Chapter 468
"Surround! It must be surrounded, and Xu Ding must not be allowed to rush out."

Yuan Shao was not only not disappointed but extremely happy with the general situation of the battle sent by Zhang Jai and Gao Lan.

His euphorbia soldiers fought equally with Xu Ding's most elite infantry, which showed that his military strength was not weaker than Xu Ding's.

I have the strength to fight against it head-on.

Although Zhang Jai and others were unable to attack Xu Ding's temporary camp, Xu Ding could not escape the siege of the Euphorbi soldiers, and there were almost 2 ordinary soldiers there to assist.

So he immediately said to his subordinates: "Tell Wen Chou to send reinforcements, not to break the enemy, as long as they can surround Xu Ding and prevent them from killing and running away, it will be a great achievement."

Yuan Shao's hatred for Xu Ding has accumulated very deep, as long as he has the opportunity to kill Xu Ding, he will definitely not let it go.

Now Xu Ding only takes 5000 people to cross the river, and the opportunity to hold your hand is rare in a thousand years.

It's just that Feng Ji on the side was full of worry, and Yuan Shao noticed that it was strange, and asked, "Why does Yuan Tu have such a look?"

Feng Ji said: "My lord, Xu Ding's style of doing things is too weird. I always feel that something is wrong. If Xu Ding breaks the enemy before the formation, the two generals Zhang Gao should not be able to stop him?"

"This may be because Xu Ding has seen the power of the Euphorbia warriors and dare not show off his power anymore. It is difficult for ordinary generals to stop him, but relying on the army formation of the Euphorbia warriors, Xu Ding dare not be too arrogant. Once Xu Ding is going to fall into my hands, hehe I will not let him go." Yuan Shao is like this, he is very heroic when he is in the bottom, but once he climbs to the top, he has the ability to look down on the world and develop. With the situation under control, the petty mentality of the aristocratic family burst out, and he would not listen to anyone's advice.

Feng Ji actually understood Yuan Shao's character, so he just said: "My lord still needs to be cautious when dealing with Xu Ding, don't be careless."

Yuan Shao was a little impatient, and replied: "Don't worry, I will tell Zhang Jai, Gao Lan, and Wen Chou to be more careful, so that you don't have to rush every step of the way."

Zhang Jai, Gao Lan and others who received Yuan Shao's order were indeed cautious and did not dare to be careless. They set up camp at the foot of the mountain and surrounded Xu Chu, Xu Shu and others in a half circle.

Soon Wen Chou also arrived with an army of [-]. He wanted to take a look at Xu Ding's reality, but neither Gao Lan nor Zhang Jaw agreed.

Sui Wenchou didn't dare to act rashly, and honestly joined the siege.

On the afternoon of Wen Chou's arrival, there was a light rain, and then the rain intensified and the wind was violent.

The rain in summer and autumn comes fiercely and quickly, sometimes violently, and sometimes pauses for a while.

The sky is getting dark, and the earth is full of potholes and damp, especially the bottom of the mountain is like a swamp country.

Yuan Jun's camp continued to be reinforced and repaired, and the torches of the stars shone faintly in the heavy rain.

On the mountain, Xu Shu showed a charming smile that only a victor can have. Through the chaotic night, he looked down the mountain and said, "General Xu, we will be able to defeat the enemy tonight. My lord is really a man of gods. The auspicious blessings from heaven will help me." Wait for meritorious service!"

Xu Chu didn't quite understand and asked tired: "Mr. Xu, don't you want to take advantage of Ye Yu's attack to catch Zhang Jai Gaolan and catch them off guard?"

"No, no, no! Xu Jiang, you misunderstood. We don't need to take advantage of the night rain to attack. We just need to sleep in the camp and recharge our energy. It's fine to get up tomorrow and chase the remnants of the enemy." Xu Shu saw that Xu Chu still didn't understand, Pointing to a large natural tunnel dug out of the mountain:

"Why should I set up camp in this barren land with no grass? Because there is a big pit here, and now it rains, it can accumulate a lot of rainwater. What do you think will happen if we tear down the newly repaired camp wall by two feet?"

Xu Chu took a deep breath.

Xu Shu is a ruthless person. He wants to attack with water and flood Yuan Jun's camp down the mountain.

