Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 476 The South China Sea Voyage

Chapter 476 Navigating the South China Sea (VIII)
In fact, in this field battle, the Donglai Navy still focused on defense.

The shield bearers are on the wings and front, the spearmen are behind, and the crossbowmen are in the middle.

Facing the oncoming army of Funan Kingdom, the flag bearer put down the green flag after visually measuring the shooting distance, and countless arrows flew out immediately.

The strength of the Han army's bow and crossbow was learned by the people of Funan, and it was useless to be afraid. They could only rush to the front of the Han army in one breath and fight the Han army in close combat.

Soldiers from Funan Kingdom kept falling down, and they didn't stand up anymore. Once injured, countless comrades in arms would trample themselves to death.

Because there is no life-saving and wounded care in Funan Country, the medical system in Funan Country is extremely poor, or in this era, except under the rule of the great Han Xu Ding, this is the case in most areas. Once injured, they can only be carried aside to wait for death.

After getting through it, continue to be recruited to fight as a soldier. If you die, just dig a hole and bury it. The burial is not bad.

Therefore, after the arrow fell to the ground, no one sympathized and no one extended a helping hand. The war supervisors behind did not allow the soldiers in front to stop and did not allow them to rescue them.

The only thing they could do was to rush towards the enemy's line against countless arrows, and then raised their machetes to kill the Han army.

Therefore, the price was tragic. The people of Funan rescued huge casualties, and finally pushed the infantry to the front of the Han army.

"Array, stand up!"

I don't know who gave an order. The shield soldiers and spearmen of the Han army cooperated with each other. One stood behind the shield firmly on the ground, and his body was bowed to support the shield.

The spearmen put the gleaming iron gun head between the shields, and the Funan people who rushed forward were blocked by the shields and pushed back.

If he couldn't hold back or was unlucky, he hit the gun head directly, causing a scar or a bloody hole on his face or shoulder.


This is not over yet. Under the unified command and slogan, the spearmen of the Han army rushed forward holding the gun barrels, stabbing the tip of the gun outward, then retracting it, and continuing to stab, and so on.

The Funan people who rushed up were stabbed one after another, and the Funan people behind were also frantically stepping on the corpses of their accomplices and swung their machetes forward, trying to take the life of one or two Han soldiers, even if they injured a Han soldier. It is also good to make a breakthrough.

Shoot, shoot back!
With the protection of shields, the Han army could calmly stab the Funan people who rushed up one by one to death.

Occasionally, people from Funan who climbed up with corpses and tried to jump into the Han army were also shot and killed by crossbowmen who had been waiting for a long time.


Seeing that many Funan people were killed and injured in front of the battle, and the piled up corpses were almost flattened by shields, Gan Ning and others decisively ordered the army to move back as a whole, pulling a certain distance, and the Funan people who were rushing forward suddenly lost The target fell in front of the pile of dead bodies.

I don't know if this gave the Funan people a false impression that the Han army was afraid, and they retreated timidly.

Immediately inspired the generals of the people of Funan, they gave orders more diligently and resolutely.

Attack, keep attacking, onslaught.

However, the situation just now happened again.

The people of Funan stopped in front of the shield, and countless soldiers were stabbed or shot to death.

Then the Han army played this routine several times, just not giving the Funan people a chance to form a wall to occupy the high ground, dragging them back step by step, weakening their strength step by step.

Soon seven thousand soldiers were killed or wounded. Although the number is not as good as yesterday, the whole weather in Funan Kingdom is also not as good as yesterday.

It is justified that the city cannot be captured in a siege battle, and it is too inappropriate to be unable to break through the Han army's formation in a field battle.

"Swap! Give me the elephant soldiers! I still don't believe that their shield array can stop my invincible elephant." Seeing that he still couldn't take it down, the gangster felt a little impatient, so he had to dispatch his best elite, The most special unit.

This is a trump card, which is most suitable for field battles. I originally wanted to keep it as a hole card. After all, after this wave of Han troops, who knows if there will be another batch.

The hole cards are used up, and the next time the Han army finds out, they will take more precautions, but their pawns are not strong enough to take down the opponent.

Soon, elephant soldiers composed of elephants came slowly towards the Han army's position.

"What it is?"

Many Donglai Navy didn't know what an elephant was. They were surprised to see an elephant that was bigger than a hut coming out of the jungle behind the enemy.

In fact, there are such huge animals. Is this a monster?
The most important thing is that there is a small tower built on each elephant, and there are six to ten archers and spearmen on it.

"Should this be the barbarian elephant soldier that the lord told us to be especially careful about?"

It turned out that Xu Ding had explained to Gan Ning and others some of the landscapes and landscapes around the South China Sea, and this elephant soldier paid more attention to the subject, because this is a special product of the Indochina Peninsula.

Funan is not the only country that has elephant soldiers, almost all countries, large and small, have domesticated them.

Because the elephant soldiers are not only a sharp weapon for rushing into the battle, but also a good helper for carrying food and grass across mountains and mountains, and they are an inaccessible existence for logistical support.

Moreover, this kind of behemoth has a gentle temperament, is very easy to domesticate, eats miscellaneous foods, and mostly grass-based, so it is very cost-effective to raise them.

The elephant soldiers came forward step by step, and the ground trembled after stepping on it, like an earthquake. People who met for the first time or were unfamiliar, just saw this scene and ran away timidly.

At this moment, all the soldiers of the Han army were beating drums in their hearts. The barbarians in Funan Kingdom were able to drive monsters to fight, which is a bit evil.

But Gan Ning looked at it for a long time, but said confidently: "Arranging an array to meet the enemy, isn't it just growing big? There is nothing to be afraid of. Move our army bed crossbow to the front, and put the iron bucket to the front Go. The trumpeter of the gong and drum team also go to the front for me."

It turned out that Gan Ning had been prepared for a long time, and he should not be reckless when dealing with elephants. He could not be married in a head-on battle. It was best not to let the elephant soldiers rush into the army, otherwise they would be trampled and rushed over.

"The gongs and drums are beating, the suona is rushing, and the iron bucket is shaking for me!"

All the soldiers followed Gan Ning's instructions, and suddenly, a burst of noise followed.

The sudden noise caused the advancing elephant to stop, and the two big plantain fans fanned their ears forward vigorously, as if to block the sound.

Funan, who was on top of the elephant, controlled the elephant vigorously and ordered them to move forward, but the elephant seemed to be in some danger, so the boss moved forward even after being whipped by the trafficker.

"Let me shoot with a crossbow!"

The elephant is a live target when it stops, how could Gan Ning miss this opportunity, all the soldiers immediately shot crossbow arrows.

The crossbow arrows shot at the tower above the elephant one after another at a small elevation angle, piercing through it, and knocking the soldiers of the Funan Kingdom over the elephant, heavily on the ground.

Some directly killed the driver, and the uncontrolled elephant screamed strangely, turned its head and ran back.

More elephants were also disturbed by the shooting, and ran back after them.

"Follow up, continue to beat the gongs and drums, and shake the iron barrel for me." Gan Ning saw that this method worked, and worshiped Xu Ding again, and then directed the soldiers in front to put on noise equipment and rush forward to follow the elephant. All kinds of noises were made vigorously, driving the enemy's elephant soldiers to attack the army formation of Funan Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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