I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 2 4 Prince Ye Mao blocks the way

Chapter 2 The fourth prince, Ye Mao, blocks the way

"Cards! Character cards!"

"Could it be possible..."

Ye Qing became more and more excited and looking forward to it.

"The system uses cards!"

"Good host."

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the general card and obtaining Zhao Yun of the Three Kingdoms (first class)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the lobbyist card and getting Zhang Yi of the Warring States Period!"

Zhao Yun, full of courage, with a white horse and silver spear, Zhao Zilong who enters seven times and exits seven times.

Zhang Yi!Wu Xinjun, who even crossed the countries in the Kanto, disintegrated the alliance of the six countries, and helped the Great Qin flourish.

One literate and one martial arts.


"By the way, what does the parenthesis after the system Zhao Yun mean?"

"Master, the force value in this world is divided into acquired and innate. Acquired is divided into first-rate, third-rate, second-rate, and first-rate; Bigger is stronger."

It was only then that Ye Qing realized that it was the level of force, but the generals of the Five Tigers of the Three Kingdoms were only first-class, and they were only acquired. So what do the innately strong in this world look like?
Zhang Rang was confused.

Why doesn't Ye Qing have that mournful expression.

Instead, he smiled foolishly along the way.

I am happier than being crowned prince.

"Is he really crazy?"

Soon out of the palace.

Ye Qing was taken into a car with only one horse.

Huanhuan was stuffed in together with him.

It can be seen that the degree of being ignored.

"My lord, where are they taking us, could it be..."

Huanhuan's small body curled up in a corner, not daring to get too close to Ye Qing.

In her eyes, Ye Qing is also a prince even if he is not welcomed.

Also a noble person.

But now she's more worried about what happens next.

So when he spoke, his face was frightened, and there was some fear in his eyes.

Ye Qing looked at Huanhuan, who was only 12 years old, with worry and fear on his petite and lovely face, and took the initiative to move over and said:
"Don't be afraid, Huanhuan, it's a good thing to leave the palace, from now on we are free, no one can bully us.

From now on, we will have enough to eat every day and new clothes to wear every day, your son will not let you be wronged, and we will never..."

Huanhuan heard the words, raised her head and looked at Ye Qing, seeing Ye Qing's confident and determined face, a smile finally melted on her face.

"Really, son? We won't be in the past..."

"Of course, believe me, it won't be anymore. The past will disappear with the wind, and we have a new sky. I hope that today's existence will not be able to hide our right to pursue happiness!"

If it was before, Ye Qing would not dare to say such a thing.

But the magic of the system and generous rewards.

Let him have unparalleled self-confidence, and that firm belief.

"Hmm! I believe in you, you are born extraordinary, you will be able to do it!"

Huanhuan was also infected by Ye Qing's confidence, and nodded slightly.

The fear and panic in my body were also suppressed.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Outside the car!

Zhang Rang and the accompanying guards who heard the conversation between Ye Qing and Huanhuan couldn't stop laughing.

a waste!
An abandoned son without even a title.

A prince with no background and no support, you still want to pursue happiness.

It's a big joke.

It's not easy to torture those princes who haven't left the palace too much.

After leaving the palace and losing the amulet at the gate of the palace, you don't even know how you died.

"Crazy! It really is crazy, and there is also paranoia."

Zhang Rang began to feel bored.

Soon everyone went to Minwu workshop, which was one of the three worst workshops in Chang'an City of Dazhou.

The people living in it are all poor people, and there are some people of different religions and nine streams.

Poor law and order, chaotic and dirty.

Gang fighting is serious.

One can imagine what a mansion here would look like, and what price it would be.

Suddenly the carriage stopped, and the team was stopped in the middle of the road into the workshop.

"Hahaha, I really made this king wait so long!"

It turned out that it was Ye Mao, the fourth prince of the Great Zhou Empire, who stopped everyone.

