Chapter 508


With a finger of Xu Ding's spear, he led two thousand riders to take the initiative to meet Ke Bineng. The two thousand soldiers acted like arms and fingers, and the coordination and unity was a miracle.

"Weihai will die!"

Kebi could see the unique Xu Ding in the battle armor, and he also took the initiative to kill him, swinging his spear and stabbing him.

Xu Ding raised his eyebrows, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and swung his cold iron heavy gun to shoot.

I saw Ke Bineng's spear turned backwards and raised high on the top. Ke Bineng's body was shaken, and his legs, which were firmly clamping the horse's belly, rubbed against the horse's body. A personal guard.

The shocking time was very short, and he sighed in a hurry. Kebi was able to grab the horse that knocked the guard away, and jumped on it, but finally he didn't fall off the horse.

However, the spear of a Han cavalry stabbed towards him, so frightened that Ke Bi Neng hurriedly lowered his head to dodge. The body of the spear slid past his head, and a burst of wind whistled past his ears.

Kankan escaped a catastrophe and saved his life. Ke Bi Neng quickly drew out the dagger at his waist and greeted the attack of another Han cavalry.

With a sound of "Clang!", the fire burst out, and Ke Bineng's mouth was shocked, and only then did he understand what Mi Jia said.

The Han riders have freed their hands, and the strength of ordinary Han riders is generally much higher than them.

Ordinary Han cavalry are comparable to their Xianbei's middle and lower generals. When fighting against such a Han cavalry, one must always be careful not to underestimate any Han cavalry.

One shot failed to kill Ke Bineng, and Xu Ding ignored it. The two armies were fighting, and it was extremely difficult to deliberately find a person.

It is also unwise.

Destroying the army is the top priority, and destroying Kebi is the second.

After knocking Ke Bineng into the air, Xu Ding waved his heavy iron gun to the left and right, and shot past each of the Xianbei soldiers.

The Xianbei fighters who were knocked into the air slammed into one or two people, and all of them fell down.

However, these Xianbei soldiers were really brave. One by one, according to Ke Bineng's instructions, they found that Han Qi swung their weapons and swooped over, completely disregarding their own safety.

But they rushed fast, and Xu Ding's reaction was faster, and each shot was like hitting a baseball, and it also knocked the Xianbei soldiers flying one by one.

The left cavalry also didn't have a trace of fear. Ke Bineng's elite personal guards were very strong, but the left cavalry was not weak either.

They had experienced hundreds of battles, and they had never seen any battle style before. They swung their weapons and killed the Xianbei soldiers who rushed forward.

Even if some were thrown off their horses by mistake, they did not stop fighting against the enemy, and took out a dagger to stab the opponent's side ribs or neck.

These cavalry guards who followed Xu Ding were all veterans for many years. To be honest, even without stirrups, their riding skills were not inferior to Xianbei soldiers.

Seeing the brutal tactics of the Xianbei fighters, many of the cavalry guards in the back took new fighting postures, leaning back, holding their guns or swords straight in front of them, and isolating the Xianbei fighters far in front of the horse's head distance.

"Shrink the formation, gather behind me, I will return them to the long snake formation!"

Xu Ding also frowned slightly when he noticed the Xianbei soldiers' tactics of killing each other, and immediately changed his formation.

The soldiers behind him lined up in a row of four and followed behind, and this width was just within the allowed attack range.

Xu Ding was in front, and all the Xianbei soldiers who rushed forward were blown away, and the left cavalry behind them only needed to swing their weapons to the side to stab and slash, and they didn't have to worry about the Xianbei soldiers who rushed to fall with them.

Xu Ding is a bulldozer, directly crushing it and killing all dissatisfied people.

It quickly penetrated Ke Bineng's [-] elite troops, and killed the [-] weaker Xianbei army in the rear.

Here is under the control of Ke Bineng's handsome general Zonu.

Suo Nu is an extremely powerful general under Ke Bineng, who has followed Ke Bineng through life and death, and has the nature of a prairie wolf.

I saw him sweeping towards Xu Ding with a big halberd, Xu Ding flicked the halberd lightly, then turned the gun and hit.

The tip of the gun hit Zonu's waist from the side, and Zonu flew off the horse for more than ten meters, and then had to land heavily, vomiting blood and dying with his head tilted.

Suo Nu died with one blow, and the two thousand Xianbei people below ran away as if they had seen a ghost, but they dared not fight Xu Ding again.

Xu Ding was really too strong, so strong that he suffocated them.

No one can stop them, so strong that Kebi can't stop them with three thousand of the most elite fighters.

It was so strong that even a master like Zonu flew away with just one blow.

What are they fighting with.


A shot pierced through, and finally passed through. Xu Ding raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, turned his horse's head and led the left cavalry back to fight back.

At this moment, only [-] of the [-] left cavalry guards remained. Although they won the battle just now, the casualties were still a bit high. This made Xu Ding angry, and his killing intent was also aroused.

Of course, Ke was more uncomfortable than Neng, because the three thousand elites were all lost, and only about one thousand remained, and only one thousand of the two thousand Xianbei soldiers gathered, and the others collapsed and fled for their lives.

Seeing Xu Ding turn back, his momentum became even more fierce.

Ke Bi was able to unite the 2000 people who could be gathered around him, with complicated expressions and flickering eyes, but in the end he still didn't dare to confront Xu Ding head-on, pointing his spear to the west.

The 2000 men followed him westward to the Wuhuan tribe's siege shield, but Xu Ding didn't seem to let him go, and led 500 men in pursuit, and also left the battlefield.

He kept chasing after him, biting off pieces of Ke Bineng's team from time to time.

It wasn't until dark that Xu Ding stopped.

Because at this time, Ke Bineng's 600 troops have less than 600 left, and these [-] people are all healthy horses when they sit down. These [-] people are Ke Bineng's last elite, and it is really difficult to catch up if they want to escape.

Besides, the sky is dark and the enemy is hard to find, so it doesn't make much sense to chase them.

At the same time, Xu Ding was still worried about what was going on on the other side of the battlefield, so he turned back.

When returning, something suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking Xu Ding and the others' way back.

I saw that the whole body of this thing was snow-white, with four yellow hooves, like a horse but not a horse, hiding in the darkness, looking mysterious and noble.

Until it snored loudly, it glanced at Xu Ding and the others, revealing a pair of blue eyes, glanced proudly at the left cavalry guard, and then took small steps slowly towards the south go.

"My lord, what is this thing?" The people on the left cavalry were discussing for a while.

Its snow-white body looks like a horse, but it has four yellow hooves, which it has never heard of or seen before. There are also two small silvery tentacles on its head faintly.

The tentacles are not long, only the thickness of a thumb, and they look like two silver dots from a distance.

Very strange oddities.

Like a horse, but not like a horse.

The most important thing is that seeing Dajun has such a strong murderous intent, he just glanced at it lightly, and then proudly walked away with the little boy.

Xu Ding took a deep breath, secretly delighted in his heart, and simply uttered eight words: "Flying lightning with claws, wonderful horse and good rider!"

The claws are yellow and flying, and the horse is a good ride!
what is this?
However, Claw Yellow Feidian seems to be a very appropriate name.

As expected of the lord, no one can compare with his name.

This thing is strong and strong, it can run very well, and it is also worthy of a good horse, but I don't know if it can be subdued.

(End of this chapter)

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