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Chapter 749 Qu Yi Enters Zhongshan, Li Ru Pushes Dong Jin

Chapter 749 Qu Yi Enters Zhongshan, Li Ru Pushes Dong Jin (Two in One)

With an order, Qu Yi's generals began to attack Lunu City.

Liu Bei also got the simple version of the trebuchet.

So Qu Yi also brought these weapons.

A trebuchet was pulled to the bottom of the city, and then began to bombard. Countless stone bombs fell down, and the city defense of Lunu City was a little crumbling.

Although the city wall was strong, it was loose and collapsed a lot.

A smug expression appeared on Qu Yi's confident face.

In fact, he likes to fight with ordnance the most. This is the case with the dead first, and it is the same with the siege.

When the ordnance is arranged well, it is easy to fight.

Therefore, Qu Yi has always suggested that Liu Bei send Anzi to Donglai to learn and steal equipment, and strive to learn all the technologies promised.

Instead of exchanging technology with Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan and others.

"It's almost there." Qu Yi drew his sword and pointed at Lunu City again, the soldiers under his command shouted to kill, and then rushed towards the north gate of Lunu City.

"Have you memorized the location? Is the mark accurate?" Sun Guan in the city asked his subordinates.

A lieutenant stood up and said, "Return to the general, our army's catapults can be shot at a good angle, and they will surely hit them with one hit."

"Okay! Then let's launch it. Let Qu Yi remember it long. We are number one when playing with catapults."

It turned out that Sun Guan also had a trebuchet here, but it was useless to keep it on. He waited for Qu Yi to launch a real attack before taking it out.

Soon the trebuchets in the city were under the control of skilled operators, launching stone bombs one after another.

Qu Yi and the other generals opened their eyes wide after seeing the stone bullets thrown out from the sky, and only then did they remember that the Donglai Army also had trebuchets.

He was the first person to make it retro.

"Boom boom boom..."

Qu Yi's trebuchet position was immediately destroyed by a wave of dense stone bombs, and none of them survived.

The opponent's coverage and accuracy far surpassed them.


Qu Yi couldn't help scolding and annoyed, looking at his catapult that had become scum, even if he regretted it later, it wouldn't help.

"Attack! Increase your strength, go in once, and you must capture the catapults of the Donglai Army."

The stone bullets fired in the city were so uniform that not a single one fell off.

how did you do that.

Koji couldn't help being curious and doubtful.

Without Qu Yi's trebuchet, Sun Guan's trebuchet struck more calmly, intercepting and attacking Qu Yi's troops in a segmented manner.

For a while, Qu Yi's troops complained incessantly, and were so frightened that they ran away frequently.

Soon Qu Yi's siege troops came to the city.

Climb the dead first, and immediately raise the crossbow and shoot.

Countless crossbow arrows flew up like locusts.

Just as they were about to throw stones, the soldiers of the Ninth Army who had thrown the wood were hit by arrows and retreated into the wall to hide.


Covered by the crossbowmen of the dead soldiers who ascended first, the Quyi tribe who carried the ladder on their shoulders put the ladder on the wall one after another.

With a knife in its mouth and climbing.

"Pour oil and light me!" Sun Guan personally took a pot of hot oil and poured it down the city.

Hot oil splattered, and Kojibe under the city were scalded and screamed when they failed to escape in time.

Then another torch was thrown from the city.

With a puff, the fire rolled and spread around.

Then pots of hot oil were poured down one after another, igniting everywhere in the city.

"Crossbowmen, fight back!"

Taking advantage of this rhythm being disrupted, Sun Guan immediately ordered the few crossbowmen of the Ninth Army to rush to the battlements, and then shoot arrows at the first crossbowmen below the city.

"Puff puff……"

Countless Xiandeng dead soldiers were shot and fell to the ground, but more Xiandeng dead soldiers did not interfere with the fire and the shooting of the crossbowmen on the city.

The crossbow arrows of both sides flew at each other above and below the city.

There were many casualties on each other, and the number dropped sharply.

The number of dead soldiers who ascended first was much more than the crossbowmen of the third army.

Soon the crossbowmen of the third army under the city couldn't hold on anymore.

Sun Guan could only mobilize archers to shoot and suppress.

Xiandeng dead soldiers are indeed Qu Yi's most elite troops, and they are also worthy of being a world-renowned powerful army.

Qiang counterattacked frantically under the city, and stood still outside the city, providing support for friendly troops and counter-suppressing the city.

Soon ascended the first troops, sent a ladder and jumped into the city wall.

"Kill!" Sun Guan swung his sword and stabbed a Xiandeng dead man holding a broad knife to the wall, and then knocked and kicked him down the city.

Then he stabbed the ladder pole with a sword, pushing hard.

The ladder went down towards the outside of the city.

The person on the ladder let out a scream and hit the ground below the city heavily.

In order to dare to fight and take the lead, the other soldiers of the Ninth Army were not to be outdone, and they held the weapons in their hands to expel and kill the enemy soldiers who climbed up.

