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Chapter 487 Cao Cao's Retreat

Chapter 487 Cao Cao's Retreat

into the night!

Xu Ding came to Cao Ying for the banquet on time.

Cao Cao greeted him personally outside the gate of the camp, Xu Ding entered the Cao camp openly, and walked into Cao Cao's big tent step by step under the watchful eyes of Cao Jun.

For Cao Jun, Xu Ding was a more legendary figure than their lord.

One of the most famous princes in the Han Dynasty, a big man who conquered the world.

It's rare to be lucky enough to witness it.

What's even more rare is that he dared to come to the banquet at this juncture, which made Cao Jun feel admiration.

Check in and take your seat!

Set up a banquet to eat wine and meat.

Cao Cao's words did not mention the matter of coming to Xuzhou, Xu Ding only laughed and raised his glass to drink.

The atmosphere is weird and awkward.

Xu Ding and Cao Cao had a pleasant conversation, but the civil and military personnel below carefully watched the interaction between the two.

After drinking for three rounds and eating five tastes, Cao Cao was about to speak, Xu Ding said first through his drunkenness: "Why did Mengde have a banquet without a beautiful woman to accompany the dance to enjoy with the generals? How about two people dancing with swords to cheer for the fun? It's a pity that Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu The king of Han was invited to a banquet, but Xiang Zhuang, Fan Kui, and Xiang Bo three people took turns to appear on the stage, it was so lively and left a good story for the ages, there is nothing wrong with you!"

"Uh...!" Cao Cao paused, then smiled and said, "Bokang was joking, your martial arts are the best in the world, and your swordsmanship is even better than a sword master and sword fairy. Who would dare to make a fool of yourself in front of you? I'm not Xiang Yu, you Nor is it the King of Han."

"That's right! I'm not Xiang Yu, and you're not the King of Han. We're all just courtiers of the great Han, but we're lucky enough to guard one side, to protect the people and protect the country, instead of fighting all over the world and ruining the common people!" Xu Ding raised his head and drank a glass, and Hong Sheng laughed.

How could Cao Cao fail to understand what Xu Ding said, that he was getting drunk to persuade him not to start a war and return to Yanzhou properly.

Originally, he wanted to persuade Xu Ding not to meddle in Xuzhou's affairs, so as not to embarrass each other and cause a grudge.

Unexpectedly, Xu Ding spoke first.

But he was determined, Xuzhou was determined to win, how could he let it go easily, and said: "Bokang, I also want to stay in the state quietly, but everything is impermanent, some things are not what I want, God's will is unpredictable! "

"Yes! God's will is unpredictable, and some things are not what you think. I just ask why you are here?" Xu Ding looked up at Cao Cao.

Cao Cao looked at him, then sighed, "I'm here for revenge!"

"Since it's revenge, why do the common people suffer, why do you want to offend Xuzhou? Do you know how many people were killed and injured in the three counties? How many miles is the red land?" Xu Ding asked with burning eyes.

Xuzhou!Xuzhou, he wanted a peaceful Xuzhou, a stable Xuzhou. Cao Cao's actions turned him into a purgatory. Countless people died, and Surabaya did not flow. This is Xu Ding's most painful thing over the years. It's over.

There was never such a violent scene in the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and even the killing of aliens was not so brutal.

Xu must be really angry, angry.

Although Xuzhou is not his Xuzhou, but this is a big man, these are compatriots, they are just a group of unarmed people.

Even if you, Cao Cao, have thousands of reasons, you shouldn't do this.

Cao Cao knew that he was at a disadvantage, so he looked awkward, and replied: "Don't get me wrong, Bokang. I was indeed very angry when I first entered Xuzhou. I gave the order of three days of immodesty. However, our army only killed [-] people, and the rest were very angry. What our army did was done by Xuzhou's army, it's really..."

"Oh! Meng De, you said that you only killed [-] people, and you only killed [-] people!" Xu Ding sneered, and stared at it with three fingers: "Then you are talking about the [-] people!" Who did it?"

Cao Cao didn't answer, Chen Deng stood up and replied: "Our soldiers discovered that Tao Qian's general Cao's family had haunted the area, and these [-] soldiers should be responsible for them!"

