Chapter 185 Conversation between Dong's Grandfather and Grandson
"No power or power?"

Dong Huang raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at the little grandson who was nearly eighteen in front of him, flashed a loving look, then shook his head and said:
"Who said Ye Qing is powerless?"

"Grandpa! The Marquis of Xiaoyao is not high. He is only a small county magistrate. How can he get the power? He doesn't have the support of other officials and aristocratic families. How can he get the power?" Dong Huang's youngest grandson, Dong Bai, asked puzzled. .

Dong Huang pointed to the seat beside him and said, "Sit down first, you won't be able to see the low scenery and overlooked places if you are always standing."

There are words in these words, and there are many Zen ideas.

Dong Bai seemed to understand, but according to Dong Huang's words, he sat down cross-legged.

Only then did Dong Huang say: "Ye Qing, the county magistrate, is a county in Chang'an City, and no one else can manage it except the emperor.

The head of a county can govern the region administratively, and can also conduct military affairs to defend and fight against the outside world. At the feet of the emperor, everyone is watching, and the power is not light.

Moreover, there are actually five thousand soldiers under his name, and he is actually half a county's soldiers and horses. Where the armed forces are elite, the prefect of a county would not dare to show his authority in front of him. Do you think he has the right? "

"Grandpa, I understand, he is another king of Xiliang! It's just that he is too weak, and in time, he will also be a contender for the throne!" Dong Bai is not stupid, after Dong Juan said this, he immediately understood.

At the beginning, he really had a prejudice against Ye Qing, so he was only a camphor tree, and he couldn't see all the things hidden behind Ye Qing.

Seeing this, Dong Huang's complexion turned slightly better, he stirred the wood of the brazier and burned it into sections of fiery red coals, closed his hand and put down the tongs and said:

"Talking about its power, overwhelming the kings with the scriptures, fighting the Turks in the northern border, saving the army from danger, the force is amazing, the strategy is shown, and the army is powerful;
Wen Zhan Chen Cong, a talented man with eight defeats, his poems are unparalleled, spread all over the counties, and his talent has become successful;

There are wine heroes, new brick kilns, unique food, auctions of Lifeng, refined salt accumulation, unstoppable wealth and prosperity;

The new plow first appeared, praised by all the people, and passed on the name of Guandong; the pollution of Sanfang was eliminated, and the people of Taihua were killed, shaking the rivers and lakes; the momentum of fame and prestige gradually became. "

Speaking of this, Dong Huang's eyes were full of blaze, looking at his grandson Dong Bai.

Inexplicably sighed, but also worried.

Dong Bai was dumbfounded.

His grandfather didn't list these things together in detail, he didn't expect it to be so clear.

Soldiers, talent, wealth, fame, and prestige all emerge, dazzling like the rising sun.

Soft and yearning at the same time.

Ye Qing is terrible!

Nine sons seized the heir, but none of them had both civil and military skills, and could take both fame and fortune into account.

Dazed for a long time, Dong Bai regained his composure, consciously losing his composure, and fearing that Dong Juan would scold him, he stood up and bowed, "Grandfather, it's my grandson who is too careless and arrogant, and my grandson treats it with the heart of a villain first." It is absurd to judge a person's abdomen as a whole."

Dong Huang nodded slightly, stroked his beard and said, "Sit down!"

Children can be taught, and the children of the Dong family are equally excellent.

"It's grandpa!" Dong Bai sat down respectfully, and then offered to help add a handful of wood:

"So Grandpa, the officials, the noble family, King Hongnong, King Fufeng, and King Chu, all sensed it and tried their best to suppress it.

In the end, he had no choice but to enter the pit and make a contract, hoping to complete his meritorious service in one battle and completely drive Xiaoyao Mansion into the abyss. "

This is why Ye Qingming seemed to have dug a hole, showing signs of cheating with Emperor Ye Zhen, and the officials did not object too fiercely.

Instead, actively contribute money.

Troubles that can be solved with money are not a problem in the hands of powerful people.

On the contrary, it is the most cost-effective deal.

"No! Ye Qing did this on purpose, because he was aware of the plans of the officials and the princes, so he set up an ambush by the way, and asked you to enter the urn." Dong Huang sneered and said:

"If not, where does Ye Qing have the time to develop, and where does he have the time to grow himself?"

Dong Bai stared again, his open mouth remained open for a long time.

That's it!

Calculate each other.

Ye Qing's biggest shortcoming is time.

His time out was too short.

No matter how talented and talented you are, you don't have the time to build your own network.

There is no time to consolidate one's basic market, and even less time to continue to develop and grow, and to establish a stable court and place.

So he couldn't do it either.

An adventure in itself.

Win and all troubles are solved.

No one can hold him down anymore.

If you lose... you lose.

"But Grandpa, where did he get his confidence! After a year, how could he do it?" After Dong Bai wanted to understand everything, he fell into the next vicious circle, full of doubts.

It's puzzling!

But this time his grandfather couldn't give an answer.

I saw Dong Huang shaking his head, and said with suspicion, "This is exactly what I haven't figured out, and I think it's also what Your Majesty and other officials haven't figured out.

I'm afraid no one will be able to figure it out for a long time. There is an expert in Xiaoyao Mansion, I don't know if it is Gongsun Yang, Zhang Yi, or the latecomer Guo Jia! "

"Grandpa, haven't you guys figured it out yet?" Dong Bai was a little surprised. Grandpa is the smartest person in the world he perceives, and he knows everything.

There is nothing he cannot see through.

Dong Huang smiled lightly and said: "What's so strange about this, this matter is far beyond the past, there are many strange things, the 'Glory of the King' behind Xiaoyao Mansion only reveals the tip of the iceberg, no one knows what kind of energy it is.

The success or failure of this bet is also unpredictable. "

When mentioning the glory of the king, Dong Bai thinks of Li Bai who is crazy and bloodthirsty.

That white-clothed swordsman, an arrogant man with a sword.

A rank four martial artist easily defeated the Second Elder of Taibai Mountain.

It is possible to fight against the fifth rank with the fourth rank, or even occupy the sixth rank.

Whether Hong Baxian can defeat Li Bai is unknown!

After all, if Li Bai dared to be so arrogant, he must have a backup.

Otherwise, Xiaoyao Mansion would be such an idiot, allowing Li Bai to kill people?

Although Ye Qing is going to hug Qishan Pavilion's thigh now, I always feel that Xiaoyao Mansion has other ways to deal with it.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be so calm!

"Then grandpa, how should we deal with ourselves!" Dong Bai asked after thinking about it seriously.

Dong Huang seemed to have made up his mind a long time ago, and said lightly: "Wait and see, let's see what Ye Qing's attitude is when he enters the palace, I believe your aunt will help the Dong family to control the pros and cons.

But in my opinion, Ye Qing, this little guy can please your aunt, so maybe you guys have to become scholars and go to Nancheng County to practice! "

"Uh!" Dong Bai was slightly taken aback.

It seems that my grandfather is also optimistic about Ye Qing.

Judging from his tone, he also praised Ye Qing a lot.

"So grandson, pay more attention to him, learn more, and be prepared. Your older brothers have places to go, so you have to make good plans for yourself." Dong Huang stood up, walked around behind Dong Bai, stretched out He stretched out his big thick hand, and patted Dong Bai's shoulder lovingly.

Then he walked to the inner room.

Dong Bai stood up, turned around and bowed to Dong Juan, he knew that Dong Juan was about to rest.

This has been good practice for decades.

After saluting, Dong Bai cast his eyes on the brazier.

His eyes flickered with the flame...

(End of this chapter)

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