I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 139 Entering the Dong Mansion

Chapter 139 Entering the Dong Mansion

Three days later!
Dong's mansion in the east of the city!

A carriage stopped in front of Dong's Mansion, a wealthy family that was more imposing than ordinary Marquises and Grand Dukes.

A handsome young man stepped out of the carriage.

The young man has red lips and white teeth, plump and handsome, his eyes are like stars, his eyebrows are like mountains, and his nose is like a sharp sword.

He looked up at the vermilion forehead of the Dong Mansion, and then glanced at the pair of auspicious animal stone sculptures in front of the gate.

Ye Qing was slightly surprised!

Because the pair of auspicious animal stone sculptures have weird shapes and are very huge, far exceeding the average Gonghou's house.

Ye Qing pondered that this pair of auspicious animal stone carvings was definitely not brought in by ordinary people or craftsmen.

It must have used warriors and no less than dozens of masters to act together to make it.

"The background of the Dong family is really beyond comparison with ordinary people!"

At this time, Ye Qingfang knew the energy of the Dong family.

It is definitely not a name that can be exhausted by a foreign relative.

One of the founders of Qishan Pavilion, this is the most important thing in the Dong family.

"Excuse me, who is the young master, you can make an appointment with the head of my family!"

Seeing Ye Qing and others coming up, the Dong family guarding the gate asked politely.

Ye Qing said: "Ye Qing of Xiaoyao Mansion, I mentioned the visit to Dong Yushi three days ago!"

The Sixth Prince, Happy Marquis Ye Qing!
The gatekeeper was a little surprised, but after all, it was the Dong family who had seen a lot of knowledge, so they were stunned for a moment and then replied: "Master Hou, stop for a while, I will go to the mansion to report!"

Ye Qing nodded, not embarrassing him.

He quickly went in and came out and said: "Master Hou, please, my Patriarch is meeting guests in the hall!"

Only then did Ye Qing follow in, Xue Rengui and Li Cunxiao followed behind with boxes.

Arriving at the front yard of the reception hall, before Ye Qing and others went up the stairs, I saw four young men walking out of the hall.

Two of them used swords, one held a flute in his hand, and the other walked out with his fists in his chest.

Both the faces and bodies of the four youths were full of arrogance, and there was a look of disdain for all sentient beings.

Seeing Ye Qing and the others standing in front of him, he snorted coldly, with a murderous look in his eyes.

The Dong family who led the way hastily made a gesture of invitation, took Ye Qing and others to the side, and signaled the four to go first.

This made Li Cunxiao so angry that he glared at King Kong and wanted to speak.

At this time, one of the four people facing him with a sword said: "Hey, there is such a young third-rank warrior!"

The other woman holding a sword swept her phoenix eyes at Ye Qing and Xue Rengui, curled her lips and said, "These two are also good seedlings, but their roots seem to be average.

"Sister Huang has a good eye, and she can tell a person's qualifications at a glance, which is really enviable!" The young man with the flute flattered him, looking at Ye Qing and the others like Zou Gou, his eyes locked on the woman's waist .

Don't hold your fists together and say coldly: "Let's go, what are you doing talking nonsense here?"

The other three hurried out of the Dong Mansion after hearing the words.

"My lord, they..." Li Cunxiao was very dissatisfied, who is this, so arrogant, making random comments, it seems that he is very high and superior, as if he can control life and death.

Ye Qing shook his head and said, "Don't worry about things, this is Dong Yushi's guest."

The guide smiled and nodded, "Master Hou is wise, they are distinguished guests, so don't neglect them, Master Hou, please come with me!"

Speaking of this, the man led Ye Qing and others up the steps, and when he reached the entrance of the hall, he said:

"Master Hou, please come in!"

Ye Qing looked inward at this time, and Dong Yushi was sitting on the seat in the hall.

Dong Yushi's single name is Huang, and his surname is Meng Gao.

So it is also called Dong Menggao.

"You really dare to come!"

Dong Huang in the hall stared at Ye Qing with a smile on his face.

Like a ferocious beast ready to eat people at any time.

It sounds cold, as if you are thousands of miles away.

But this can't disturb Ye Qing, Ye Qing bowed and said: "Xiaoyao Mansion has always kept what it said, even if there are mountains of swords and fires ahead, since I said it, I will try my best to realize it.

Besides, visiting my uncle and lord is not entering a dragon's pool or a tiger's lair, so why dare not come. "


Dong Huang's face twitched slightly.

How dare you say it!

In terms of seniority, he is indeed an old uncle.

It makes sense.

But Dong Huang still sneered and said, "I didn't promise you to visit, and there is no one in the royal family who has a thicker skin than you."

"You didn't agree, didn't you refuse?" Ye Qing said with a smile:
"Honoring the elders, how can you take care of your face? There are so many clansmen in the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it is normal for one or two outliers to emerge."

After speaking, Ye Qing waved.

Li Cunxiao and Xue Rengui came up carrying the box.

Then put them less than twenty steps away from Dong Juan, and open the boxes one by one.

The first box is a colored glass in the shape of a turtle and a snake.

The size is not small, although the shape is crude and simple, it is somewhat similar and not very realistic.

But the brilliance it exudes, the transparent inside and outside, and the sense of crystal, still attracted Dong Juan all of a sudden.

"This is a Xuanwu beast!"

One of the four mythical beasts of Xuanwu.

The main north, the five elements of water, and represents the long beast.

The Dong family comes from Qishan Pavilion, so naturally all of them have martial arts, and their strength is not low.

They also worship and love the mythical beasts that symbolize power.

What's more, this basalt symbolizes longevity. For an elderly man in his 50s, it just fits Dong Juan's vision.

Who doesn't want to live a long life.

The richer people are, the more they want to live longer, because they want to enjoy a better life for a longer period of time.

Only those who are miserable and poor want to end this body and their unfortunate fate quickly.

The whole body is made of glass, as if formed naturally.

The meaning is better.

A rare treasure that is priceless.

Dong Huang's heart was moved.

However, he is old and mature, and he has been an official in the court for so many years, and he has long shown that he is not happy.

Even the superficial coldness and anger are all a disguise.

Dong Juan didn't speak, but turned his eyes to another box.

At this time Xue Rengui opened it.

I saw a pottery bowl in the box, which contained small white particles like powder.

As small as the slowly falling snow in winter.

Only civil servants like Dong Huang who have trained in martial arts can see in detail. Another person's eyes would definitely not be able to distinguish a pile of white objects placed in a bowl twenty steps away.

"What is this?" Dong Huang asked.

He really can't figure out what this is?
However, what Ye Qing could bring over and rank alongside Liuli Xuanwu was not ordinary.

But what Ye Qing wanted to say next broke his instinctive consciousness.

"This is the table salt we usually use every day." Ye Qing stepped forward, then took out the bowl and said:
"Of course, it is different from coarse salt, it is refined fine salt, we call it snowflake salt!"

Dong Huang seemed to think he heard it wrong.

A bowl of salt!

You brought this thing as a meeting gift?

Are you serious?

Dong Juan couldn't help feeling a little warm and angry.

Who do you look down on, the dignified Dong family will have no salt to eat, even if it is pure white like snow, even if it is refined through hundreds of processes, then it is only salt.

Do you, Ye Qing, want to humiliate me?

(End of this chapter)

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