Xu Ding aimed at Chen Deng, this guy really dared to stand up, Xu Ding stood up, walked slowly over, Chen Deng met his gaze, Xu Ding asked: "You have evidence!"

"No, if there is, we will directly expose the Cao family and question Tao Qian!" Chen Deng lowered his head, his tone was not as strong as before.

"Hahaha, what a joke, there is no evidence, why did you name the names, I can also say that you did it, because you know Xuzhou better than anyone here, and you hate Xuzhou more than anyone else!" Xu Ding took a step forward, Chen Deng rolled his eyes and was so angry that he couldn't speak. Do you want to refute?It seems that what Xu Ding said is really true, if it is not the same for a while, it is impossible.

Chen Deng was speechless, Xu Ding turned around and sat back in his seat, then raised his glass to Cao Cao and said, "Meng De, these things happened so quickly, we are not talking about who is right and who is wrong, but you can stop fighting now. Xuzhou needs stability, not war, so go back to Yanzhou!"

Cao Cao knew Xu Ding would say this, so instead of raising his glass, he looked into Xu Ding's eyes and said, "Bokang, do you know what I want?"

"Because I know what you want, Mengde, you should retreat. You can't take Xuzhou, and you can't attack Tanxian County. If you fight, I have six thousand horses. If you fight, my soldiers and horses from Qingzhou will cross over in an instant." Border, enter Dongjun and Jibei from the east!" Xu Ding and Cao Cao looked at each other for a long time, then drank another cup.

Cao Cao closed his eyes and thought for a long time, then opened his eyes and said: "Bokang, if you really want to do this, Tao Qian is not worth fighting with me. You and I, Cao and Xu, should get married and conspire together for great things. Langya and Donghai , How can Guangling give you everything!"

Cao Cao also showed his charm at this time, remembering half of Xuzhou, very exciting conditions.

But Xu Ding shook his head slightly: "Meng De, a gentleman loves money in a proper way. I don't need to rely on tricks and tricks, and I don't need to be patient. You have better choices. Xuzhou is not suitable for you!"

"Marquis of Weihai, this is our army camp!" Chen Deng reminded.

Tonight, Xu Ding joined the meeting alone, bringing only two guards, and they stayed outside the tent. At this time, there were Cao Cao and his men and soldiers in the tent, while the outside was full of elite soldiers.

Who is the knife and who is the fish, it is more clear.

Xu Ding snorted: "You don't need to remind me, this is Meng De's place, but I am so close to Meng De, no one can stop me, Meng De, do you want to wipe it down?"

Xu Ding raised an eyebrow at Cao Cao suddenly, Cao Cao swallowed his throat.

Needless to say Xu Ding's martial arts, let alone him, even if Cao Hong, Cao Ren, Xia Houyuan, and Xia Houdun, the four generals of the Cao family, are all present, they may not necessarily be opponents.

Besides, the other generals in the tent are sitting so far away.

Xu Ding intervened and threatened to use force. After thinking about it, Cao Cao had to give up the attack on Tan County.

Xu Ding was right, with his current infantry unable to withstand the impact of Xu Ding's six thousand cavalry, Xu Ding's troops would stay in Xuzhou if they entered Xu Ding.

In addition, once the war starts, Xu Dingqingzhou's troops will definitely cross the border and attack Yanzhou.

Although he has stabilized Yanzhou now, he is still not sitting securely, his military strength is not too strong, especially the food and grass are not very abundant, and he hastily launched a full-scale war.

Of course, there is also Xu Ding's words that spur him on all the time.

Next year there will be a severe drought, thousands of miles of red land, and locusts will be rampant.

Although he can only half-believe in this matter, he dare not be careless.

Xu definitely wouldn't weave such a lie for no reason, he is not such a joker, he would never dare to use his reputation to make such a ridiculous joke.

So Cao Cao chose carefully.

Strive for the greatest benefit when nothing can be done.

If we fail to capture Xuzhou, we can only coerce the population of the people and grab some money and food.

"Okay! I'll give Bokang this face, and I hope Tao Qian won't forget Bokang's love and protection." Cao Cao raised his cup and drank it down, feeling unspeakable bitterness in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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