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Chapter 724 Yuan Shang Runs and Guo Jia Sieges the City

Chapter 724 Yuan Shang ran away and Guo Jia attacked the city (two in one)

"The third son must not be so bald and useless. The matter has not reached the final step. As long as we guard the city, there will be hope. The lord will definitely come back when he receives the news." Feng Ji continued to comfort him:
"Jizhou is the foundation of the master, the master will not abandon it, and this time the third son and his family are in the city, we have no retreat, and the master has no retreat, the third son should cheer up, the defense of the city still needs the third son to preside over it Big picture."

Yuan Shang and Feng Ji looked at each other, then closed their eyes and said, "Feng Gong, I'm a little confused now, and you should decide the big things in the city."

Feng Ji saw that Yuan Shang's spirit was still not good, and he was also mentally and mentally haggard, so he bowed and retreated.

Go down every time, take charge of defense, recruit all soldiers, arrange matters for defending the city, and encourage all generals to stick to the city.

At the beginning, the generals were still in high spirits, but when the army of judges arrived, Guo Jia's army also surrounded them from the east, and Zhao Yun and others also went south from the north.

Julu County in the northeast was also captured by the Eighth School's Weijun. Morale in Yecheng began to decline, and the generals became less and less confident in defending the city.

Su You and Yin Kui came to look for Yuan Shang at night.

Yuan Shang looked distracted, and asked: "What's the matter with you two entering the mansion at night? Now, I have dealt with all the affairs in the city according to the law. If you have any important military matters, go to him."

Yin Kui said: "Third son, Feng Ji only wants to defend the city. He wants to take the whole city and the third son to die with the Donglai army. The third son can't do this. Now the morale in the city is low, and we can't defend the city at all. , it's better than..."

"How about it?" Yuan Shang asked.

Yin Kui bowed his head and did not continue, Su You replied: "Let's go, third son, there are still many elite soldiers in the city, we rushed to the northeast overnight, taking advantage of the opportunity of the eighth school's lieutenant army who has no time to take care of Yecheng." Go to Youzhou to find the lord."

"What about Yecheng?" Yuan Shang's eyes flashed a gleam, and his whole body suddenly had a lot of energy.

That's right, why don't I stay in Yecheng, won't I run away?
Su You replied: "Third Young Master, didn't you hand over all the big and small affairs of Yecheng to Feng Gong? Since he likes to guard the city, let him guard here, maybe we can really wait for us to move from Youzhou reinforcement."

"Hmm! It makes sense."

This reason is so good that Yuan Shang couldn't help showing a gleam of joy on his face.

Since Fengji wants to defend the city, and the city and the Donglai army will die together, let him carry it here.

"In that case, you two should go down and make arrangements, and we'll leave tomorrow night." Yuan Shang nodded slightly in agreement.

But Su You and Yin Kui persuaded at the same time: "Third Young Master, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, we finally leave tonight. If we are late, we will not be able to leave. I will arrange the soldiers and horses later, so there is no need to bring burdens."

"This..." Yuan Shang was a little hesitant to leave now, especially since the subtext of Su You and Yin Kui was not brought by his family, so he was really reluctant to leave like this alone.

"Third Young Master, don't hesitate. The fewer people who know about this matter, the better. The smaller the target, the safer it is." Su You and Yin Kui advised again.

Yuan Shang pondered for a while, then gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, just follow your two wishes!"

That night, Yuan Shang, Su You, and Yin Kui led two thousand elites quietly out from the north, crossed the Zhangshui River and disappeared under the glowing night.

It's just that Feng Ji found out soon, and couldn't help but sighed repeatedly.

However, he didn't dare to say anything, but blocked the news, and then went to Yuan Xi's residence before dawn.

As Yuan Shao's second son, Yuan Xi was sandwiched among all the brothers and belonged to his grandparents who were not loved by his uncles.

