I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 120 Attacking Xiaoyao Mansion

Chapter 120 Attacking Xiaoyao Mansion

Damn it!

Ghost wants you to like it!
How could Ouyang Feng, the murderous demon king, be in the Heaven and Earth Meeting?

Didn't he follow Ye Qing to the north to fight the Turks?

when did you come back.


This was the voice of the eleven people who came in.

At this time, they wish they could have four legs and run faster.

This guy Ouyang Feng is not just a powerhouse with first-rank strength.

Instead, he has a poisonous hand.

People who are poisoned die as ugly as they die.

So they scrambled to escape first.

But Ren Woxing and Ouyang Feng managed to lure them in, it was a mess.

How to let them out.

The two of them jumped down from the top one by one, and knocked down the two masters of the Flying Star Gang who were facing away from him with a blow with both palms.

The two vomited blood at the same time, and then their brains were crooked to death.

Ren Woxing's movements are not slow, as soon as his body moves, the star-absorbing star in his hand is lucky, and the one who wants to leave is instantly attracted.

When he attacked Ren Woxing with his backhand, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest and stopped gesturing.

Ren Woxing turned his wrist, and his palm hit the chest of this Golden Wing Gang master.

This flying upside down vomited blood and hit the accomplice who was trying to escape.

Hit several people and block everyone's way.

Then he spat out another mouthful of blood, only to feel that the severe pain in his heart was more unbearable, his body was a little weak, and he wanted to get up and exit the corridor wall, but he slapped the wall with his right hand, unable to move.

Finally, he crawled slowly on the ground, his body jerked, and he was lifeless.

The same is true for other people, the faster the exercise, the faster the poisonous qi and blood in the body will spread.

They fell down one by one, with black blood flowing from their eyes and nostrils.

Someone begged on the verge of death: "Help me... I am willing to join the Tiandihui..."

Life matters, and any integrity can be thrown away at this time.

Naturally, betraying the second gang is no problem.

But Ouyang Feng and Ren Woxing just smiled coldly, snorted, and killed them.

This kind of person who has no backbone and no conviction, even if he can betray two gangs at once, can also betray the Tiandihui.

It's better to kill the retrieved ones, so as not to worry about managing them.

The two ganged up and killed the 11 people, and then came out immediately.

Joined in the melee to assist Linghu Chong, Feng Qingyang, Yue Buqun, Zhui Ming, Tie Shou, Xie Xun and others.

The combination of life-chasing and iron hands can leap to Xiantian, and Xie Xun has been promoted by Shenglong Pill.

It can be said that only Yue Buqun is top-notch here, and the other seven are top-notch.

In addition, other Tiandihui members used the crossbow and the location to assist in killing the enemy.

The main altar of the Tiandihui was very lively for a while.

Because of Feng Qingyang's suppression of the field, although Xiaoyao Mansion's side has a small number of people, they are evenly tied with the two attacking gangs of masters.

Even with the increase in killing enemies, it gradually gained the upper hand.

This made Tie Feixing and Jin Xiang, who were coordinating and directing outside, frown.

The two groups of masters who originally had an absolute advantage should have easily crushed and killed Ren Woxing after attacking, but after fighting for so long, they were still fighting inside, which is really a bit abnormal.

"Could it be a dragon's pool and a tiger's lair inside? Follow me in, I want to see what mechanism is in the main altar of the Tiandihui!"

As gang leaders, both Tie Feixing and Jin Xiang are entry-level masters.

The two have never revealed their true strength, and even their subordinates don't know what rank it is.

But when the two of them moved lightly and arrived at the front and back doors of the main altar of the Tiandihui in a flash, the speed was astonishingly fast.

And neither of them jumped high from the wall, but landed in front of the solid door with a palm or a fist.

I saw the door swaying slightly, but there was a loud noise and shaking inside the door.

Then the two of them clapped their fists together.

Eight times later, the door burst open instantly.

Flying sand and rocks, doors shattered and walls cracked.

You Fang, who was fighting inside, was startled, briefly abandoned the opponent, and looked towards the front and rear doors...


On the other side, when the two gangs started fighting.

