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Chapter 753 Li Ru, Dong Jinnan Escape from Xu Huang and Capture the Pass

Chapter 753


The two guns collided in the air, making a golden sound, and then the two guns deviated and attacked the vital points of both sides.

"Clang!" There was another crisp sound.

The guns of the two men were moving, and they attacked each other's flanks again, but neither could hurt or defeat the other.

The two horses missed, and Dong Jin continued to charge forward.

Li Tong brandished his long spear from left to right, picking or stabbing through the Xiliang army from the side, and then turned back to chase Dong Jin.

Li Tong failed, and then Qin Qi, Bian Xi, Zhu Zan, Cao Zun and others led the team to intercept in twos.

If you can't kill Dong Jin one-on-one, then work together as a group to stop him and kill him.

Cao Cao's breathing was a little short, and Dong Jin's martial arts were indeed surprisingly strong. No wonder he was able to replace Lu Bu as Dong Zhuo's personal bodyguard.

Dong Zhuo's character is not very good, but he is the same as Bokang, and he can always catch fierce generals.

Cao Cao holds his sword in his hand, and he will draw out the Qingzhi sword when necessary.

In other words, Cao Cao has also practiced since he was a child. Although his martial arts are not first-rate, there are still some who are third-rate.

But he didn't draw the sword, just held it tightly, even if he was extremely nervous at this moment, he couldn't show timidity.

He is a hero, he will hide his true demeanor.



Dong Jin rushed past Qin Qi and Bian Xi's joint attack, blocked Qin Qi's blow, and then shot Bian Xi off his horse, and then took the lead in breaking through the soldiers of the two men.

The Xiliang army followed closely behind, taking advantage of the situation and charging in, the more they killed, the more excited they became.

Not far away is Cao Cao's banner, which is Cao Cao himself.

"Dong Thief, don't be rampant, eat your grandpa with a spear!"

Zhu Zan and Cao Zun have been good friends since they were young, and they played big games together, and they have a good understanding.

And now he is still a young boy with strong blood, and he is not afraid of Dong Jin's power, so he waved his weapon to stop him.

However, Dong Jin didn't take the two of them seriously at all. She waved her weapon to the left, hit the right to block, shocked the two of them back, and then broke through.

"Cao thief will die!" Dong Jin stopped moving only twenty steps away from Cao Cao, shouted, and stabbed Cao Cao's heart with a long spear.

However, when he was ten steps away, he suddenly rushed out and stopped him with a shot.

Dong Jin was taken aback for a moment, and turned away, only to see that it was Li Tong who was fighting in front of him.

"Dong Jinxiu has to be presumptuous. With your grandfather Li Tong here, let's make a quick descent!" Li Tong also roared and stabbed with his gun.

Dong Jin raised his gun to block it, and then scanned it horizontally.

Li Tong didn't know what to do, and then took the gun.


Then the two attack from the left, I block, I attack and you defend, and they frequently attack each other.

Dong Jin felt very anxious for a moment, seeing that he was only ten steps away from Cao Cao, but was actually entangled by Li Tong.

And Cao Cao's subordinates Qin Qi, Bian Xi, Zhu Zan, Cao Zun and others also urged their horses to come to help. If Cao Cao was beheaded, they would be finished.

When Cao Cao saw Dong Jin who was intercepted by Li Tong, the pores of his whole body were about to open, and his hairs were about to stand on end.

However, the hand holding the sword was firmly held, and the body dared not move.

After five steps forward, he drew his sword and struck each other.

Either he died or Dong Jin fell from the horse.

"Damn it!" Seeing that he couldn't get through, Dong Jin cursed angrily, then had an idea, turned the lever, and then used his strength to thrust forward. a push.

The tip of the gun left the entanglement of the spear in Li Tong's hand, and then flew towards Cao Cao.

Li Tong was horrified, but also quick-witted, he made the same movement and threw the gun away.

With a sound of "Boom!", the tip of the gun hit the end of Dong Jin's gun. Dong Jin's gun changed its posture, tilted its direction, and stuck on the armrest of Cao Cao's carriage.

Cao Cao couldn't help but startled, his scalp numb.

The cold gun struck, so close.


Dong Jin was furious, and Li Tong was broken by throwing the gun. This guy was his nemesis, so he drew out the Huoyun Sword that he carried with him and slashed at Li Tong.

Li Tong was also prepared to draw the Yitian Sword that Cao Cao had given him.

"Clang!" Another burst of flames splashed, and the two swords struck each other, and then quickly separated, causing everyone with the swords to give a deep gift.

However, both of their bodies were slanted, and both swords were missed by the other side.