"Hmph! Let our army climb up the city, and you still want to drive it down, that's impossible." Qu Yi said coldly, and was about to order the whole army to mobilize and blast the top of the city.

At this time, someone came to report in a hurry.

"Hug! My lord has killed an enemy army from the south. The number is about 5000."

"En! There are Donglai troops coming from the south." Qu Yi was taken aback for a moment, then stared at the south, and the next moment, Donglai troops rushed over.

The flag to be played is the Zhang Ziqi of the Eighth School Weijun.

"The eighth school's lieutenant army, Xu Ding will bring down Zhang Bao's army, the yellow turban rebels who have increased the scriptures." A wicked smile suddenly appeared on Qu Yi's face, and then said: "The mob came together, and someone came to pass the order and continue to strengthen The siege force cannot stop for a moment, and you must take Lunu City for me. Come and kill Zhang Bao with 3000 people!"

Soon Qu Yi gathered 3000 troops and directly charged the eighth school lieutenant army that was rushing forward.



Cao Cao's army entered Hangu Pass smoothly, and then got the support of Duan Yan, the guard of Huayin.

Holding the last line of defense in Guanzhong declared a breakthrough.

The mighty Kwantung army stepped into the land of Guanzhong, and started the attack with the generals of Xiliang.

How Guanzhong reacted at this time, the surroundings of Chang'an City were already in chaos.

Because before Cao Cao sent troops, a strange thing happened on the Great Wall.

The son of Dong Zhuo, whom Li Ru tried to help up, was poisoned to death.

This pale-faced, frail and sickly young master, like Liu Fufeng, fell asleep and never got up again.

"My lord, the eldest son died of poisoning."

The coroner of the autopsy briefly looked through the corpse, and then stepped back to report to Li Ru.

Li Rudao: "Are you sure?"

"It's absolutely true, this technique of poisoning is not well-known." Wu Zuo confirmed the ticket.

Li Ru's gloomy face was as cold as frost, and he waved his hand to let him continue.

"Sir, do you want to check all the people in the mansion?" Dong Jin asked, his hand clasped on the hilt of the sword.

The majestic young master was poisoned and killed in the mansion, which shows the viciousness of the poisoner.

Li Rudao: "It's not necessary, there are only three kinds of people who poisoned, one is the group of so-called loyal officials in the court, the other is the Kanto princes, and the third is the connection between the two.

But no matter which one it is, it is meaningless. The top priority now is not to catch mice, but to stabilize the situation. Someone must come out to keep the Xiliang army in place. "

"Then sir, is there a suitable candidate? The prime minister has only one successor, the eldest son, and Miss Dong Bai is a woman." Dong Jin asked, thinking over and over again but couldn't find a candidate.

Originally, Dong Bai and Zhang Xiu were married, and after ten months of pregnancy, they would be able to give birth to an heir, and then they would adopt the name of the eldest son, which is also legally reasonable.

Dong Bai's stomach has not moved yet, the eldest son was killed first.

Li Ru didn't speak, but looked directly at Dong Jin.

"Sir, what are you doing looking at me?" Dong Jin scanned his right and left shoulders and lower body, and found that there was nothing unusual about him.

A spring-like smile appeared on Li Ru's gloomy face that had never changed for thousands of years, but his tone was still indescribably cold, and he said calmly:
"You are also surnamed Dong, and you are from the prime minister's clan."

"Sir, you mean to let me..." Dong Jin seemed to understand something, but he was a little surprised and astonished. Obviously, Li Ru's idea was too unexpected for him and everyone else.

Li Ru nodded slightly.

"It's not sir, my... status is still not very good. There are still many members of the Prime Minister's family, such as General Dong Huang." Dong Jin said with some resistance.

Dong Huang is the nephew of Dong Zhuo, the only son of Dong Zhuo's brother Dong Zhuo.

Following Dong Zhuo's army, Zhuo took power and appointed him as a servant to lead the forbidden army.

After Dong Zhuo's younger brother Dong Min was killed by Lu Bu, Dong Zhuo's relatives are now only Dong Bai and Dong Huang.

Therefore, it must be elected better than the Dong clan, and Dong Huang's name change is justified.

But Li Ru shook his head lightly and said with a silly smile: "Dong Huang's ability is not good, he can't control the generals, but you are outstanding in martial arts and strategy, you can temporarily stabilize the generals in Xiliang, what we need now is time, only you are suitable. "

Dong Jin thought for a while and said, "Where is the embroidery?"

Zhang Xiu married Dong Bai, so he is considered half of the Dong family.

The name is more smooth.

Li Rudao: "The time is too short, and once he takes the position, Zhang Ji's position will overwhelm all the generals, and Guo Si, Li Jue, Fan Chou and others will be extremely difficult to balance."

Dong Jin was silent, saying that he didn't think it was a problem with his head, but he was really capable, with only two thousand troops under him, and he had only entered the Xiliang system for a short time, and his qualifications were also shallow.

"Okay, that's it. Don't think too much. I'll solve all the problems. Dong Huang will come over later. I'll convince him first. With his support, no one else will object." Li Ru didn't give Dong Jin anything. After thinking about it for a while, he simply set the tone.