Although Yuan Tan died in battle, he is logically the eldest brother, but Yuan Shao dotes on Yuan Shang, so Yuan Xi has nothing to do with him.

Most of the civil and military personnel under Yuan Shao did not defect to him.

Yuan Xi's status was once embarrassing. In the past few years, he was regarded as a little transparent existence in Jizhou.

But now that Yuan Shang has run away, Feng Ji can only come to him.

Yuan Xi heard that the city of Ye was about to be besieged, although he was also terrified, but he had no soldiers and no power, so he was indifferent to life and death, so he closed the door to drink and enjoy his last supper at home.

So it is also very uncomfortable to be woken up in sleep.

But when Feng Ji came in person, he was flattered and got up to meet him.

"It's really rare for Master Feng to come here early in the morning. I don't know why?" Yuan Xi asked curiously, but his tone did not appear to be humble and respectful.

Feng Ji is not surprised, Yuan Xi is a little transparent, it is normal to have resentment in his heart.

So he said directly: "I'm here to save the second young master's life."

"Uh..." Yuan Xi froze there on the spot, a little angry, but more puzzled.

Feng Ji continued: "Third Young Master ran away last night!"

"What? The third one ran away." Yuan Xi couldn't believe it, the anger on his face became stronger, but he didn't know who to vent it on, so he took a few steps back, sat on the chair, and then slammed his fist on the table.

Feng Ji said these two sentences without opening his mouth.

After a long time, Yuan Xicai asked, "The third child has run away, why doesn't Mr. Feng leave?"

"I can't leave!" Feng Ji replied with a wry smile.

This is the truth, even Yuan Shang cannot escape.

The encirclement circle was built according to Jing, and if you leave the city, you will die. Feng Ji dared to bet that one of Su You and Yin Kui must be a spy.

Even if it is not, they must have it in their confidantes.

I mentioned to Yuan Shang long ago that people should not be trusted. As a result, Yuan Shang was blinded at this time, and for his own selfish desire to survive, he left the huge city of Ye unguarded, and chose the fastest way to death.

It really broke his heart.

Such a succession is obviously not in line with the conditions.

"Oh! I can't go, I can't go, so why don't you surrender, anyway, the third child is gone, and there is no one in the city to take care of it. With the ability of your lord, if you surrender to the Marquis of Weihai, you must be reused." Yuan Xi sneered, Anyway, the third child ran away, and the city could no longer be defended. He would die sooner or later, and he had no scruples about speaking.

Feng Ji shook his head and said: "I am the lord's confidant and veteran, others can surrender but I can't, and Weihai Marquis has a lot of talents, so it may not be necessary for me, if there is still hope for our army, why should we say death early?"

"There is still hope, where does the hope come from?" Yuan Xi was puzzled, it was easy to say that Feng Ji wanted to be famous, but there was still hope, where did the hope come from.

Feng Ji said: "I hope that the second son is willing to lead the army to resist. As long as he can persist until the lord returns, there is still hope. Although the chance of success is very small, it is worth swabbing. If you don't swab, you will die."

"This..." Of course Yuan Xi didn't want to die. With the enmity between the Yuan family and the Xu family, he would kill Yuan Xi on the day the city was destroyed. Guo Jia, Shen Pei and others would not let him live, even if he surrendered. Won't.

After thinking for a long time, Yuan Xi said, "What does Feng Gong want me to do?"

Feng Ji said: "The third son is suffering from an infectious disease, so it is not appropriate to come forward to work in the army. The enemy is now, and the second son should shoulder the heavy burden of the Yuan family. Please put on the armor and patrol the city walls with me, defend the city with the soldiers, and preside over the overall situation. "

"Okay! What Mr. Feng said is reasonable, so I will take the responsibility of the third brother temporarily." In order to survive, Yuan Xi had no choice, and he was lucky, if he defended the city, he would return to Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao will be impressed, he can replace the third child as Jizhou's successor.

