Chapter 738 Night Attack
Guo Tuchong said to Yuan Shang: "Third Young Master, we have no choice, if we do nothing and sit in Zhuo County, then the only thing waiting for us is perish.

Going out of the city may be risky, but it is controllable. Whether Guo Jia's troops have gone north, we will know by sending people to investigate.

Guo Jia and Cheng Yu pretended to be generous. Since they only stationed troops in Nancheng and gave us convenience, why didn't we use it? They were just asking about it generously. We just wanted to follow the path set by Guo Jia. At any moment we suddenly change our strategy, who is the host and who is the guest, who designs who is unknown. "

"This... well, since Mr. Guo has made a decision, Shang will also support it." Yuan Shang thought for a while and found that there was no reason to refute Guo Tu.

Here he has only Su You and Yin Kui and a small number of [-] soldiers and horses, all under Guo Tu and Zhang Jai, and they all follow Guo Tu's command.

Although Yuan Shang is considered to be Yuan Shao's son, he has not been able to get the power of Yuan Jun in Youzhou for the time being. Although he has opinions, he can only agree with a smile.

After Yuan Shang and the others left, he opened his jaw and said, "Gongze, the third young master seems to be a little reluctant and unhappy."

"The third son is still young, it's normal for him to be unable to see through things, and he will understand after a while." Guo Tu looked at the direction where Yuan Shang and others left, and whispered to Zhang Jaw:

"Junyi, you are going out of town tonight, so so..."

After nightfall, the city gates of Zhuo County opened wide, and then a group of people quietly left the city and approached the Donglai Army camp in the southern city.

When approaching the city camp, he suddenly stepped on the warning line outside the camp. The Donglai Army night patrol team in the city immediately issued a warning, and hurriedly blew the whistle. The Donglai Army in the camp immediately got up and rushed out of the camp. defense.

Yuan Jun tried to force his way in, but he didn't want the ground to be full of dug holes, buried spikes or iron coils that couldn't be longer or shorter.

Yuan Jun, who didn't know it, was tricked one after another.


Soon the gate of the Donglai army's camp opened, and Zang Ba led a group of people to rush out from inside.

General Yuan Jun retreated with a shout, and then ran towards Zhuo County.

Zang Ba didn't chase too far, intercepted and killed a small part of Yuan Jun who was in no hurry to retreat, and then returned to the base camp.

Yuan Jun, who had left the city soon, came back, Zhang Jai was leading the army, returned to the city and Guo Tu asked, "How is the situation?"

Zhang Zhe said: "Cheng Yu and Yu Jin were really on guard, they set up many traps outside the camp, they were discovered without even touching the camp walls, Donglai army even chased them out of the camp, our army lost five or six hundred people. "

"So you are going to attack the camp in an hour." Guo Tu nodded slightly. 】

Zhang Jaw said: "Let's go, then Yu Jin's defense will definitely not be relaxed, and losing troops like this will hurt morale too much."

Guo Tu said: "It's okay, when you attack the camp, don't get close, and you don't need to attack the enemy camp, it's just harassment and paralysis."

Zhang Jaw seemed to have a little understanding, but he didn't say much, and accepted the order with his hands clasped.

An hour later, he opened his jaw and went to attack the camp again.

This time, they didn't force their way in, but started beating gongs and drums and setting fire to harass them within a certain distance.

The Donglai Army immediately became alert and sent troops to counterattack.

Seeing the situation, Zhang Jai withdrew again.

Zang Ba had to go back to camp to rest.

After another hour, Zhang Jaw came again.

This time, the Donglai army only counterattacked slightly, shooting arrows out of the camp, while Zang Bawei led the troops to chase them out.

Just like that, Zhang Jaw came and went, tossing back and forth.

After tossing until midnight, the disturbance was endless, and the Donglai Army's counterattack was not as fierce as anyone else's.

"Mr. Zhongde, someone outside the camp is asking to see you."

Cheng Yu asked people to bring in the visitors.

When the visitor saw Cheng Yu, he said, "Mr. Cheng, I am a member of the network. I received special information from our Anzi tonight. It is urgent and I have to go out of the city to report it."

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Cheng Yu asked.

The visitor replied: "Guo Tu wants to paralyze Mr. Guo and General Yu, they will mainly attack and harass in the first half of the night, and they will change their tactics in the second half of the night, and then wait for our army to be paralyzed and then really attack the camp.

At Yinshi, they will switch to half an hour and attack later. "

Cheng Yu said: "Is the news confirmed? Don't make a mistake."

"Mr. Cheng, don't worry, the news is absolutely true. We collected it through several channels. Unless Guo Tu doesn't want to send troops out of the city tonight, he will definitely launch a night attack half an hour after Yinshi arrives."

Cheng Yu nodded slightly, and then expressed his understanding.

The person who sent the letter left the camp overnight, Cheng Yu found Yu Jin and Zang Ba, and then gave a few instructions, and the two went down to prepare.

In the middle of Yinshi, the city of Zhuo County was opened, and then came to attack the barracks at night, and this time there were more troops.

But only halfway through the distance, suddenly an army came out from the left flank.

This is exactly the army that Zang Ba's troops had ambushed in advance.

Now that they had received the news, they certainly didn't want to be passively harassed, so they took the initiative to counter-ambush.

However, Yuan Jun, who was attacking secretly, didn't seem to panic much, and the two armies fought for a while.

Not long after the battle, there were also shouts of killing coming from the direction of the Donglai Army camp.

A heavily armed elite Yuan Jun rushed along the main gate of the camp.

Yu Jin, who was guarding the battalion, hurriedly commanded the army to counterattack, but this attacking Yuan Jun was Zhang Jai's most proud soldier, the Euphorbia.

They held big halberds or heavy shields in their hands, and then formed a diamond-shaped shuttle formation to move forward, and the shield soldiers defended the general formation around them.

The euphorbia warrior held a long halberd in the middle, and shot countless arrows, which did not cause any damage to these diamond-shaped shuttle formations.

Soon these euphorbia warriors advanced to the gate of the camp.

Then the battalions withstanding it began to push inward.

On the gate of the camp, there were people walking across the wall in the forbidden building. It was originally full of crossbowmen, but the bows and arrows were useless to the euphorbia warriors.

Yu Jin asked people to replace them with spearmen.

These spearmen held their guns vigorously and stabbed at the gap between the shields of the euphorbia warriors below.

The euphorbia warriors were not to be outdone, they also extended the longer euphorbias out of the connection gap, and then stabbed upwards.

On both sides, you come and I stab you, and the battle is also quite fierce.

There were occasional screams.

Of course, the Donglai Army suffered a bit in this contest.

Because the ground they were standing on was being pushed and shaken by the euphorbia warriors, and the gate of the camp was not stable, the soldiers of the Donglai Army standing on it could easily fall down when they leaned over.

One moment after wrestling, he would be stabbed by a halberd.

So this contest was slightly better than the Euphorbia warrior.


The originally solid camp gate was finally knocked down by the strong euphorbia warriors and smashed into the camp.

The shield soldiers of the Donglai army who were about to block the euphorbia soldiers retreated one after another. If they didn't dodge, they would be hit and injured.


Once the gate of the camp is broken, this is the greatest encouragement for the euphorbia warriors, and it is what gives them chicken blood.

One by one with a high will to fight, one by one the diamond-shaped shuttle formations got in, and then divided into three directions: the left and right wings and the center, and rushed to all parts of the camp.

(End of this chapter)

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