I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 202 Three British Battles with Hong Baxian

Chapter 202 Sanying Fights Hong Baxian
The three of them fought fiercely for a while, and the fight was inseparable.

Jing Wuming quietly took goose steps outside the pavilion, his sword was silent, his eyes fixed on Hong Baxian, waiting for the best opportunity.

He is like a squirrel waiting in wait, launching a net to the praying mantis.

Even Yue Buqun, who was struggling to the death with the Great Elder of Mount Taihua not far away, turned a blind eye to him, and had no intention of helping.

Although Yue Buqun is the head of the Huashan School, Ye Qing personally appointed him.

But Yue Buqun was not worthy of their care.

If you die, you will die.

His Jing Wuming's target is only Hong Baxian!


Hong Baxian was attacked by Yang Guo and Feng Qingyang at the same time, Hong Baxian acted as one with a sword, and blocked the other with a punch.

This kind of trick has been used several times before. This is a flaw and an opportunity.

But Jing Wuming didn't make a move.

Because he knew that Hong Baxian was not an ordinary person, and his strength was far above the three of them.

He still has leeway.

This flaw may also be a trap.

It was a trap that Hong Baxian lured him into the arena.

The purpose is to break the game.

So he, Jing Wuming, did not move.

It was just that the body leaned forward slightly, but it stopped again.

Immortal Hong Ba looked at the six directions and listened to all directions. He was alone in the battle with Yang Guo, and although his physical strength had declined, he was not at any disadvantage.

This is indeed what he left for Jing Wuming, but seeing that Jing Wuming was still so cautious and did not move, a trace of disappointment flashed in the corner of his eyes.

Too cautious assassin.

Obviously excited, but still hesitant.

Hong Ba couldn't help being contemptuous.

But just when he flashed this thought and put away his flaws, Jing Wuming moved.

There was a flash of his figure, and his sword was as fast as flying.

Feng Qingyang and Yang Guo did not retreat but advanced, they stepped forward and stabbed.

The three swords came to kill.

Yang Guo and Feng Qingyang did not avoid Hong Baxian's counterattack.

There is a posture of exchanging tricks for tricks and injuries for injuries.

This sudden change shocked Hong Baxian.

In a hurry, there was still a trace of consideration in his mind.

It is this trace of calculation that penetrates the body with a sword.

Jing Wuming succeeded.

"Puff puff!"

Then the sound of the three swords piercing into their bodies also sounded.


There was the sound of punching, and at the same time, the sound of a bone fracture was indistinguishable.


Hong Baxian's inner strength was vigorous, he let out a roar, and swung his long sword.

Yang Guo, Feng Qingyang and Jing Wuming retreated at the same time, stood guard at the entrance of the pavilion, stepped on the stairs with one foot, and landed with the other.

One of Yang Guo and Feng Qing Yang was injured internally and the other was injured externally.

They all secretly exercise their powers to protect the acupoints.

As for Hong Baxian in the pavilion, his hair was standing upright, and bright red blood flowed out from three blood holes.

Stained a large placket.

His eyes were red and his face was slightly ferocious.

After sweeping past the three of them, Hong Baxian was completely enraged, he used his kung fu to stop the bleeding, jumped and flew towards Yang Guo.

He still wants to break Yang Guo first, and start from there.

Jing Wuming is too cunning and can stick to it.

Feng Qingyang is famous for his swordsmanship, his body is like a ghost, and he can attack and kill in a flash.

Only Yang Guo dared and was willing to fight head-on.

This is the last chance!

This is his chance to kill the three of them.

If not, then he can only retreat.

As soon as he moved, Jing Wuming was like a shadow, and when he got behind Yang Guo's right, Feng Qingyang also chased him from the side of the pavilion.

Yang Guo did not move, he swung his sword to block it.

This time Yang Guo resorted to his lifelong skills and supplemented by his strongest inner strength.

"Clang clang!"

After the three sword strikes, sparks burst out, which is really beautiful.

Hong Baxian still couldn't kill Yang Guo, so he kicked his feet and jumped up, flying between the pavilion tiles, throwing the three of them away from the height.

