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Chapter 751 Yang Ding's Death and Guo Si's Death

Chapter 751 Yang Ding died and Guo Si died (two in one)

Cao Cao knew from the news sent from Chang'an City that Yang Ding was an internal response, and Yang Ding would not send troops to support him after eating Hu Zhen.

Cao Cao's generals Xiahou Dun, Shi Huan, and Han Hao were in charge of the sneak attack.

The three led the army and approached Hu Zhen's camp, and saw that the guards in the camp were not very strict, and a little loose.

The three immediately patted their horses and led the army to the camp gate. Xiahou Dun shot open the camp gate and rushed in.

Hu Zhen, who was on patrol, turned pale with fright, immediately sounded the alarm bell, and then rushed out of groups of soldiers.

However, Xiahoudun's three men were bold, they killed and charged fiercely, and beat Hu Zhen's troops back and forth.

Soon the three captured most of the camp.

However, Hu Zhen's department also seemed to be prepared, and came out from another side door that had been prepared for a long time.

This caused Xiahoudun and others, who originally wanted to kill a lot of money, to punch cotton. Then Hu Zhen's tribe set fire to the camp and destroyed the village. While blocking Xiahoudun's attack, they went around to the camp gate to intercept Cao Jun.

At the same time, he sent someone to ask for assistance from Yang Ding in the camp next door.

"General Yang, the Cao army did not keep its promise and attacked our camp at night. Now our army has withdrawn from the camp and set fire to the camp. Please, general, follow our army to encircle Cao's army. As long as this Cao army can be left behind, my general Having said that, I am willing to share with General Yang."

Yang Ding replied with great joy: "Okay! This is to lead the troops there, you go back and tell General Hu Zhen first, I will definitely help him."

It's just that after the reporter left, Yang Ding's face showed a tangled look, whether he should save Cao Jun, or he would be exposed in advance.

If all these Cao soldiers die in battle, will Cao Cao still trust you and accept me?

Will the Japanese locust ask me to settle the autumn account?

"Forget it, sooner or later, it's better to let Cao Cao owe me a little kindness!" Thinking of this, Yang Ding raised his sword and mounted his horse and said to the soldiers:
"Follow me out of the camp. Tonight I will bring you back for a great contribution. After leaving the camp, don't ask why? In order to control anyone, all follow my orders. I say kill whoever I say, and I say attack. Attack, get out of camp!"

Yang Ding led his generals out of the camp and came to the back of Hu Zhen's troops. Just when Hu Zhen's troops thought that his allies were coming, Yang Ding suddenly ordered: "Attack, help Cao Jun eliminate the thieves, kill Hu Zhen and other rebels. , Save the Son of Heaven!"

Yang Ding took the lead in rushing towards Hu Zhen's tribe.

The guards were taken aback for a moment, but they still followed closely behind Yang Ding and rushed towards Hu Zhen's tribe.

Yang Ding is the boss, so it's right to follow the boss. Serving as a soldier eats food, and whoever gives the food and money will follow whoever.

Not to mention beating Hu Zhen, even beating Li Ru, killing Dong Jin is no problem.

Therefore, the soldiers under Yang Ding's troops didn't think much about it. After being a little surprised, they took their weapons and urged their horses to rush towards Hu Zhen's troops.

Hu Zhen's troops were caught off guard, and the rear team was attacked by Yang Ding, causing the team to be in chaos.

"Damn it! Yang Ding...Yang Ding, this bastard, ahhh, I'm going to kill him!"

Hu Zhen was so angry that he was half dead. Yang Ding turned out to be a traitor. Originally he was supposed to support him, he was supposed to come to rescue him, but Yang Ding turned out to be attacking him.

When Xiahou Dun discovered this situation, he was overjoyed immediately, and led Cao Jun away from the main gate of the camp, and attacked Hu Zhen with Yang Ding.

Hu Zhen's troops suffered more casualties and collapsed faster.