Then the two swung their swords and struck again, sparks flashed, and the two stopped.

Dong Jin urged the horse to leave, because Cao Zun stabbed behind him with a spear, but it was in vain.

Knowing that there was no hope of killing Cao Cao, Dong Jin urged the horses to rush into the iron cavalry of his own headquarters surrounded by four generals, and then led them out from the west.

Five or six hundred riders rushed out, and all the others were surrounded by Cao Jun, and one by one was killed.

Unwilling to let Dong Jin escape, Li Tong chased after Dong Jin with Yitian sword in his hand.

Cao Cao didn't want to let Dong Jin go, so he said, "Give Zhongming a banner to assist Wenda, pursue Dong Jin, and kill Li Ru by the way."

In the distance, Li Ru looked at the entire battlefield under the guard of a hundred cavalry, and then sighed slightly.

The Xiliang army was finished, and all the horses were entangled.

However, he did not let the flag be raised, nor did he issue an order to retreat.

If you lose, Cao Cao will have to pay the price.

The Xiliang army is not so easy to kill.

If Cao Cao wants to swallow the Xiliang Army, he must be prepared to lose money.

It wasn't until Dong Jin returned that Li Ru said, "Withdraw!"

One hundred riders went first, and soon Dong Jin caught up with five hundred riders, and the two fled towards Chang'an with a total of six hundred riders.

Li Tong and Duan Yao led two thousand riders and chased after them.

Fleeing to the foot of Chang'an City, Dong Jin wanted to shout directly to the city gate, but at this moment Li Ru said: "Crossing the east gate, Chang'an City may fall."

Sure enough, they saw Li Ru, Dong Jin and other troops passing through the city gate, the Xiliang banner on the city was cut off suddenly, and then the archers on the city kept firing arrows.

At this time, a human head was thrown out from the city, and it belonged to Dong Zhuo's nephew Dong Juan.

Li Ruben left him to guard Chang'an, guarding the rear for everyone, not wanting the people in Chang'an to attack Dong Huang ahead of time with the scriptures.

A middle-aged general appeared in Li Ru's mind without much thought.

Hey! When you killed Wang Yun, you should have killed him together.

Li Jue's general Dong Cheng, the little emperor's father-in-law, this little character who was played by him in the palm of his hand.

"Mr. Wenyou, Chang'an is lost, we have nowhere to go, what should we do now!" After leaving Chang'an City, Duan Yanyijing was no longer chasing after him, but Li Tong pursued him with a thousand cavalry belt.

Dong Jin originally wanted to turn around and kill this guy who broke the big deal.

In terms of martial arts, he is confident that he can kill Li Tong.

But Li Ru objected, persuasion was unnecessary.

Killing a Li Tong is useless and meaningless.

In case Cao Cao's other cavalry came after him, there would be nowhere to escape.

Li Ru thought for a while and said, "Go south into Ziwu Valley, let's go to Hanzhong..."


Zhang Lu?

Not to mention that Li Ru and Dong Jinnan fled to Hanzhong County, Yizhou.

On this side of the battlefield, after seeing Dong Jin fleeing, Li Jue understood the general situation and turned around to break through.

Then he rushed out with more than 200 riders, but his nephew Li Li died in battle. Only one general Hu Feng followed out, and the others either died in battle or surrendered to Cao Cao.

After Li Jue escaped, he didn't dare to go in the direction of Chang'an, because Duan Yan went after Chang'an. If he was running to Chang'an, wouldn't he be looking for death?
So he took the remnants and headed north, finally escaped the Weishui River, gathered Xiliang stragglers in the direction of Huangbaicheng, and occupied the city as king.

The Xiliang warrior Fan Chou was surrounded by generals of Cao Cao's army, and finally fought hard and was captured.

Fan Chou was escorted before Cao Cao. Cao Cao looked at this Xiliang warrior and asked, "Fan Chou, your Xiliang army has been defeated. Li Ru, Dong Jin, and Li Jue led three to five hundred remnants and disappeared. Chang'an was also captured by me, you wait for Dong Zhuo's old troops to have no day of peace, so you are willing to surrender to me."

Although there are many fierce generals around him now, Cao Cao is also a person who cherishes talents, especially when he is hit hard by Xu Ding.

Looking at other people's basket of fierce generals, comparing them to themselves, it can be said to be horrible.

So he wanted to accept Fan Chou.

This kind of mind is simple, and it just happens to be used without too much thought.

People like Li Jue and Dong Jin will be killed even if they surrender.

Otherwise he is not Cao Cao.

Fan Chou glanced at the generals around Cao Cao, and saw that they all had killing intent, as long as he didn't say a word, their heads would fall to the ground immediately.