Yuan Shangyi hadn't been in charge of government affairs for many days, now that Fengji said he was ill, everyone in the city didn't doubt it, after all, Fengji's prestige and authority were there.

Yuan Xi appeared in armor, and it really had a good effect, and the general Yuan Jun who was defending the city had some motivation again.

At least Yuan Shao's sons came to guard the city and advance and retreat together, which can still inspire people.

Donglai army camp outside the city.

The examiner said: "Feng Xiao, you must have let Yuan Shang go on purpose."

"Hey, how can I hide this small plan from you, Yuan Shang is worthless now that he is dead, only when he returns to Yuan Shao's side." Guo Jia laughed.

Guo Jia beside Yuan Shang had indeed arranged for a mole, otherwise Gan Ma would let him go.

Zhao Yun is in the north, and it is not easy to catch up with Yuan Shang.

This is just Guo Jia's next move. After defeating Jizhou and Youzhou, there is one more secret and more information.

"Then we can fight Yecheng now." The judge looked at Yecheng, his thoughts suddenly returned to the past, and Han Fu suddenly thought of him.

Back then, Yuan Shao also listened to Feng Ji and Xu You's words before becoming the leader of Jizhou to kill Han Fu.

Now karma is back.

Although the trial did not have a good impression of Han Fu, but after all, he is also the old protagonist before, so there is still some affection.

"Of course! Let's attack the city. It is impossible for Fengji to surrender, let him be fulfilled." Guo Jia nodded without any hesitation.

Once the troops are ready, they owe a siege signal.

In fact, the total number of people besieging the city was not very large, and the Donglai Army mainly besieged the city on three sides.

Zhao Yun in the north patrolled the north bank of Zhangshui River.

In the south, there are more than 5000 people from Shenpei and Liang Xi, as well as the Ninth Army Xu Rong, Guan, Luo Xi, etc., plus logistics and miscellaneous soldiers.

To the east are Guo Jia and Yu Jin and Zang Ba of the second school; Guan Yu, Guan Hai and others of the fifth school, with a total of more than 2 people.

As for Ximen, there was not a single soldier, and Fengji was not planning to abandon the city anyway.

Moreover, the encirclement and lack of one may not be able to shake the will of Yuan Jun who is defending the city.

The drums of the Donglai army were beaten, and the east gate and the south gate launched an attack at the same time. There was no priority, and the first to enter the city was the first.

Regardless of whether it is the Ninth Colonel, the Fifth or the Second Colonel, they all have experience in siege, so the ministries have made plans to advance without using Guo Jia and the arrangement of trial and assignment.

The trebuchet pushed forward slowly, and the pawns moved slowly behind.

Suddenly the catapult stopped, and the carriage pulled the carriage piled with stone bullets to unload the stone bullets.

Then reload and start bombarding Yecheng.

At the end of the army, the hot air balloon began to wipe the wind direction, and the burner was ignited to start filling the balloon.

Fengji saw that Guo Jia and Shenpei were going to attack the city, so he also dispatched generals, let Tao Sheng guard the north gate, Sui firmly guard the west gate, Jiang Qi guard the south gate, and Han Juzi guard the east gate.

In addition, he and Yuan Xi stayed at the east gate.

The enemy army was the most outside the east gate, and he felt that this was the main attack, so he and Yuan Xi came here to suppress the formation, otherwise Han Juzi would not be able to suppress the generals below.

"Boom!" Huge boulders kept coming from outside the city, bombarding the city wall, causing the whole wall to shake.

Especially when it smashed into the city and hit the wall, the flying sand and stones were even more terrifying.

Yuan Xi held the sword in one hand, but his back began to feel chills, the power of the flying stone was too great.

"Feng Gong, shall we temporarily retreat to the city and come down to command?"

Flying stones outside the chaos greeted the city gate tower, which made Yuan Xi feel like the world was falling apart and waiting to die.

Feng Ji said: "Second Young Master, if you are afraid, you can go down. You don't have to force it. We have no retreat in this battle. If the city is destroyed sooner or later, and we die sooner or later, it makes no difference whether we hide or not."