Seeing that Yang Ding and Xiahou Dun were about to join forces to destroy Hu Zhen, suddenly a group of people came out from behind Yang Ding.

Moreover, Yang Ding's camp was also killed by a small army, and then set fire to the camp.

Yang Dingbu was also surprised and shocked.

Being attacked suddenly by others really surprised everyone, even Yang Ding was taken aback.

When he was attacked, he was the one who attacked others.

"Kill! Kill Yang Ding, the big traitor. Brothers are heroes from Xiliang, so don't follow Yang Ding and step aside immediately, or you will die!"

It turned out that it was Dong Jin who had killed him, and he rode ahead, brandishing his weapon, and blatantly charged into Yang Ding's tribe.

Dong Jin's department also took advantage of the situation and came in, and Yang Ding's department fled or surrendered after seeing this.

Everyone is the Xiliang Army, there is no need to fight to the death, and Dong Jinyijing is now the highest commander of the Xiliang Army in name.

Worse still to come, just as Dong Jin was killing Yang Ding, another group of troops came from the north, heading directly towards Xiahou Dun who had just left the camp.

The leader was Fan Chou. Originally, Fan Chou should have been placed in the middle, blocking the front of Cao Cao's army.

But the sudden appearance in the north really shocked Xiahoudun and others even more.

Fan Chou was originally a rare hero in the Xiliang Army, with outstanding force and incomparable bravery, he dared to fight and kill.

A group of cavalry rushed over, scattered Xiahoudun and the others at once, and rushed in.

When Hu Zhen saw the two friendly troops fighting out, he was both happy and surprised.

It turned out that Li Ru had already calculated that Yang Ding was a traitor, and ambushed two large armies near him, so Hu Zhen led his generals to kill Yang Ding's troops.

He wanted to twist off Yang Ding's dog's head with his own hands.

Get rid of this traitor.

Facing the joint attack of Dong Jin and Hu Zhen, Yang Ding complained unceasingly, cursed in his heart, waved his weapons and led his generals to kill outside.

Since Li Ru saw through him, it would be useless to stay.

However, fewer people were willing to rush out with him, and there were more soldiers surrounded by Hu Zhen's and Dong Jin's troops, so Yang Ding couldn't rush out at all.

"Yang Ding will die!"

Dong Jin found Yang Ding, urged the horse to rush over, and stabbed him with a spear.

Yang Ding slashed with his knife, but instead grabbed Dong Jin's gun, ready to seize his weapon, and simply captured Dong Jin, so that he could escape safely.

However, Dong Jin didn't get entangled with Yang Dingduo, let go of the gun in his hand, and pulled out his best fire cloud sword from his back with his backhand.

With the long sword in his hand, as if holding the sky, Dong Jin swung it in a sword style and hit Yang Ding's wrist.

Yang Ding was in pain, and the long spear he had just snatched from his hand fell off the horse.

"Puff!" Dong Jin's sword was extremely fast, and with another slash, Yang Ding was also injured by the sword and fell off the horse.

But he wasn't dead, just wounded.

Dong Jin leaped down, with a sword across Yang Ding's neck who got up and wanted to run.

Yang Ding immediately bowed to the ground and begged: "General Dong, please forgive me, my lord, please forgive me. I was also insane for a while. Please let me go. I'm just a dog. I..."

Just as Yang Ding was begging for mercy, suddenly the right wing of the Xiliang Army burst into flames, and the sound of roaring and shouting came.

Xiahou Dun and other Cao generals who were dispersed by Fan Chou's troops finally showed a hint of relief when they saw the fire in the south.

Xiahou Dun laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, do Li Ru, Dong Jin'er, etc. think that we are the only one in our army to attack tonight? Hahaha, your right wing is over, and you have fallen into the trick of some of my military advisers."

After speaking freely, Xiahoudun led Shi Huan and Han Hao to fight and retreat.