In the west city of Minwufang, countless people also climbed over the wall and entered.

These people are a little more low-key than the Flying Star Gang and the Golden Wing Gang.

There were no torches.

However, the number of people was more than that of the two gangs, and they continued to flow along several streets to outside the west wall of Xiaoyao Mansion.

"Go in, except for craftsmen, kill other personalities!"


These people are all wearing refined armor and holding sophisticated weapons.

and siege weapons.

For example, a ladder that is split into three sections can be a light short ladder after a little combination.

Climb it up, and immediately someone starts climbing.

There are also strip-shaped stools.

One on top of the other.

Build a tower shape, and then countless people began to climb up step by step.

Of course, there are first- and second-rate masters, who use these siege equipment under their feet, and then leap onto the high wall.


But when these people jumped up, they found something strange.

Then there was a howl.

"Ah! There is something in the city, it's an iron nail!"

Only those who have been recruited understand the pain from the iron nail piercing the toenail bone.

Then there was an ordinary person who was climbing, stretched out his hand and grabbed the wall and chopped it, and then his palms and fingers were scratched and stabbed with blood.

"Damn iron dysentery, and double-edged knives!"

Only then did the besiegers tremble with fright.

Damn, how did the little Xiaoyaofu get so many defensive things.

This is how cautious and careful.

What about trust between people?

"Be careful, go up the wall!"

Immediately, the leader of the team leader confessed, and then said: "Hurry up, first enter the mansion and control the craftsmen's row of the West Mansion, and set fire to other places if they can't be controlled!"

At this time, the Flying Star Gang and the Golden Wing Gang were attacking the Tiandihui, Xiaoyao Mansion's eyes were all attracted there, it was a good time to sneak attack.

We must seize this time to control more places in Xiaoyao Mansion.

Only in this way can we calmly collect and scrape out the things needed above from Xiaoyao Mansion.

Regardless of whether it was a master or an ordinary person, they all jumped down from the inner courtyard or put down the rope and slid down.

Suddenly, someone accidentally stepped on or touched the trap.

Then the howling sound could not be concealed.

At this time, countless open flames lit up in the west of Xiaoyao Mansion.

A torch was suddenly lit.

The city and the courtyard can be seen clearly.

Countless crossbow bolts shot out from the diamond-shaped fortresses that looked like monsters.

Intensive and frequent.

Invading enemies on the walls, in the courtyard, or climbing the diamond tower.

They fell to the ground with arrows.

Whether it is a master or an ordinary person.

He wanted to stay out of the way and hide, but found that all three sides were covered.

Numerous longbow guards rushed out of the courtyard, and the bows and arrows in their hands were more penetrating.

Far away is an arrow, which will injure and kill those who want to run!

"Damn it was discovered, attack, continue to attack!"

"Set it on fire, set it on fire now, and burn down the West Mansion!"

In an instant, dozens of masters and six to 70 elite soldiers were lost.

This group of commanding generals of the Chuyue Kingdom who obeyed the orders of Xiong Yue and Ye Cai decisively issued new orders.

At this time, they were not covering up, countless black shadows continued to rush out from the alley, and then the bows and crossbows were also taken out, and the torches were also lit. Both ordinary soldiers and experts began to attack Xiaoyao Mansion even more frantically.

However, the courtyard wall of Xiaoyao Mansion is a bit high, and the location of the diamond-shaped fort built is a bit clever.

support each other.

The hole is also opened a little hatefully, which belongs to the big inside and small outside, and the horn opens.

It is difficult to attack the inside from the outside.

It is quite simple for the people inside to attack the people outside, and the sight is quite wide.

The fort was built high, and the top was capped.

Even experts don't even think about having the chance to get in, they can only honestly enter from the only entrance below.

So the masters of the Chuyue Kingdom escaped the arrows and sneaked into the courtyard and began to look for this entrance.

At this time, there were men waiting for them at every entrance with spears or halberds.

Or maybe they were black masked men holding a round shield in one hand and a scimitar in the other.


"One product!"

"Another product!"

"Eighteen, so many first-class, how is this possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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