"This... Fengji's lesson is timely, it's Xi Menglang." Yuan Xi's hand holding the sword was slightly loosened, and he stood beside Fengji, staring quietly outside the city.

As boulders continued to fall outside the city, the entire East City Gate was in a mess, with potholes above and below the city.

Although he felt that every time the boulder could be smashed into the city gate tower, he avoided it skillfully. Looking at the smashed trebuchet under the inner city, Yuan Xi felt distressed, and asked, "Why did we not smash it right in Fengji? If the opponent bombards us, our catapults will lose a lot.”

Feng Ji said: "Second Young Master, I also want to fight back, but you have seen something wrong after watching for so long. Our trebuchet is not as good as the opponent's throwing distance, and the distance is one-third short."

This is the gap in technology. The trebuchets in Jizhou benefited from Cao Cao's exchange of war horses.

The technology is already behind Cao Cao, let alone compared with the Donglai Army, so it is not the same level.

So Fengji is also helpless.

Obviously there is an invincible ordnance such as a trebuchet, but the result is still passively beaten.

Yuan Xi had never had any contact with military affairs, so how could he understand this.

Naturally, he couldn't see why, otherwise he wouldn't ask this kind of question. In order to avoid embarrassment due to ignorance, he pointed to the dozens of balloons floating behind Donglai Army and said:
"What is that, I always feel that they can fly."

Deeper worries flashed in Fengji's eyes, and he explained: "That's called a hot air balloon, and it can fly very high. We were attacked by Guo Jia with it in Pingyuan County at the beginning of the year, and the losses were extremely heavy. Now the wind is against us. Shi, want to use it to attack the city.

So Second Young Master, take your crossbowmen and keep an eye on them. Once you find them coming, organize the strongest people to shoot with bows and arrows. You must shoot them down, otherwise there is no hope of defending the city. "

"Okay! Leave this to me, and I'll keep an eye on it." When Yuan Xi heard the power of the hot air balloon, he immediately cast a new eye, looked at it with some trepidation, and then left the city gate.

Soon the trebuchets outside the city stopped hitting, and then a hot air balloon lifted off and slowly floated over the east city gate.

"Shoot the arrow, shoot it down, there will be rewards!" Yuan Xi hurriedly asked those with the strongest strength to shoot the hot air balloon blindly. The hot air balloon rose above the head, and ordinary people could not be hurt at all.

Soon, three arrows were shot at the top of the floating hot air balloon basket. Fortunately, Donglai had a special thin iron sheet and hemp ginseng under it. These arrows could not penetrate at all, and naturally they could not hurt it. Soldiers on the gondola.

However, in order to prevent the round cloth above their heads from being shot, they threw down a few weight-reducing stones and threw them at the archers in the city.

The hot air balloon was pulled up quickly, making it impossible for Yuan Jun's crossbowmen in Yecheng to pose a threat to it.

Then they began to raise flags in the direction of the army.

Guo Jia received information here, knowing the location of Fengji's trebuchet in the city, and the extent of the damage that the wave of stone bombs did to the city just now.

So he ordered again: "Continue to throw stones, first destroy Fengji's trebuchet for me, and continue to smash the gate tower."

Although the performance of the opponent's trebuchets was greatly reduced compared to his own, they were still a great threat if they charged. Guo Jia, who got the news, naturally would not let go of the opportunity to destroy them.

Feng Ji didn't know the semaphore of the Donglai Army on the hot air balloon, but seeing them keep looking at the position where the stone was thrown, and then pointing at the red flag, he suddenly came to his senses.

This hot air balloon can not only be used to siege the city and shoot arrows from above, but also can ascertain the defense situation in the city and collect intelligence.

It is really a sharp weapon for both offense and defense.

So he said anxiously: "Quick, push the trebuchet back to protect it, quick, quick..."

(End of this chapter)

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