Fan Chou didn't dare to chase too far, so he intercepted and killed some people and came to join Dong Jin.

Dong Jin stared at the south side for a few times, and this one sighed slightly.

Li Ru originally wanted to use this opportunity to find out Yang Ding, a traitor, and to ambush the invading Cao Jun by the way.

Unexpectedly, in the end Cao Jun had the upper hand and attacked the right wing of the army.

"Cao Cao, that bastard, he betrayed me."

Yang Ding was not stupid, obviously he was bought, Cao Cao didn't care about his life at all, he just used this opportunity to attack the camps on the two wings of the Xiliang Army, which severely damaged the morale of the Xiliang Army and weakened some soldiers.

I regret that I took refuge in the Yang family.

But at this time, Yang Ding regretted it, and there was no rush, only to see Dong Jin draw his sword.

A line of blood shot out from Yang Ding's neck, and then Yang Ding fell down softly.

"Go! Rescue the right wing." Seeing Fan Chou leading the army approaching, Dong Jin gave orders to him and Hu Zhen at the same time.

The three departments rushed to the right wing in a mighty manner.

When they arrived, most of Guo Si's camp had been burned, Guo Si himself was killed in battle, and almost all soldiers and horses were wiped out.

A quarter of Li Jue's troops were killed or injured.

However, Cao Cao took advantage and withdrew.

Li Ru was afraid that Cao Cao was coming to attack the camp, so he gathered all the soldiers and horses in the two battalions to fight against Cao Cao.

It is a good thing that there is no internal response this time. Don't worry that so many troops will gather together and appear in a fraudulent camp, but they will be black-handed by their own people.

The next day!

After dawn, Cao Jun beat the drums out of the camp, and each team, led by the general, lined up to prepare for field battle.

"Student Wen, how sure are we of winning?"

After a night of tossing, the Xiliang army eliminated Yang Ding and Guo Si's troops, and their strength was greatly lost.

However, Cao Jun did not weaken much, and was still very strong.

Dong Jin couldn't help but feel a little worried when he saw Cao Jun's formation on the opposite side.

Li Ru still had the same cold voice, staring at Cao Jun's formation and asked: "Why is Zili afraid, does Zili regret taking over the position of the eldest son?"

"Wen Xiansheng, I don't regret every decision I made. It's just that my Xiliang army is panicking now. I'm short of major generals. I don't have enough strength to face Cao Jun." Dong Jin said:

"Cao Cao's generals are ferocious, and the two Xiahou and Cao veterans are unstoppable enemies. Adding Duan Yan to his service, the strength is superior to our army."

Li Ru squinted his eyes and said: "Don't worry about words, Cao Cao is mostly infantry, and our army is all cavalry. Although our army is smaller than him, our overall strength is stronger than him."

Cao Cao only had one iron cavalry, the tiger and leopard cavalry. The number of cavalry definitely did not exceed [-], and it was composed of remnants who were defeated by the Xu Ding tribe in the Kanto region.

Compared with Xiliang iron cavalry, it is not at the same level at all.

As for Duan Yan, his total force is in the early [-]s, less than [-].

Moreover, he didn't fight often, and although he was a member of the Xiliang army, he didn't fit in well with others. If Dong Zhuo hadn't admired him as a member of the Sanming section of Liangzhou, and his clan's prestige in Liangzhou and Guanzhong, how could he have met? Let him sit guarding such an important level in Huayin.

After Dong Zhuo's death, in order not to cause turmoil, Li Ru didn't come and evacuated Duan Yan in a hurry, which led to today's disaster.

Although Li Ru schemed poisonously, he also had ingenious schemes, but he also had his own limitations, and he could not succeed for a while.

This is his short board.

Otherwise, he would not have lost to Cao Cao's counselors last night.

After all, Cao Cao is not surrounded by an intelligent brain to come up with ideas.

