I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 227 Beishi Mission Goes to Xiaoyao Mansion

Chapter 227 Beishi Mission Goes to Xiaoyao Mansion
"Your Highness, it's easy to ask what you want us to inquire about, so I'll just..."

In the private room of the Yingxiong Building, the envoy of the mission who had pissed off Honglu Temple Zhengqing during the day was about to continue, when the woman opposite waved and said:

"Let's talk later, Uncle Li, come and taste it, the food in the Hero Building is really delicious, so delicious, it's all the best in the world, even our palace can't compare it."

"Ah! The people of Dazhou are so happy, I really want to take Chang'an!" The woman admired while eating the delicious food.

Upon hearing this, the envoy Li Zheng wanted to cry but had no tears.

This is the famous Princess Feiyan of their Northern Stone Kingdom, and this is the third princess who has always been known for being ruthless, who likes to wield knives and guns, and slashes and kills on horseback.

Many northern Diyi died in her hands.

No one would have thought that here would be a lovely food lover.

Seeing her happy and relaxed little girl pose will definitely subvert most people's imagination.

"Eat, Uncle Li, don't just stand there stupidly, you won't be able to see enough, you will only drool!" Princess Feiyan greeted again, then ignored Li Mu and continued to enjoy the happiness brought by the food.

The corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched.

If someone else dared to talk to him like that, he would have been slapped in the face.

But who told this to be Princess Feiyan?

The people of Beishi country speak straight anyway, without so much hypocrisy.

Li Mu tried to get as far away as possible from Princess Feiyan, then took the chopsticks and tasted them too.

As soon as the real thing entered his mouth, Li Mu's eyes lit up.

Then he gobbled it up, no matter what the upper and lower ranks.

Anyway, the people of Beishi Country are casual.

In the worst case, he was punished and his head was chopped off.

no big deal,
"Uncle Li, you... stole my lion head!"

"Oh, delicious!"

"Uncle Li, you stole my braised shrimp!"

"Oh, delicious!"

"Uncle Li, you're eating, so I didn't eat?" Zhao Feiyan put down her chopsticks angrily, and opened her mouth halfway.

Looking at Li Mu, he continued to rage unknowingly, only replying from time to time: "Oh, delicious!"

Li Mu didn't wipe his mouth with his sleeve until he finished sweeping all the delicacies.
Looking at Zhao Feiyan, she rolled her eyes angrily, and stared at him like a tigress about to go berserk and eat him.

"Your Highness, you told me to eat it, and you must not go back on your golden words." Li Mu was not afraid of Zhao Feiyan's crime at all, but he spoke with certainty.

Zhao Feiyan snorted coldly, her expression changed, and she became a little frosty.

"General Li, didn't you say you have something important to report?"

Seeing this, Li Mu immediately stood up and straightened his body.

With a solemn expression, he wanted to speak loudly, but when he thought that this was the Hero Building.

The Hero Building is the property of Xiaoyao Mansion, so he lowered his voice and said: "Your Highness, Xiaoyao Mansion is very big now, the mansion is countless tall, and Ye Qing's title has been improved a lot, and he is also the magistrate of Nancheng County. After taking office... ..."

Following Li Mu's introduction, Zhao Feiyan knew that so many major events had happened in Chang'an City of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

And everything is related to Ye Qing.

He has always been in charge.

This Ye Qing is simply a broom star, wherever he comes into contact with, there will be great changes.

No matter whether it is aristocratic family or civil servants, they all suffered a lot in his hands.

What kind of reservoirs are needed, 10 people are mobilized to repair rivers and canals and dams, and the wasteland of a county is to be converted into a granary.

It's just unimaginable.

"By the way, Your Royal Highness, Taihua Mountain, the Great Saturday Gate School, was also destroyed by him. It is said that the Hua School on Taihua Mountain is also related to him." Li Mu added.

Zhao Yunyan was dumbfounded for a while.

This Ye Qing is too capable of tossing around.

"It's only been a few months since leaving the palace, and there has been such a big commotion." Zhao Feiyan said:

"So, if Ye Qing destroyed Taihua Mountain, everyone in the other five factions should be in danger. They are at odds with the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the Great Zhou Dynasty will be in chaos."