So he nodded and knelt on one knee and said, "Fan Chou, the last general, is willing to surrender to Duke Cao, and to be the saddle for Duke Cao."

In fact, Fan Chou still has a benchmark in his heart. Even Duan Wei turned against Cao Cao. It is not too shameful for him to lose face when Fan Chou was defeated and captured.

"Okay, okay! I have such a strong man, why worry about the injustice of Guanzhong and Liangzhou." Cao Cao was overjoyed, and drew out his green sword and chopped off the rope on Fan Chou's body.

There is another advantage of taking down Fan Chou, that is, when the chaos in Liangzhou is quelled, these Xiliang troops will be useful.

This time, many Xiliang soldiers were captured, and they needed a leader.

Although Cao Cao has a Xiliang general Duan Yan under his name, it is difficult to control alone, and at least two people are needed to make peace.

It can be said that Cao Cao is also very shrewd, capable of driving people away, and his heroic posture is undoubtedly evident.


Xu Ding went all the way south, and traveled in the starry night.

As soon as he entered Zhongshan, there was an urgent report of military intelligence.

"My lord, the city of Lunu in the Zhongshan Kingdom has been lost. The Deputy Captain Sun Guan and the Captain Zhang Bao both lost to Chief Quyi. Now they have retreated into the Anping Kingdom."

Xu Ding stretched out his hand and said, "Map!"

Unfolding the map, Xu Ding aimed at Lu Nu City and asked, "Qu Yi took Zhongshan Guofu City, what do you think is the best way to deal with him?"

Tai Shi said kindly: "My lord, when our army arrives, the enemy is trapped in the city. We should transfer the eighth school's lieutenant army to continue marching northward to join us."

Well-regulated, Xu Ding looked at Xu Huang.

Xu Huang said: "Qu Yi only has [-] troops going south, and the rest are private soldiers from aristocratic families. These soldiers and horses are nothing to worry about. I think that when Feiqi takes Puyin, Wangdu first takes Wuruan Pass (Zijing Pass) ), so that the south can restrain Quyi from retreating to the north, and the north can deter Liu Bei, who now occupies Daijun.

Take down Guancheng and cut off Puyinxing's contact, both Liu Bei and Qu Yi will inevitably feel flustered.

Qu Yi's troops would either go north to seize the pass, or go west to join Li Su's troops, and Zhongshan would come back without attacking. "

"Hahaha, good! What Gongming said has captured the essence of the art of war, so I'll leave this task to you. You and I will have [-] cavalrymen, so we can be sure." Xu Ding laughed happily.

Xu Huang cupped his fists and said, "As long as two thousand, Huang will dare to go."

Xu Ding still gave Xu Huang [-] soldiers and horses, Xu Huang received the order, and then brought more flags, claiming that [-] soldiers turned to kill north.

The city of Puyin and Wangdu heard that Xu Ding was going south, Yuan Shao was killed in battle, and Xu Huang led the magic machine to kill him, but they dared not be an enemy and surrendered.

The northern border of Zhongshan State quickly fell under the name of the Donglai Army.

Dai County!

Liu Bei's place!
"Not bad! The third brother is really brave. He was brave and invincible in the camp first. He captured Lu Nu in the first battle, and the Zhongshan Kingdom returned to my embrace."

Liu Bei was overjoyed to receive the good news from Qu Yi.

The dispatch of troops this time is so smooth, I hope that Li Su can also successfully defeat Zhao Yun, Shen Pei, Xu Rong and others.

"But the fly in the ointment is that the third brother failed to kill Sun Guan of the Ninth Colonel and Zhang Bao of the Eighth Colonel. Otherwise, it would be enough for Xu Ding to feel distressed for a while."

Xu Ding killed so many of Liu Bei's righteous brothers and generals, Liu Bei hated him to the bone, and wanted to revenge Xu Ding with an eye for an eye.

However, Koji still failed to fulfill his small request.

Five Nguyen Pass!
The good news of Jizhou has just passed the pass, and the general guarding the pass is Liu Bei's man named Liu Ji, who is a member of Liu Bei's hometown.

Therefore, he is also very bright. The bigger Liu Bei's power is, the more he develops and grows, the more developed his old Liu family can be.

If one person attains the Tao, can chickens and dogs ascend to heaven?
If it weren't for this relationship, how would he be able to take over such an important hurdle with a skill that is beyond the reach of third-rate force.

Little did Liu Ji know that death was quietly approaching him.

Report it soon.

"General! Five hundred riders are coming from Jizhou, dragging many carriages, approaching Guancheng."

