Chapter 30
In the evening, Lu Bu prepared a banquet for Sun Simiao, and Qian Lin also attended the banquet.

The busyness of the past few days directly exhausted Qian Lin. He couldn't get sick and didn't get out of bed until a few days ago.

At the banquet, Qian Lin's address to Lu Bu was unknowingly changed to the lord, and Lu Bu smiled slightly after hearing this title.

Lu Bu has checked Qian Lin's data: "Qian Lin: Armed Forces 61, Commander 70, Intelligence 82, Politics 85."

This data can only serve as an official who governs a county or a county, and it is difficult to entrust important tasks.

Therefore, Lu Bu did not give Qian Lin a new appointment, and still took the post of counselor.

The banquet is gone, the cups and plates are messed up, and the guests and hosts enjoy themselves.

New Year's Eve is coming soon, even in the bitterly cold place of Liaodong, this day is decorated with lanterns and festoons to celebrate the new year.

Lu Bu did nothing else on New Year's Eve, and drank the whole night with a group of old bachelors under his command.

No wife and children, no Spring Festival Gala to watch, what else can I do without drinking?
At the beginning of the new year, Vientiane is new.

The silver-clad Liaodong land is adorned with a little red, which adds a bit of festiveness to the plain.

Because of the severe winter, Wuhuan, a foreign race, has not made any movements recently, so Lu Bu and the people of Liaodong are naturally happy to see this scene.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Lu Bu got up early.

Morning exercise is what Lu Bu has been insisting on, rain or shine!

As long as there are no knives in the sky, Lu Bu will not delay his morning exercises.

Because Lu Bu knows that morning exercise can keep the body in a good state, and insisting on morning exercise will benefit endlessly!

Lu Bu originally wanted to practice the halberd first, but after thinking about it, Lu Bu put the halberd back on the weapon rack beside him.

Lu Bu walked with his feet together, looking forward, with his arms hanging on both sides of his legs.

Immediately afterwards, only hearing the crisp sound of "snap", Lu Bu threw a punch violently.

Subsequently, a series of moves such as Beng Gong and Arrows, Five Sacred Cone, Liuhe Pounce on Dijin, Mountain Cleaving Ax and Steel, Mountaineering and Exploring Horses, Encircle and Stop Tigers Hold Urgently, Bear Squat Hard and Squeeze, Crane Step Pushing Mountain Steadily, etc. were all adopted by Lu Bu. As soon as it is used, there will be popping sounds from time to time.

Dian Wei and other generals were all woken up by Lu Bu. They hurriedly dressed and came to the courtyard, only to find that it was their master who was practicing boxing.

The more Dian Wei and the others watched, the more frightened they became. What kind of boxing technique is this?Why have you never seen it before?
The boxing that Lu Bu practiced was Bajiquan, which is famous for its fierceness!
The proverb says: "Wen has Taiji to secure the world, Wu has Baji to fix the world!"

Bajiquan itself is a fierce and domineering boxing method, and Lu Bu in his previous life was only rough.

But now Lu Bu's body can maximize the power of Bajiquan.

Some of the moves that Lu Bu couldn't do before, can now be driven like arms!

The more Lu Bu fought, the more excited he became. A set of Bajiquan was hit vigorously by him, making crisp sounds like firecrackers from time to time!

Dian Wei and the other generals were dumbfounded, there are such boxing techniques in this world?

One month later, all of Huang Xu's illnesses were cured.

Huang Zhong, who was guarding the frontier, couldn't help crying when he heard the news of Huang Xu's recovery.

His wish was fulfilled, the Huang family had a queen, so what fear would he have if he died in battle from now on?
After thinking about it, Huang Zhong got up and knelt down in the direction of Xiangping, his eyes were extremely firm!
After the new year, Lu Bu began to prepare for the army.

Because the weather is getting warmer, Wuhuan's cavalry will no longer be so law-abiding!
A fierce battle with Wuhuan is inevitable at that time, so Lu Bu must plan ahead and take countermeasures in advance.