As the saying goes, one person counts his shortcomings, and everyone counts his strengths, so it is true.

"Comprehensive strength is stronger than Cao Cao!" Dong Jin didn't look back, but glanced left and right.

There are only three Xiliang generals left: Li Jue, Hu Zhen, and Fan Chou, and the Xiliang army is no longer the previous Xiliang army. Three out of the four are Qiang soldiers.

There are not many Han soldiers who can really fight.

These Qiang soldiers heard that as long as the front is defeated, they will not fight to the death at all, but flee like a beehive, and they can't control it.

Because the Qiang people only fight for food and only for themselves, whoever gives food and whoever promises them will follow.

In essence, they are mercenaries, not loyal enough, and not restrictive.

The combat power is even worse than that of the Han family men.

"In the battle last night, our army successfully deceived the enemy and achieved a two-way record of killing the Xiliang bandits Guo Si and Yang Ding. Today we will wipe out all the Xiliang bandits and return the world to a bright future. All generals obey orders , attack and destroy the enemy!" Cao Cao stood upright on the chariot, then drew his sword Yitianjian and pointed forward.

The thud thud thump of the war drum was beating.

With Xiahou Dun as the front, Cao Jun's sword and shield soldiers began to move forward slowly, while the tiger and leopard cavalry headed by Cao Chun, Cao Xiu, and Cao Zhen and Duan Yao's Xiliang Army did not move on the left and right wings.

Cao Cao's Central Army Cao Ren, Cao Hong and other troops did not move either.

"Cao Jun's central army and cavalry did not move, how to deal with it!" Li Jue asked.

Li Rudao: "Then break the front first, attack the two wings of the front with the left and right parts, and force Cao Cao to use the central army or cavalry."

Dong Jin understood Li Ru's meaning and said to Li Jue and Hu Zhen: "You two attack, you don't need to charge into Cao Cao's front team, attack its two wings, and mainly use cavalry and shooting. If Cao's bandit cavalry moves me, General Fan and I will send troops together. To encircle and suppress Cao Jun's cavalry, the first priority is to kill his cavalry, and to destroy the Chinese army.

If Cao Cao's army dispatches the central army, General Fan and you will break through the central army first, and I will intercept the cavalry.

Whether or not Cao Cao can be defeated is today. I hope that you will work together to fight against the great enemy. If you lose this battle, I will die in Xiliang. If you win, I will share the wealth and wealth with you in Chang'an. "

Li Jue, Hu Zhen, and Fan Chou showed a smile on their faces, slightly excited.

This Dong Jin is a sensible person, and he is willing to show his sweetness and promise to inspire everyone.

For this one, they have to work hard.

None of them had a good end after defeating them. They must have been chased and killed by Cao Cao and cast aside by those aristocratic families.

If they win, they can go back to Chang'an to show off their might, further domineering, and become marquises and worship their ancestors.


Li Jue and Hu Zhen both drew their weapons, and led the headquarters towards Xiahou Dun as the front team charged.

Cao Cao asked in the carriage, "Zhongming, who belonged to these two teams?"

Duan Yan was a Xiliang general, and he knew the interior of Xiliang generals better than Cao Cao and everyone else. He took a few glances and said, "My lord, this is Li Jue and Hu Zhen's tribe. Li Jue is on the left, and Hu Zhen is on the right. .

In terms of official rank, Hu Zhen is high, and in terms of soldiers and horses, Hu Zhen is still more, but in terms of combat effectiveness, Hu Zhen is not as good as Li Jue.

Hu Zhen was one of the original five Zhonglang generals under Dong Zhuo, and his rank was higher than that of Li Jue, Fan Chou and others.

But this guy is not as fierce as Li Jue in fighting.

Cao Cao stroked his beard and nodded slightly, then said to Le Jin, "Wen Qian, go and cooperate with Yuan Rang to intercept Hu Zhen."

(End of this chapter)

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