"My servant has seen His Highness the King of Chu." Zhang Rang saw Ye Mao, with a bright smile on his face, and took the initiative to greet Ye Mao.

Walking forward slowly, after so long, I finally arrived at Ye Mao.

Seeing Zhang Rang, Ye Mao nodded in satisfaction: "Eunuch Zhang has a heart, and I will thank you very much."

This is what I want.

Zhang Rang hurriedly said: "Thank you, Your Highness, King Chu."

Then he stood aside and said to Ye Mao in a low voice, "Your Highness, please take a breath, the slaves have to be sent to the mansion."

The subtext is to the effect that as long as you don't kill yourself, you can play whatever you want today.

"Hahaha... OK! I will show Eunuch Zhang some face, and I will spare his life today."

Ye Mao laughed even more unscrupulously.

I must have a good time today and torture Ye Qing, a bastard.

"My lord, yes...it's the fourth prince!" Huanhuan's emotions that had just been calmed down suddenly became tense again.

Wuzhu held Ye Qing's arm and said: "Master, run quickly, the fourth prince will definitely beat you, and he will bully you again, you..."

"Don't be afraid of Huanhuan, remember what I just said, no one can hurt us again, your son can not be bullied casually." Ye Qing comforted Huanhuan, and said in a series of systems in his mind:

"System, where is my Zhao Yun?"

"Master, your Zhao Yun is nearby, as long as you shout, he will come out."

"Hahaha, run, maidservant Ye Qing, where else can you go?" Ye Mao Yijing approached the carriage, held a wooden stick in his hand, knocked on the box of the carriage and said:
"Ye Qing! Get out of here yet."

Ye Qing lifted the curtain and came out like a cat from inside.

Seeing Ye Mao holding a wooden stick, he said coldly, "I have something to do!"

"Hahaha, what's the matter?" Ye Mao's face suddenly became fierce, and he swung his stick:
"Stand up for me, and see how I beat you to death."

If it was Ye Qing from before, he would never have dared to dodge, let alone make other moves.

But now Ye Qing is no longer that cowardly little prince.

He turned around, moved his feet, and hid.

Ye Mao hit the air with the wooden stick, but instead fell forward.

A little surprised and dazed.

But before he could react, Ye Qing stepped on the wooden stick with one foot, and then kicked Ye Mao's shoulder with one foot.

As soon as Ye Mao felt the pain, he flew upside down and fell to the ground.

"Bastard! You dare to hide! If you dare to hit me, you will die!"

A series of abnormal actions by Ye Qing made Ye Mao even more annoyed instantly.

"Your Majesty said that I'm ignorant, that I don't want to make progress, that I'm embarrassing to the royal family, and that I'm a waste. So you are worse than a waste." Ye Qing said coldly:
"First of all, my father is the emperor. You say you are my father. Could it be that you want to kill the king and rebel to become the emperor; secondly, the wooden stick can only be beaten but not whipped. You even use such simple grammar wrongly. It can be seen that you have read books for so many years. I went to the dog; if you attack in public, if I don’t hide, you will hurt me, you are ruining the face of the royal family; in the end, I will not die, if I die, you will never want to covet the crown prince in this life, And the only one who can kill me is Your Majesty, you are not qualified yet."


Ye Mao was momentarily stunned.

It's okay for Ye Qing to fight back.

He also speaks eloquently of such a great truth.

And it's kind of right.

The others were also stunned for a while.

The most surprising thing is Zhang Yi.

The crazy prince suddenly taught the fourth prince His Royal Highness the King of Chu.

Every word Ye Qing said was justified.

Legally speaking, that's right.

Zhang Rang's eyes flickered slightly, revealing a hint of playfulness and gloom.

"Ye Qing is really good at talking nonsense and deceiving people with false rumors. No wonder His Majesty wants to demote you to the civil affairs workshop. Come on, if you don't control Ye Qing, if he resists, he can use weapons..."

(End of this chapter)

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