You can't wait for someone to knock on your door before doing it, can you?Passive defense is not the best strategy, and preemptive strikes are needed!

By this time, all the ten thousand soldiers under Lu Bu's command had put on iron armor, and their weapons had all been refurbished.

But Lu Bu didn't think that [-] soldiers were enough, so Lu Bu ordered conscription.

Anyway, if you need money and money, and food and food, how long will you wait if you don't recruit soldiers at this time?
Under Lu Bu's call, Di Renjie notified all the subordinate counties in Liaodong about the conscription.

The recruiting office was almost overwhelmed by the young men who came to join the army. Gao Shun, who was in charge of recruiting, carefully selected eight thousand young men.

Why is it so hard for others to recruit soldiers, even reaching the point of catching strong men, but Lu Bu's recruiting is so simple?

In fact, the reason is very simple, Lu Bu pays them military pay, and provides three meals a day!
Lu Bu's treatment for soldiers can be said to be the only one in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, so young and strong people are willing to join the army.

Because joining the army can not only support oneself, but the military salary can also be used to support the family. Why not do the two things that kill two birds with one stone?

Then Lu Bu divided the [-] young men into divisions. Lu Bu first selected [-] smart soldiers from among them, and ordered Li Yuanfang to secretly set up Jinyiwei as an intelligence department, responsible for scouting intelligence and seizing opportunities.

Lu Bu, who came from a later generation, deeply understands how important information is in this era of inconvenient transportation and horses. If you get the information one step ahead, and when you know the information, you can seize the opportunity and defeat the enemy thousands of miles away.

Therefore, Lu Bu made up his mind to establish Jinyiwei, which can be regarded as the embryonic form of his intelligence agency.

Lu Bu handed over all the brainwashing techniques to Li Yuanfang, letting Li Yuanfang brainwash the first batch of intelligence personnel, and let them know who he is loyal to.

Of course, at this time, the words can't be too obvious, and it must be stated in a subtle way. If the rebellion is revealed now, it will be dead in daylight!

A centipede is dead but not stiff, let alone a behemoth like the Han Dynasty!Everything has to be figured out slowly!

As for the remaining 3000 soldiers, Lu Bu divided them into two and allocated 500 soldiers to the Qin Qiong Department and [-] soldiers to the Zhang Liao Department.

In this case, Qin Qiong and Zhang Liao will each lead [-] soldiers.

Of course, the combat effectiveness of these young and strong men who have never been on the battlefield is not high, and they are simply incomparable with the veterans who have experienced battles.

A hundred-war veteran from Bingzhou can even beat four or five recruits by himself, without blushing or panting.

So Lu Bu ordered them to be broken up and incorporated into the Bingzhou Army, making these veterans of many battles their masters.

In addition, Lu Bu changed the rule of practicing every three days to practicing once a day.

At first the soldiers complained about this, but when they saw Lu Bu eating and training with them, all the previous unhappiness and complaints turned into admiration.

If the protagonist is like this, what about them soldiers?
Although the soldiers were tired, they all gritted their teeth and persevered. The protagonist didn't complain about being tired, so why should they shout about being tired?
Lu Bu's words "sweat more in normal times and bleed less on the battlefield" were also widely circulated in the army, and the soldiers deeply remembered this sentence in their hearts.

In this way, the combat effectiveness of Lu Bu's soldiers is increasing every day.

Lu Bu was very pleased to see this, the stronger the fighting power of the soldiers under his command, the greater his right to speak in the future!

In this chaotic year, whoever has the toughest fist is the boss!

Gong Shuyin also led the blacksmiths to forge weapons and armors with all their might. As soon as those armors were forged, Lu Bu recruited troops again.

This recruitment is another eight thousand!
Gong Shuyin had no choice but to continue to forge armor for Lu Bu. Previously, these blacksmiths dreamed of making weapons and armors, but at this time, they felt a little nauseated when they saw the piles of weapons and armors...

 The second watch arrives!Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for investment, ask for collection, thank you, buddy, give me a hug!

(End of this chapter)

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