But he wanted to leave, but Yang Guo didn't want to, he just tapped his foot lightly, the epee came first, followed by a palm.

"court death!"

Hong Baxian swung the epee away with one sword, and punched out.

From top to bottom, the power is stronger and the power is stronger.

He does have the right to say that.

Yang Guo is suspected of self-harm.


With a sound of explosion, several tiles of the pavilion collapsed, Yang Guo vomited blood, exhausted his last strength in mid-air, and swung the epee back, forcing Hong Baxian to defend with his sword.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jing Wuming and Feng Qingyang risked their lives.

Jing Wuming leaped to the right and pierced with a sword.

Feng Qingyang came from under the pavilion, piercing the roof of the pavilion with a sword.

Feng Qingyang strikes first with this sword.

Hong Ba was distracted first, and his attention was on the left, right and front, so he could only take care of Jing Wuming at this time.

Unexpectedly, Feng Qingyang stabs from the next sword.

The disciples on Mount Taihua in the distance were dumbfounded.

The leader fought three times in one battle, and was stabbed three times, allowing the thieves from the Huashan faction to successfully attack him.

Then Feng Qingyang stabbed out with the next sword, and they felt terrible, and wanted to remind Hong Batian, but it was too late.

The sword stabbed out, very sharp and sharp, the sword pierced straight up.

There was no obvious sound of violent collision and explosion.

Until the body wears boots.

It was only then that Hong Baxian noticed something strange.

At the same time, a sharp pain was transmitted to the brain.

It is said that the ten fingers are connected with the heart, and the soles of the feet are also connected with the internal organs.

This sword not only hurt him, but also distracted Hong Batian from all his mental attention.

I can't even move my body.

Unless he jumped up and got rid of the shackles of the blade.


Hong Baxian was stabbed by Jing Wuming's sword.

Another piercing sword strike, excruciatingly painful.

Hong Baxian's figure was small, and he slashed towards the pavilion with a sword, vowing to kill Feng Qingyang.

But Feng Qingyang is an old senior, he is old and refined, he drew his sword and walked away, put oil on the soles of his feet, retreated to the original pavilion gate, then jumped up from behind, went up to the pavilion, and attacked Hong Baxian fiercely.

Hong Baxian staggered and flew back, this time Jing Wuming didn't retreat with a single blow, but swung his sword to fight Hong Baxian.

Hong Baxian suffered several sword wounds, bleeding from his hands and feet.

But the combat power is still sturdy.

After all, it is the top five or above.

With a strong foundation, he swung his sword and fought Jing Wuming to a tie, and they exchanged several moves.

But when the wind cleared up, he would be weak.

Especially under the quick sword attack of the two.

Being besieged was extremely embarrassing, blood was continuously flowing out of his body, and he had no chance and time to take care of it.

Everyone in Taihua Mountain was a little at a loss now.

The leader was injured again.

And at a disadvantage.

If the fight continues like this, I'm afraid the leader will suffer.

This is how to do.

The Great Elder is nearby, so he can go over and help.

But it's ridiculous at this time.

The Great Elder actually chased Yue Buqun, but hadn't killed him yet.

Yue Buqun kept complaining, but tried hard to hold on.

At this time, the beauty of Zixia's magical power came. It can be healed when injured, and can be adjusted when there is no internal energy.

And it's endless from start to finish.

People don't die, and their internal strength is endless.

I can't beat you, but I can outrun you 1
Moreover, he is not a group, his own strength is not very weak, and he is the leader of a faction, so there are too many calculations in his mind.

To deal with an old man who is pissed off and only recklessly chases after him.

He can still last some time.

"What to do, can't the Great Elder kill that Yue Buqun?"

There are disciples from Mount Taihua who are in a hurry.

The leader can't lose.

Not to mention being killed by people from the Huashan faction.

"Save the head, no, it's to assist the head, hurry up..."

A clever disciple shouted, then drew his sword and rushed over.

The rest of the Taihua Mountain disciples also looked at each other when they saw it, and rushed over with their swords drawn.

Master hold on, you can't die...

(End of this chapter)

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