Chu, but Gao Lan is not an ordinary person, and he is not one of the four court pillars in Hebei.

In addition, he has the high position of the horse, so the two of them competed in this posture, and it was almost equal to each other.

Just as the two were competing, several guards behind Gao Lan also rushed up, but they were not so lucky. The fifty Mo Daomen in the first row shouted at the same time and raised their hands. He raised the Mo Dao high, and then slashed.

Fifty Mo knives cut down like a forest at the same time, with almost no hesitation or difference.


The advantage of Mo Dao is that it is long and heavy, the blade is wide and thick, the blade is sharp, and the blade is long.

With one strike, the horse was split in half.

Advance like a wall, invincible, die at the touch of a knife, and tear people and horses, that's what it is.

The fifty soldiers in the first row had finished their slashing, and those in the second row took two steps forward, one step at a time, and they were also like a forest of swords, dense and sharp.

Gao Lan's personal guards who fell off their horses or fell off their horses were instantly pierced by blades or fell to the ground bleeding profusely.

At this scene, Gao Lan, who was pulling the blade tool, gave birth to a trace of fear, because the opponent's sword array was too fierce.

All the cavalry were wiped out in one face-to-face. This is still an infantry, no worse than a euphorbia warrior.

"Go down!"

Seizing the opportunity, Xu Chu raised his arms and pushed Gao Lan away. Then he half bent down and swung the knife around, and the blade slashed towards the neck of Gao Lan's horse.

Gao Lan was terrified. Just now, Xu Chu Jiali made him understand that the strength of his opponent was far superior to him, and Xu Chu's speed was too fast to allow him to fight back to save his mount. He could only kick his legs With the belly of the horse, he jumped backwards with his strength.

"Pfft!" Fortunately, he retreated quickly, only to see that his mount was killed horizontally by Xu Chu with a Mo Dao.

At this time, Gao Lan didn't have time to worry about the death of his mount, because the Mo Dao soldiers in the third row swung Mo Dao towards the front. After leaping back, he directly bumped into the rushing pawns, overturning two soldiers.


Rows of Modaowei soldiers moved forward, swinging their swords with each step, and the ordinary Gao Lan soldiers who rushed up were cut into two or three sections in an instant, and they didn't even have a chance to cry out before they died.

When Xu Chu repelled Gao Lan, he didn't go out alone to pursue him. He just stabilized his troops before the army formation, and also joined one of them. He swung his sword and hacked Gao Lan's soldiers to death.

Mo Dao's killing power was too bloody, Gao Lan's subordinates couldn't bear it, they collapsed soon, turned around, retreated and fled.

Even Gao Lan himself has lingering fears. In front of Mo Daowei who is as unified as Lin and stronger than ordinary people, he is not confident in how many people he can kill, and he doesn't care how majestic he can hold on.

It's justified to die in the hands of the enemy's general, but it would be too aggrieved to die in the hands of this mechanical Modaowei soldier.

Hit if you can, and retreat if you can't. He didn't forget Zhang Jaw's instructions, so he led his people to withdraw immediately.

Xu Chu chased for a few hundred meters before stopping.

Although Mo Daowei's moves are fierce, there is also a shortcoming. Mo Daowei is too heavy.

It is not advisable to kill for a long time, it is too exhausting, let alone chasing and fleeing the enemy.

Modaowei is usually the best partner with Shenjiwei. One is attacking and the other is defending. The one who loses smashes the enemy's psychological defense line, and the one who loses chases and collapses.

It's a pity that the thousand knights reserved by Xu Ding are not here, otherwise Gao Lanjing's deployment will inevitably be severely damaged.

Backed away with lingering fear, Gao Lan came to see Zhang Jaw in disgrace.

"Junyi, I didn't expect the Donglai Army to have such a strong infantry. The leader of the team is more powerful than me, so it's hard to fight!" Gao Lan said dejectedly.

He knew very well that he had the advantage of the horse just now, and if he fought on foot, he would not be Xu Chu's opponent.

Zhang Jai comforted him and said: "What Bo Yong said is true, this infantry is not as fierce as my euphorbia warriors, the weapons they use are like Zhanmajian, but they are worried about Zhanmajian, which is sharper than it, The man in command may be Xu Ding's younger brother Xu Chu."

Just now Zhang Jaw could clearly see from behind that Mo Daowei's killing method was too overbearing and bloody. Pushing directly horizontally, anyone who touched it would be split, and he would die if he touched it, and the man and horse were cut in half.

It feels like every soldier is like a fierce general, with tacit cooperation and incomparable strength.

Even his euphorbia warriors couldn't do this.

"Xu Chu! It seems to be true. According to legend, Cao Cao's four clans went to Xu's village to ask for rhino horns, but he was beaten to the ground by his two brothers. Compared with Xu Ding, Yong Lie is not too far behind." Gao Lan felt a lot better when he heard that he might be fighting with Xu Ding's younger brother Xu Chu.

I can hold on to my face.

Losing to Xu Ding is not a shame, and losing to Xu Chu is not too bad.

Besides, he wasn't considered a loser, he just missed half a move, and his mount was chopped off.

"So this time it's difficult. Weihaihou hasn't shown up yet, and his brother Xu Chu alone has contained our offensive. It's really hard to besiege Weihaihou." Zhang Jaw finally felt the pressure on his shoulders getting heavier.

Gao Lan said: "Now we can only surround him. Luckily, Xu Ding didn't lead his cavalry. Although his infantry is powerful, he can't fight for a long time, and his marching speed can't be fast. Let's trap him first. "

This time Gao Lan wanted to retreat, but Zhang Jaw ignited a fierce fighting spirit, and he said: "No! I also want to wipe it off. Just now, our army's morale has dropped after a defeat. Even a siege will weaken him. For three points, he must defeat his most proud infantry head-on, so as to dampen his spirit and siege on Long Island."

It is also one of the most powerful infantry, if you don't fight, you should retreat first, then the Euphorbia warrior will be reduced to an ordinary infantry in the future, so Zhang Jaw issued an order: "Bo Yong, come and command, I will lead the army to meet Xu Chu."

After speaking, he held the euphorbia in Zhang Jaw and led a thousand euphorbia warriors out into battle.

In this group of halberd warriors, five hundred are holding great halberds and five hundred are holding large shields.

Their halberds are also long and heavy, and their shields are one-third larger and one-half heavier than ordinary shields.

It is thick, heavy and big. There are small rounded thumb dots on the outside of the shield, which are neatly arranged. It looks simple and majestic, with a sense of chill.

The jaw-opening man is in the middle, the shield bearers are front, rear, left, and right, and the man holding the euphorbia is in the middle.

The formation of thousands of people moved forward slowly in a diamond shape, like a steel fortress.

(End of this chapter)

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