"Oh! The cavalry from Jizhou came over, but they could clearly see the flags being fought back and forth." Liu Ji was also alert when he arrived to guard the pass, but Liu Bei had repeatedly warned him.

Don't be careless.

The confidant who reported the report replied: "General, the army is coming under the banner of the three generals."

"Qu Yi's cavalry, that's right, he is the only one who has cavalry coming back from the south." Liu Ji lost most of his suspicions, and then went to Guancheng with his men.

Sure enough, when they reached the city gate, the cavalry outside the city resisted with experience.

Liu Ji asked: "Which movie do you belong to? Why haven't you seen it before? What's in the car?"

Liu Ji really noticed that the other party's eyes were harsh, so he asked casually.

Qu Yi's army was not the army of Bingzhou, many of them followed him from Liangzhou to Central Plains.

So it's normal that Liu Ji doesn't know each other.

The leading young general outside the city replied: "Back to General Liu, isn't my general beating up the entire Zhongshan country? Hey, we robbed some gold and silver in Lunu. This is not because we are afraid that Zhongshan country will not be peaceful. The general asked us to escort us to Jindai County, Zhidai County brought back to Jinyang City earlier."

"Oh!" Liu Ji's eyes lit up when he heard this.

It's full of gold, silver and jewelry, Qu Yi has made a fortune.

But it's right to think about it, Lunu is a prefectural city, there are many big merchants and households in it, and Jizhou is a rich place.

Liu Ji couldn't help feeling a little envious and jealous.

Although he was entrusted with a great task by Liu Bei, there is no oil and water in Wuruan Pass.

Where is it like Qu Yi, in the hinterland of Jizhou, there are money to grab and women to sleep.

Thinking of this, Liu Ji felt a little upset.

The general who came to the army may have also discovered Liu Ji's jealousy, so he said again: "By the way, General Liu, my general said that General Liu helped us guard the important pass in Dai County this time. I firmly sent a box of souvenirs to the general, I hope the general doesn't mind."

"Hahaha, please be polite, please be polite, the third general is polite, according to my identity, I have to call the third general the third uncle, how dare I accept the third uncle's things." When Liu Ji heard that Qu Yi had given him something, he couldn't help but Thinking about it, a bright smile on his face.

He hurriedly said to his subordinates: "What are you still doing in a daze, open the city gate, it's winter, don't let the brothers outside freeze, quickly invite everyone to go to the city to rest, warm up by the fire, and eat some ginger soup."

The Guancheng army, all the riders entered the city, Liu Ji went down the city, and some couldn't wait to receive the box.

But the general smiled and said: "General, there are many people here, and they are watching when they return home."

"Yes, yes, yes! What you say makes sense, what you say makes sense." Liu Ji rubbed his hands, nodded and smiled.

That's right, wealth is not revealed, it is appropriate to show the year here, and count quietly when you go home.

Soon Liu Ji and the general returned to the guard's mansion in Guancheng accompanied by dozens of riders from each other, while the others rested in the city pass.

When we came to the mansion, closed the door, and carried the box to the hall, Liu Jizai couldn't help it, and hurriedly said: "Open the box!"

A rough man is a rough man, there is nothing subtle about it.

This time, he will no longer stop him, but give his subordinates a wink.

Liu Ji's subordinates opened the box in threes and fives, but they were dumbfounded the moment they opened it.

I saw a person inside.

A burly man with a battle ax in his hand.

Liu Ji and the others were stunned for a while, then looked at Laijiang, with an expression of wanting to investigate.

"Liu Ji is to die!"

It turned out that the person in the box was Xu Huang who was ordered to take it off.

Xu Huang played a Trojan horse and tricked Liu Ji into letting him obediently into the city and carrying him into the mansion.

While speaking, Xu Huang picked it out, and chopped off Liu Ji, who was not in a hurry to avoid it, with an axe.

Before Xu Huang made a sound, Xu Huang's subordinates sent weapons into the bodies of Liu Ji's subordinates.

Before Liu Ji and his men could react quickly, they were hacked and stabbed to the ground.

When Xu Huang captured Liu Ji and went out to find the remnants of the enemy in the city, the cavalry who stayed behind the city wall also took care of Liu Bei's generals here.

The entire Wuruan Pass was successfully taken down. After this pass, Liu Bei lost contact with Qu Yi.

Of course, Liu Bei was terrified when he heard the news the next day.

"Wu Ruanguan was taken away, Liu Ji... mistaken me...!"

Yuan Shao was defeated, and Xu Ding went south to Jizhou.

Things are moving too fast.

Yuan Shao actually lasted only ten days and completely defeated the army.