The power of nature is the most terrifying, killing people invisible.

Xu Chu gave a thumbs up and said, "Mr. Xu is still brilliant! Such a clever plan can reduce a lot of damage to our army."

For generals, remember to be too benevolent, the so-called kindness does not control soldiers.

"It's not my credit, it's the lord's will." Xu Shu said as he took out the bag he had promised from his bosom.

Xu Chu was originally a warrior who didn't like to study and couldn't recognize a few characters, but after being forced to study by Xu Ding these years, he can basically recognize and write most of the Chinese characters in the plenary session.

So when I took a look, I saw that it said that there would be heavy rain in the vicinity, so that Xu Shu could escape safely and use this advantage to severely damage the enemy.

"Brother is really getting better and better, do you know this?" After reading it, Xu Chu's eyes shot out fanatical admiration.

My elder brother is too powerful. He used to be more powerful than himself. He could compose poems and invent various objects. Now he can pinch his fingers to calculate the changes in the world.

"Yes! My lord is truly a god!" Xu Shu also sighed with emotion.

Not much to say, under Xu Shu's intentional construction, more and more water continued to flow down the mountain. Xu Shu kept watching, waiting for the water to fill up, and demolished the built dam.

It's just that the rain stopped in the middle of the night, and the water accumulated in the pit did not rise.

This temporarily interrupted his plan to flood the armed forces.

"Mr. Xu, why don't we just use it? The water is enough to destroy Yuan Jun's camp. Although it can't wipe out all 1 soldiers and horses, it should be no problem to kill more than [-] people. At that time, we will be chasing and returning." I can bite down five thousand." Xu Chu suggested.

Xu Shu said: "No, such an opportunity is too rare, we must deal with Zhang Jai, Gao Lan, and Wen Chou at once, and take down the [-] Yuan troops, so that none of them will return to defend Yuan Shao, and the master's sneak attack plan will be even stronger. Perfect."

Xu Shu was a little bit unwilling, and now he could win by demolishing the camp dam, but this victory was a bit far from expectations.

After finally creating such a good opportunity, and there are Yuan Shao's most elite euphorbia warriors at the foot of the mountain, he doesn't want to let it go.

"Then what should we do? Do we have to wait for the rain for several hours?" Xu Chu asked.

It was because the questioner was unintentional and the listener was interested, Xu Shu's eyes suddenly lit up, he patted Xu Chu on the shoulder and said: "What Zhongkang said is reasonable, we are waiting for an hour or two, and soon the rain we want will come. "

After speaking, Xu Shu immediately called all the soldiers to the puddle to dig a ditch far away from the north bank of the Zhanshui River.

Gao Lan, Zhang Jai, Wen Chou and others at the foot of the mountain saw that the rain had stopped, and a big rock in their hearts finally fell to the ground.

"Fortunately, the rain has stopped. If it continues like this, all our camps will turn into ponds. There is no need for Xu Ding to fight. We will be drowned first." Gao Lan said happily.

Wen Chou also said: "Yes, who would have thought that such a heavy rain will fall at this time, and we must move the camp as soon as possible after dawn tomorrow, and don't stay here, or it will be over when there is a heavy rain."

Zhang Zhe also said: "It's just that we are impatient, and we only want to besiege Xu Ding, so that he won't have a chance to rush out, otherwise we wouldn't set up the camp here."

Zhang Jak knew that he was to blame this time, he did not arrange the camp according to the method of camping in the art of war, and he was mainly responsible for the flood in the camp at this time.

Fortunately, the rain has stopped, so the problem is not too big. It is better to choose a suitable place after dawn.

In the middle of the night!
An hour later, the water that Xu Shu was waiting for came, and the rain from the upper stream poured into the river, and the water surged, and it took an hour to advance here.

The exploding river overflowed the north bank of the Zhanshui River, and entered the big pit along the trench dug by Xu Shu's order.

After a while, the water in the big pit reached two-thirds of the camp dam.

When Xu Shu gave an order, Xu Chu personally wielded the Mo Dao and slashed fiercely, creating a big hole in the construction of a section of the camp dam. The flood poured down and rolled towards the Yuanying camp at the foot of the mountain like a beast.

The loud rumbling noise woke up the [-] Yuan Jun who hadn't slept much...

(End of this chapter)

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