Soon Dong Huang came over and asked, "Mr. Wenyou, why did the eldest son suddenly...just..."

Seeing the regretful and painful expression on Dong Huang's face, Li Ru said lightly: "The eldest son left suddenly, and he was poisoned. I came here to discuss how to appease the emotions of the generals and stabilize Guanzhong."

"What, the eldest son was...poisoned, how is this possible, whoever did it, I will kill him." Dong Huang's expression was bewildered, followed by anger.

Li Ru said contemptuously: "I haven't found it yet, but now is not the time to pursue this matter. Once the eldest son dies, there may be turmoil in Guanzhong. Someone must stand up to replace the eldest son and inherit the prime minister's legacy."

Speaking of this, Dong Juan suddenly raised his head, obviously this information was attractive enough to him.

Li Ru paused for a moment, and then continued: "Originally, I chose you to replace the eldest son, because you are the prime minister's only nephew, and you are also the eldest son's brother, no one is more suitable than you.

But because of this, I am afraid that those who murdered the eldest son will attack you and completely wipe out all the direct blood of the prime minister, which will harm you instead.

So I am also very embarrassed. "

Dong Huang was overjoyed at first, and a little excited, Li Ru actually wanted to push him to the position, but after hearing what happened later, the joy on his face gradually froze and turned dark, and the center of his brows also shifted.

Dong Zhuo's son just died, a lesson from the past.

He is only Dong Zhuo's nephew, let alone whether he can persuade other people, even if he can, he will be poisoned and murdered.

After enjoying so many years of blessings, Dong Juan's courage became smaller and smaller as he practiced more and more, and he cherished his life even more.

Several uncles and cousins ​​are dead, and now he is the only one left.

The Dong family can't live without him. If he dies, the Dong family will have to die.

So Dong Juan was a little scared, and kept silent and dared not speak.

"Of course, if you want to take over the position of eldest son, Zili and I will support you." Li Ru said tentatively.

Dong Huang hurriedly waved his hands and shook his head, "No! I don't want it, I'm too weak, I'm afraid I won't be able to take over the position of the eldest son, and I will disappoint my uncle, Mr. Wenyou and Zili."

"Then what should we do? If you don't take over, whoever has the qualifications." Seeing that Dong Huang dared not take over, Dong Jin glanced at Li Ru's eyes, and finally plucked up the courage to cooperate.

Dong Huang still shook his head and said: "I don't care, whoever picks up whoever likes to pick up."

"Otherwise let Zhang Xiu, no matter what he says, he will be the eldest son's good son-in-law." Li Ru said in a questioning tone.

Dong Huang shook his head even more, snorted coldly and said: "No way, Zhang Xiu is still an outsider after all. Although he took his niece Bai, they don't even have children. Zhang Ji is still young and prosperous, so he won't return them all in the future." the Zhang family."

After finishing speaking, Dong Huang felt that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly said to Li Ru: "Mr. Wenyou, I didn't mean to offend you. You are different from them. You are the most confidant of uncle, and you are one with our Dong family. Yes, or sir, come here."

Li Ru waited for these words, and said with a smile: "No, I'm just a counselor. It's okay to seek great success for the Dong family, but I can't do anything else."

After finishing speaking, Li Ru looked at Dong Jin, suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment, pointed at Dong Jin and said, "Zi Li is also from the Dong family. , it would be appropriate if the word theory can stand out, so that the Dong family is still the Dong family, and Guanzhong is still the Dong family."

"I...I can't!" Dong Jinqian said.

Dong Huang was reminded by Li Ru, and then saw him keep winking, and suddenly realized.

That's right, isn't Dong Jin also a member of my Dong clan?

In terms of ability, he can, and if he takes over, his own interests can be guaranteed, and the interests of the entire Dong family can also be guaranteed.

"I think it's okay, otherwise you will be the only one left in the word, and you will be the only horse left in my Dong family. If you don't join the Dong family, you will really fall." Dong Huang persuaded following Li Ru's rhythm.

Li Rudao: "That's right, it's up to you. It's important to stabilize the overall situation now. As long as the situation is stabilized, Guanzhong will be at peace when the black hand who poisoned the poison is found out. If you really don't want to do it, you can give it to Mr. Huang. Isn’t it a beautiful story.”

These words really suit Dong Huang's appetite, and Dong Jin will go up to face the danger first, and hide behind himself first.

There is no danger, the situation is stable, and I am coming out to pick the fruit, which is great.

Dong Huang secretly winked at Li Ru, gave a thumbs up, and then said to Dong Jin: "That's the wording, you will take the position of the eldest son, and I will support you. I will see who dares not give uncle face, who dares Don't give me Dong family face."

"This... well, I'll take the place temporarily, and I hope I won't disappoint the expectations of the two of you." Dong Jin readily agreed.

With the support of Dong Juan, Dong Zhuo's nephew, the next operation will be much more convenient.

(End of this chapter)

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