I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 211 Zhao Yun Level 4

Chapter 211 Zhao Yun Fourth Grade
Suddenly Ye Qing knew the arrangement of the system.

"So it is!"

Didn't the King of Xiliang want Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yun to go to Liangzhou?

I can't really just send the two generals and the two thousand fine riders over.

Without counselors to assist, it's no wonder that the IQ of Li Cunxiao and others are not played to death.

However, Li Ru, Guo Jia and others were not suitable to be released alone into such a dangerous place.

Xu Shu is undoubtedly the most suitable.

There is strategy and martial arts.

First-class strength is enough to protect and take care of your own safety.


Having figured this out, the corners of Ye Qing's mouth rose slightly, and a smile gradually covered his entire face.

"Master, the situation is very good now. The head of Taihua Mountain, Hong Baxian, is injured. He should take advantage of his illness to kill him and destroy Taihua Mountain in one fell swoop." Guo Jia stood up with bright eyes and said:
"My lord, I suggest that Li Bai touch it quietly, and cooperate with Feng Qingyang and Jing Wuming to kill Hong Baxian in the second attack."

Li Rumi's eyes also flickered coldly, and she agreed: "My lord, I think it's feasible!"

To shovel weeds, you need to remove the roots, and to beat snakes, you need to kill them.

Can not leave hidden dangers.

With Li Bai's fourth-rank strength, it should be enough to cooperate with Feng Qingyang and the other two to kill the injured Hong Baxian.

We can't let Hong Baxian react now, otherwise it will be very difficult to find him if he escapes from the gate of Taihua Mountain.

At that time, he will be in the dark and the Huashan faction will be in the light, but it will be bad.

It is not yet known how the other five factions will react.

In case any faction really supported Hong Baxian, it would be even more difficult to kill.

Shang Yang and Zhang Yi also agreed after hearing the words.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "Don't worry, I have a plan, and this Immortal Hong Ba must not die for no reason. To deal with Taihua Mountain and eliminate one of the six factions, there must be an upright and convincing reason."

"Then the lord wants to..." Before Zhang Yi finished speaking, Guo Jia interrupted and said with a smile:
"It's best to set the blame on! My lord can make a proper sacrifice."

Guo Jia laughed so cheaply when he said this.

Ye Qing couldn't help but admire Guo Jia's insight.

In terms of analytical power, Guo Jia is the strongest among the crowd.

If this guy hadn't been fooling around all day long, the ability he displayed would surpass everyone else.

But everyone has their own personality, preferences and pursuits.

Blame it!

Li Ru, Shang Yang and others instantly understood!
The atmosphere in Chang'an is very sharp and tense right now.

Who dares to say that he didn't think of black hands.

"Okay, let's wait for the next discussion on this matter. Let me introduce a new colleague to you. He may bring you different news." Ye Qing smiled slightly, and then rushed out of the door and said:

"Xu Shu came out to say hello to everyone...!"


Early the next morning, Zhao Yun rushed back from outside the city.

"My lord, you quietly summoned me back alone, but you have no instructions." Zhao Yun is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very wise.

The one that makes sense.

Ye Qingdao: "Zilong, you entered the rank at about the same time as me. Last time, my strength was raised to the third rank. I have one thing here. It is also estimated that you will suddenly be promoted to the third rank or even above, but it may be a little painful. Or it's just growing, would you like to wipe it off?"

That's right, Ye Qing finally considered giving Zhao Yun the force from "Glory of the King" to Zhao Yun.

This fits better.

Whether it is going to Liangzhou or launching the final fatal blow to Mount Taihua, Zhao Yun needs to be made stronger.

I have the strength of the third rank, and it is enough to protect myself. I need to develop properly to improve the strength of the masters in the mansion.

"This...my lord, after Yun came back, he didn't make an inch of merit. I'm afraid it's inappropriate. Why don't you give it to other people in the house!" Zhao Yun was a little excited, but he was quite rational and didn't want merit.

There are many people in the mansion who are less powerful than him.

It is a big advantage for him to be awarded the title of general.

"Hahaha, okay, this is the Zilong I know, and I like your humility." Ye Qing walked over, patted Zhao Yun's shoulder heavily, and said earnestly:

"Don't worry, everyone in the mansion will reward you for their merits. This time I'm giving you something special. It's not suitable for others, even for me. Only you are the most suitable. When you get it, you will understand. Now I just ask Do you want it or not!"

Hearing this, Zhao Yun hesitated a little, but seeing Ye Qing looking forward, his expression was determined.

Gritting his teeth, he said: "My lord's gift, Yun dare not postpone it, and vows to follow him to the death. The world can learn from it."

"Okay! What I want is your arrogance and courage!" Ye Qing put his hand on his shoulder and said:

"Relax your body, close your eyes and feel, imagine that there is a falling from the sky, giving you infinite power."

While guiding Ye Qing, he said to the system:
"System, use the Inheritance Card to give Zhao Yun the power of "Glory of the King" to Zhao Yun!"

"Okay, master!"

The next moment, Ye Qing saw a purple light descending from the sky, landing on Zhao Yun's body.

The moment it fell, purple light enveloped Ye Qing's own arms.

Faintly found a small swimming flash dragon.

"Boom!" Then Ye Qing seemed to be pushed away by a huge force, and his body flew off the ground with a bang.

Fortunately, Ye Qingyi was a third-rank martial artist at this time, and he had been strong for a long time.

That's why he didn't fall down, so he wouldn't be in a panic.

However, he still looked horrified.

What a domineering force.

It is indeed the power of unity between heaven and earth.

Zhao Yun and Zhao Yun cannot tolerate interference from outsiders.

At this time, Zhao Yun seemed to have obtained the power of the dragon king in the game of kings.

Lightning flashed all over his body, about to explode the outside world, and then a self-winding whirlwind picked up the surrounding soil and sand, wrapping Zhao Yun.

And in the sky, Wanben's clear sky was quickly covered by dark clouds.

The world suddenly darkened.

But it was only a few seconds before the dark clouds were pierced by the bright sun.

All dissipated.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the earth dragon whirlwind exploded.

The dust has settled all around.

Zhao Yun stood there, opened his eyes, and showed an incredulous expression.

The whole person's spirit and appearance are brighter and more brilliant than before.

It's really like the return of a god of war, as if as long as you have a spear in your hand, you can kill any enemy until you are exhausted.

"My lord, please be respected by Zhao Yun!"

Zhao Yun suddenly bowed on one knee again, and his words were more chilling and incomparable worship.

Ye Qingmi sized up the new Zhao Yun with eyes, and asked, "How is your strength?"

Zhao Yun raised his head and replied confidently: "Young Master Yu, Jing Si is not my opponent."

That's right, it's that confident.

Not a single interrogative, much less humility.

Li Cunxiao is a third rank, although he is one rank short, he will not lose to fourth or fifth masters.

"Uh! Good! Sure enough, I guessed correctly." Zhao Yun only said that it was at least the fourth rank, and Ye Qing didn't care whether it was the fourth rank or the fifth rank.

In addition to Li Bai, there is another fourth grade in the mansion.

Xiaoyaofu is strong.

"Let's go! Come with me to inspect the construction site. I think our enemies have already passed through the ages, so it's time to give them a little surprise!"

(End of this chapter)

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