Even a pig, with tens of thousands of troops guarding Ji County, can last for two or three months, not to mention Yuan Shao, who can last half a year.

How long has it been.

Liu Bei suddenly felt like he was being tricked.

It's not that the enemy is too cunning, but that the friendly forces are not strong enough.

Now that Wuruan Pass has been captured by Xu Ding again, there is no news from Jizhou, and he has no way to intervene in how to proceed and how to develop, and he is in a state of panic.

"Report! My lord, something is wrong. The country leader sent me an urgent military report." Just when Liu Bei received the news that Wuruan Pass had been lost, Jian Yong hurried in with a letter in his hand.

Guo Rang, Tian Yu is also a document received by Liu Bei when he went to Youzhou.

Gradually, Liu Bei attached great importance to the management of state and county affairs.

He was also his confidant who stayed in Bingzhou, responsible for assisting Li Su and monitoring Li Su's officials.

At this time Li Su was not in Bingzhou, he was not big, and many generals and officials were not there. Could it be that there was a rebellion in the state.

Liu Beihuai took the letter with anxiety, and quickly opened it.

After watching it, big tears flowed from the back of the head and into the back.

"My lord, what exactly is it? Guorang is quite calm in his work, but this time he is in such a hurry." Jian Yong asked.

Even Liu Yan could see Liu Bei's strangeness, but he didn't speak.

Liu Bei sighed heavily: "Xu Ding has the heart of destroying me and annexing the state, and his greed is like gluttony. He not only wants to take Youzhou and Jizhou in this battle, but also wants to annex me and annex the state.

Guo Rang said in the letter that more than ten thousand Donglai troops passed through the grassland, and now they have entered the cloud of our Bingzhou, and are coming to Dingxiang County, and they may reach Yanmen and Taiyuan soon. "

"What? The Donglai army has killed in Yunzhong and Dingxiang?"

Jian Yong and Liu Yan turned pale with shock.

The promised speed of dispatching troops is too fast.

Youzhou over there has just been pacified, and Bingzhou has been killed here.

This appetite is really not ordinary.

Is he going to devour the world?
"My lord, do you know the banner of the invading army!" Liu Yan asked.

Xu Ding's army has the most numbers and the most definite name.

From the number, we can know the strength of the Donglai Army.

Liu Bei said: "It's Xu Ding's Guiyi Army. Their banner is to eliminate the Xianbei bandits. The counties in the border towns may not dare to stand in their way."

If Xu Ding clearly violated and the state still has reason to fight against expulsion.

But who dares to stop the slogan of clearing up the alien race of Xianbei.

Who wants to bear the infamy of being a foreigner.

Hearing that it was the Guiyi Army, Liu Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Master, since it is the Guiyi Army, there is no need to worry too much. Most of the soldiers in this army are dominated by Wuhuan, and their strength is not strong, let alone Wanqi. It would be difficult for [-] to [-] to enter Yanmen and kill Taiyuan County."

"I'm not worried that they can capture Yanmen. What I worry about is that their real intention is to cut off our army's retreat, and maybe they will arrange other troops to attack our Bingzhou." Liu Bei's worry is not unreasonable.

Xu Xiang has always been determined after planning.

Either you don't make a move, and if you make a move, you will be crushed to death, no matter who you hit.

Now that he has shown his fangs to Bingzhou, whether he really wants to eat it in one bite is worth pondering.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help thinking of a person.

Zhang Yang in Hanoi still occupies Gaodu City and other places. If they send troops to the north, Shangdang will also be in danger.

If Xu Ding had planned to annex the prefecture, would he deliberately lure him to Jizhou to make a copy of Yuan Shao?

First, he took his Bingzhou lair first, and then devoured the army besieged in Jizhou one by one.

Thinking about it carefully, the more Liu Bei thought about it, the colder his spine became.

Almost all of my army has left Bingzhou now, but Bingzhou has lost its foundation after being besieged, and it won't last for a few months.

Xu Ding devoured Yuan Shao too fast, so the consumption was not too great.

In addition, there are many adults in his land and abundant supplies, which can completely sustain the war for a long time.

With his own human, financial and material resources, it is difficult to fight a protracted war with Xu Ding.

Following Liu Bei's train of thought, Liu Yan and Jian Yong also took a deep breath.

Does Xu Ding really want to annex the state?
Now they dare not gamble, Xu Ding's plan is far beyond their imagination.

A normal prince would not dare to deal with the three major forces in the north at the same time.

It is safest to beat one by one and digest by the ground.

Jian Yong swallowed, but still asked: "My lord, how should we deal with it?"

(End of this chapter)

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