"Basically, the Dong family is said to be on good terms with Ye Qing. Qishan Pavilion may still wholeheartedly support Ye's royal family. It's hard to say for the other four factions."

"That's good. Ye Qing will be affected by civil turmoil in the Great Zhou Dynasty, so..." Zhao Feiyan showed a smug smile and said:

"So let's go to Xiaoyao Mansion tomorrow and visit this Ye Qing. As for the Great Zhou Emperor, he dare not touch us."

"It's natural. There are tens of thousands of soldiers from Beishi Kingdom at the border. As long as the Emperor of Great Zhou is not stupid or confused, how dare he do harm to His Highness." Li Mu also said confidently and proudly.


The next day!

All the ministers go to court!

Before Ye Zhen came, the officials were discussing the issue of Beishi Kingdom.

After the emperor sat upright, he looked towards the officials below and found that there was no sign of the Beishi Kingdom mission.

After the eunuch in charge of ceremonies finished singing loudly, Ye Zhen coughed and turned his gaze to the Ministry of Rites.

The Minister of Rites knew what Ye Zhen meant, so he gently pushed Zheng Qing of Honglu Temple.

Honglu Temple Zhengqing looked embarrassed, stood up, accepted everyone's gaze, and then hesitated:

"Your Majesty... Beishi Kingdom, the Beishi Kingdom's mission did not come to court."

This time, the Ministry of Rites paid great attention to it. The official of Honglu Temple had been waiting in front of the official gate early in the morning, but he never saw the official envoy of the Beishi Kingdom's mission.

Then immediately sent someone to check.

"No, how is this possible, why didn't you come?"

The officials all around started talking.

The most important topic of today's court meeting is the issue of the Beishi Kingdom mission.

As a result, the other party did not come.

What a trick.

Does the Ministry of Rites not want to do it?

It's fine if you were beaten in the face by someone at Honglu Temple yesterday, but now you've been beaten to the court, you, the official minister of Honglu Temple, are too incompetent.

"Honglu Temple, how did you entertain the envoy!" Ye Zhen's face suddenly changed, showing anger.

Now there is a plan to take down Zhengqing of Honglu Temple.

Zhengqing of Honglu Temple grieved and worshiped: "Your Majesty, I have sent someone to investigate, I believe there will be news soon!"

While speaking, Zhi Jinwu sang the official name of a deputy of Honglu Temple outside the hall.

Ask for an audience.

Ye Zhen said: "Xuan!"

"Your Majesty has a decree, enter the palace!" The eunuch sang.

The Jin Wu outside the hall immediately let the person in.

Soon the officials from Honglu Temple came in.

He looked at Honglu Temple Zhengqing, and then he bowed to Ye Zhen:

"Your Majesty, the Beishi Kingdom Mission has gone to Xiaoyao Mansion, and will make a pilgrimage to His Majesty in the future!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Everything exploded.

What does the Beishi mission want to do?
It's fine if you don't live in the post house.

It's all when you are willful and follow your will.

But now, coming to Chang'an, instead of paying homage to the emperor of a country, he is going to meet a Xiaoyaohou.

No, it's the Duke of Xiaoyao County.

Ye Qing's Marquis Yijing has fallen.

It's not Hou anymore.

This is too much.

If you are going after the court, this is also understandable.

So Ye Zhenye's face on the dragon chair turned blue and purple.

There was a huge murderous look and anger in his eyes.

Yang Biao and several family officials looked at each other, and then got Ye Wei's nod.

Then he stood up and said:
"Your Majesty impeached the Duke of Xiaoyao County. The Duke of Xiaoyao County didn't want to be loyal to the country. During the confinement period, he actually colluded with Beishi Kingdom in the open and in the dark. It harmed the prestige of the country and was not a benevolent son."


Ye Zhen frowned upon hearing this, his face turned dark.

What do you mean?
Your Yang family is going to attack Xiaoyao Mansion, you are not going to bear it, you want to impeach him.

This is a bit unexpected.

Ye Zhen couldn't figure out Yang Biao's real intention for a while.

Because of this name, it is not enough to make him punish Ye Qing.

Even if he is punished, he can't explain to the people of Dazhou, and he can't be convinced.

(End of this chapter)

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